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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. Youre moving the goalposts. Cops having to give cops tickets is a bad law. Why? Because cops know damn well that most of their traffic tickets are basically legalized racketeering. When the municipality needs money what do they do? Speed traps. Further, what do you think would happen to you if you were a cop and you gave another cop a petty ticket? Duct taped to a basketball goal? Thrown in the dumpster? Alienate coworkers? Anways, I’m done. If you want to go against the grain, g’head. But it doesn’t often go well for people.
  2. Sir, you inability to follow logic does not reflect poorly upon me, but it says plenty about you. A soldier not facing UCMJ consequences for an illegal sexual act (*****) while another soldier is punished by the UCMJ for wearing white socks is inarguably “unequal enforcement of law.” No commander however is dumb enough or “ethical” enough (by your standards) to implement the law equally because that would be retarded.
  3. B-b-but the law is the law isn’t it? Every Joe who’s gotten his dick sucked should be dishonorably discharged by your logic.
  4. No. My argument is that uncompromising idiots never get their way because reason prevails. Nobody in LE is going to get in trouble for extending a little courtesy to their contemporaries, just as nobody in the military is going to get in trouble for getting a ***** despite both being against the law. I think you got my point quite well. You just tried to make it sound ridiculous once you realized how invalid it makes your idiotic argument. If you worked as a cop with “Frank” and pulled Frank over for going 10 mph over the limit you would NOT give Frank a ticket. You’d say ‘oh hi Frank, have a great day’ just as any other cop would. If you found that Frank was guilty of racketeering that’s another story. When you try twisting your opponents point you’ve lost the argument. Galba. Cato the younger. Cromwell. All uncompromising, rigid idiots who all eventually lost. Because they were uncompromising.
  5. Did you know butt sex and blowjobs are punishable under the UCMJ? Let’s kick out every servicrmember guilty of plowing butt, and getting a hummer! Not only would it be ethical, but also practical.
  6. Still waiting on you to enlighten me with your Jew-coliseum-9/11 story. Ya know, Tammy, for a guy who insists he knows a great deal you never display it. Mainly just witty one liners. Your one liners are witty but they also seem to be the height of your capability.
  7. Quite the rhetoric to describe coworkers being friendly. Lighten up Francis.
  8. And your uncompromising objectivity to human nature is irrational.
  9. What then I mean is that we must not go above that for any immigrant. And im not an immigration expert and my understanding is that such things are not permenant.
  10. See, Emperor Galba. Learn his fate and why. And maybe learn and grow. Being overly rigid for the sake of being overly rigid will never lead to loyalty or sustained success.
  11. Those men did nothing the prophet wouldn’t have commended. As such, there’s only one solution. But what do I know?
  12. Good story. That kinda stuff only exists in two worlds: military and LE. Hows the kid? Really? C’mon. After my first deployment I got pulled over in post. The MP was the wife of a bro in my platoon. She noticed booze in the back of the car. I wasn’t drunk and hadn’t had a sip that night (yet). She KNEW I was only 20. She did the right thing. She said hello and told me to have a good evening. While recruiting in Texas in my government vehicle every time I was pulled over for speeding I got a warning and a handshake. ...had I been being question for carnal knowledge of a minor it would NOT have been a warning and a handshake. Theres nothing wrong with LE courtesy. Thats just how the world works.
  13. https://www.yahoo.com/news/canadian-detained-china-questioned-daily-no-lawyer-access-020840144.html China has my concern over Russia at this point. To some extent Putin can be reasonable. The same cannot be said of the Chinese. It is an evil, lawless empire that needs to be checked at every turn.
  14. I wouldn’t disagree but Josh Allen is the most important. So what’s that say about CBs? What’s that say about defense?
  15. I think it’d be worth a discussion to create a legal status of “permenant resident” to EVERY immigrant who is allowed to permanently reside in our country. Why? Voting. I do not believe the democrats desire to simply “help refugees.” They want to increase their voter roles. They should not be allowed to vote. Now if they have children while in our country, certainly their children should have the right to vote. Rome has a similar policy and it worked quite well.
  16. To his credit and my disappointment he’s a modern day Belisarius. I say that because I’d love for him to challenge Trump for the republican nominee in 2020, and he’d immediately create mass defections of GOP support for Trump. Veterans would rally to his side over the draft dodger. However, knowing what I know of the man I do not believe that is something he’s considering. But if he does, he’d be a very serious threat to Trumps political future. Without genocide there is no winning solution in that country. Kill a million of them and they’ll offer you a million more to kill. And when they run out of those they’ll find more Afghanis for us to kill. The Afghanis desire an unoccupied Afghanistan so that they can refocus their efforts on killing their greatest enemy the Afghanis.
  17. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-46639182 Haj trying to pull on 9/11 in Germany. What’s it gonna take to temper their niavity? That religion does not / cannot coexist with others. You can supersede Islamic fundamentalism because you CANNOT override the word of the prophet. It cannot be done. Im so sick of people dying due to liberal niavity.
  18. https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-says-defense-secretary-mattis-leaving-end-february-223120592.htm Trump — you ***** retard. ....MATTIS 2020!!! Theres absolutely no civilizing Haj.
  19. Trump is doing nothing less than ensuring I vote for him in 2020. I dislike his foreign policy but his domestic policy is very much to my liking. Shut it down! Shut it down!
  20. Oh my god, no. Just no. Not even close. Just freaking no. There were some awful things that happened -- but people are sooooo quick to forget what the natives did that sealed their fate. They sided with the French during the 7 years war. They sided with the British during the Revolutionary War. People like to pretend it was to a degree it wasn't. Then there was disease. There was genocide. Yes. But -- a lot of it had to do with bad politics and disease.
  21. *non-com Wow. You're comparing an E7-E9 to a 2LT. Brilliant. Not stacking the deck at all are ya?
  22. I was an outstanding NCO. NCOERs all 1-1. Plus, off duty conduct — how many non-cons did I see get DUI’s or domestic assault charges? I can’t count. Never saw it from officers though. Thats not to say that there werent exceptional NCOs. “No one is more professional than I” ?
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