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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/queen-elizabeth-christmas-message-sparks-backlash-on-twitter-for-featuring-gold-piano Her Majesty is a saint and I would GLADLY beat all their faces into a jelly with a bat given the chance. Ingrateful savages. God. ***** liberals. I HATES em.
  2. ...I am going to take that as a compliment. Thank you, sir. I feel for the cop but it couldn’t have happened in a state that deserves it more.
  3. There was a reason it wasn’t in the bill of rights and it ain’t because it slipped their mind. Also, may I point to the decline of the British Empire after enfranchisement. But I’m sure the people who disagree with me are familiar with that and have studied it. Especially you.
  4. I saw your luggage. And then when I noticed the airline ticket I put 2 and 2 together.
  5. Your posts make me wonder if you even have a head. At least there’s enough in mine to never raise the doubt. If I did, you wouldn’t waste your time informing me of it.
  6. Sometimes I read your posts and wonder if you were just recently dropped on your head.
  7. She is one of my many examples on why we need to stop universal suffrage. She’s voted into office by parasites who consume welfare and clog the courts and jail cells. And she’s retarded. There’s also that. https://www.yahoo.com/news/authorities-hunt-california-police-officers-killer-060059012.html Regretable that it happened but if it happens I’m glad it happens in California.
  8. When I fart, I fart in Canada’s general direction.
  9. Sir, excuse me — but President Obama was black. Do you not understand? He’s black and so he’s not racist. Those deaths were accidents or just interned sick people who were gonna die anyways. When a a person dies on Trumps watch it’s because of his final solution. Why is that hard to understand?
  10. I’m looking forward to an institution of higher learning having the balls to tell students, especially the black ones, to shut the ***** up and grow up.
  11. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/f-nazis-not-welcome-sign-hanging-window-umass-amherst-dorm-sparks-controversy-190600235.html
  12. Yeah. Point? And as ive always said my views are complex. Iraq was an unecessary war that was poorly handled. I mean I had a GREAT time. But there’s a part of me that rather it not have happened because good people died. And it was a bad war. But yeah, I got have a great time and to me, Haj is Haj, and a Pew research pool taken shortly after 9/11 on Muslim approval/disapproval (find it yourself if you want a link) indicated as such. So it didn’t matter to me where we fought Haj. And ive never doubted W’s empathy for veterans. Good man, W. Still, he deserves a white feather.
  13. As a guy he sent to war, I do not doubt his genuine commitment.
  14. W. was a draft dodger too. I ain’t no senators son.
  15. N-n-n-no.... my thesis is that all the troubles of the Jews (AD) stems from their conflict with Rome. Had they been able to deal with Rome politically instead of violently (the path THEY chose) then perhaps there wouldn't be such issues which all come from diaspora and their being viewed as huge pains in the ass because to the Empire they kinda were. You have to know about https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bar_Kokhba_revolt to get what I’m saying btw. See, before Muslims, Jews were the Muslims of the civilized world. Especially from the Roman point of view. Its actually one of histories greatest misunderstandings, next to Romans disgust with the cannobalistic Christians. Real knee slappers.
  16. I think the moral of the story is dont ***** with Rome. Thats what it all boils down to.
  17. The Iraq one doesn’t count because WHO CARES?!
  18. It was Yahoo. But that's not too far off considering what Yahoo know is. I'm apparently one of the last remaining souls on the internet who stop by Yahoo for news....but I've been doing it since Yahoo was a thing so its kinda regimented at this point.
  19. There I was minding my business and I stumbled across this. I vomited in my mouth. Therefor, to be a dick, I'm dropping it here. By the way, completely unfair to the Rhino. No way it has that many rolls.
  20. 1. Yeah. I don't even know what happened there. There was a Swiss banker (I think Swiss) and then he cooked the books, and then everybody was literally killing everybody for democracy and then Napoleon had to form an authoritarian government to preserve the democracy that was created. 2. Those poor Armenians. NEVER TRUST HAJ! NEVER!
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