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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. I assure you there was NOTHING dangerous about any of it. Not even a little.
  2. No, I do. Trumpers do not care about honor and integrity. I understand. They don't care if they put a man in charge of soldiers who wouldn't share a foxhole with them. I completely understand. I don't respect it, but I get it.
  3. 1. No it wasn't. 2. WWII gets a lot of attention being that it is the most recent great war in memory and many people are drawn to it because 'grandpa fought in the war.' In time it will even out. 3. Those Jewish sob stories are called "history" and they do attempt to teach it in school. 4. It was counterproductive to the Nazi war effort in many ways. 5. I can go from Bronze Age Mesopotamia-to- WWII pretty well. The holocaust is NOT overblown, and its a very unique thing. I assure you. ....was it economics?
  4. And that's whats sad about you. You don't care if the current Commander in Chief is a draft dodger. You don't care if the man in charge of troops is a draft dodger. I know. I get it.
  5. The man was an athlete in high school. COME ON........all of a sudden he cant do man things? Did you Trump people know that? The Don was a gifted baseball player. "Bone spurs" has always been a privilege of the American wealthy during times of war.
  6. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/daughters-late-podiatrist-claim-diagnosed-donald-trump-bone-spurs-vietnam-war-favor-134618527.html Well NOOOOO *****. I didn’t need proof to know that — it’s just obvious.
  7. "Stats are for losers." Anyways, I'm not even a bit concerned with Josh's stats this year. Next year I will be. I think that's fair.
  8. Bingo. "Look at me, I'm woke as *****! I'm a "Marthas Vineyard liberal" who's educated. I care about minorities and transgenders. I paid $1,200 for my iPhone made in China by a person making $3 a day."
  9. The bolded: I agree with the idea but I think what we have now is just the new norm and short of Russia or China taking over the world I don't think we'll see a mass return to slavery. The underlined: Words hurt, Tammy!
  10. The thing with slavery is -- I give EVERYBODY a pass up until the 20th century. Why? Everybody dipped their pen in that ink and everybody was guilty and it wasn't even remotely considered wrong until popular opinion started turning on the subject in the 19th century. I judge people based on the thinking of their day, not by the transgender-accepting standards of today. And the trans-atlantic slave trade was pretty bad. But it couldn't have been made possible without the help of plenty of black africans who lined their pockets so I roll my eyes anytime a black person starts talking about the injustices suffered unto them because IT HAPPENED TO EVERYBODY. It's just it's not studied in America deeply other than the trans-atlantic slave trade so it gives many Americans a narrow point of view on the topic. But it wasn't possible without black slavers in Africa so I think American blacks should demand their reparations from the Africans that sold their ancestors.
  11. Not really anybody here. But there are apparently PLENTY of people that deny it happened. Their evidence is very “flat earth.” Most seem to be neo-Nazis who want to clear Hitlers good name.
  12. 1. You're completely off to even mention the indians of North America. I mean we're talking about the early 17th century during the first colonies to the early 20th century. That doesn't smack of a willful genocide. You're also using a great many deaths due to sickness as part of your genocide, and that's not exactly true. 2. Which one in Mexico, hombre? 3. Slavery in the US? So bloody what? There wasn't a significant thing about slavery in the US. I mean I know American blacks like to pretend it was a historically horrific incident but it wasn't. Spin the globe and you'll find it literally everywhere. To include many African Muslim blacks enslaving and raping white women -- see barbary pirates. 4. Plagues? What? How is a disease anybody's fault? 5. Genghis Khan -- while successful, his tactics and techniques weren't all that unheard of. And they never really set out to genocide anybody....it's just they were politically Machiavellian. They believed that if they razed a town that resisted them that others would bend the knee and that their violence would create less bloodshed in the end. 6. The Viking's were NOT like the Nazi's in any way. During the Viking era there was a huge problem of land. People need land to grow crops to eat. That was the issue with the Danes. Plus, raiding at the time was something that everybody in Europe did. It's just the Saxons weren't able to deal with an amphibious people at first which made the Vikings unique. See the Dane Law in England for more on the topic. 7. Yes, there is a relation to Islam and Nazism. That's why Islam is an evil thing. 8. The holocaust was/is a unique event in history due to its efficiency and intent. If you wanna deny it you'll only impress morons.
  13. I do apologize for the horrid grammar. Can’t tell if that was last nights scotch or my phone. My phone does some weird auto correcting on this site. Really? See current President. Also, I wonder how PC liberals really are. Like is our view of the average liberal being distorted by the PC Twitter extremists and Amy Schumer? Or are they all really that retarded? I need Gallup to research this.
  14. Uh, what I. Mattis’ character analyses leads you to believe he’s a VP? That man is a leader. Being #2 isn’t in his DNA. Just my opinion.
  15. That’s the reason I think it’s unlikely.
  16. An unlearned draftdodger over a scholarly general? Yup, based on your posts I’d say you’re being sincere.
  17. I may be an idiot, Sir, but there is one thing I am not...and that is a Canadian!
  18. Eh? As a Bills fan I wouldn’t know anything about any of that.
  19. For sure. I could go to my local gun store and get p-mags for $10-$12 a pop.
  20. https://www.yahoo.com/news/baltimore-buys-back-nearly-2-000-weapons-streets-192327463.html Id like to see the quality of weapons turned in. I got an old 10/22 I’d sell them for $100? Hey buddy, we Americans don’t care aboot world opinions. Nor do we worship maple trees like you syrup chuggin heathens! What America is aboot is freedom, guns, and being *****in awesome.
  21. I doubt he does, but if Mattis primaries Trump for the republican nominee, who are you gonna vote for? like I said, I don’t expect it, but a boy can hope.
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