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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. https://www-m.cnn.com/2018/12/29/health/third-gender-law-germany-grm-intl/index.html?r=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cnn.com%2 BREAKING: Krauts Formally Recognize Freaks & Crazies Playing Makebelieve Thats because borders are racist.
  2. The dude was one-hopin screens. What went wrong is that we drafted that no-talent *****. That’s what went wrong. Nice kid. Crap QB.
  3. I’m sure those guns are going to their Muslim population to reinforce their young but prosperous caliphate.
  4. Oh how I’m misunderstood. What I advocate for is always what I believe to be the best possible outcome. Sure it sounds cruel. But add up the butchers bill. I say we shoot at border crossers, maybe killing between 20-50. But what that might get you is a cessation on caravans, and MS-13 gang members crossing on to our soil. It’s like ripping off the bandaid. Better to sustain a seconds worth of moderate pain than 10 seconds worth of slightly less moderate pain. Further, it’d be better for those that seek to rape our sovereignty too. They need to start looking for ways to improve their situations and their nations rather than improve their lot at the expensive of me and you. Their escape plan isn’t a cure to the issues plaguing them, which are issues of their own incompetence. That was funny though.
  5. That is the riddle of my life. And I disagree while agreeing. Yes there were internal factors. But the Goths dealt the blow at Adrianople. And the East survived for another millennium until Haj came. Point is, my original point isn’t without merit. It’s not a stand alone reason but certainly a reason. I cant help but feel like Scipio Amilianus as he watched Carthage burn. Weeping he told Pulybius that he wept out of thought that one day his nation to would suffer that fate. My entire politics is based on not watching America burn. Which is why I despise and distrust interlopers. As did Amilianus.
  6. Had Rome genocided the Goths as they crossed the Danube, Rome would not have fallen. Migrations have taken down many empires. Id rather we commit war crimes while politicians squabble over a wall then let in the savages who will taken us down in 50-100 years. They will NOT do it through violence but through a strain on the system that speeds poverty like a contagious cancer. They’ll vote radical politicians in who will quite literally turn us into Venezuela. Id rather we shoot them from our soil while they’re on Mexican soil and live with blood on our hands than see the nation ruined while I’m a dying old man. Sometimes the best advice is that from Machiavelli.
  7. We need armed militias that just start shooting any border crossers.
  8. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-46705128 theyll stop at nothing until all of the previous culture and history of the land from which we sprang is a disgusting caliphate.
  9. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-45209868 Germany needs a night of broken glass NOW. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/ilhan-omar-slams-trump-possibly-revealing-top-secret-military-information-literally-cant-get-anything-right-152359362.html Whatever, Haj. They had better have this Haj’s phones and everything else monitored. That gross Haj pretending to be on America’s side is offensive. This is NOT what Jefferson, Adams, and company had in mind.
  10. No, no, no. That weapon is for 300 and in. You cannot quickly move from one target to another adequately with a scope on there and it’s a hinderance and a curse. ACOG is acceptable, but you must supplement it with an attachable reflex sight.
  11. Im a huge fan of eotechs, personally. Highly recommend. Further, I mock any person who puts a scope on an AR.
  12. But did it work? It’s a shining beacon of why profiling should always be employed.
  13. He's done losing. Thank you, Kyle. Now your watch has ended.
  14. Dont ya think the eventual nominee got a little personal with him?
  15. We need to have open borders and provide EVERYBODY with: - Universal basic income - Free education - Free school breakfast and lunches - Free healthcare - Quality lodgings if they can’t afford it - Food stamps if they need them Yes, it will ruin the country due to its cost. But as we’re all dying of hunger at least we’ll be able to say ‘we’re no racists!’
  16. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/anti-trump-oakland-mayor-who-tipped-off-illegal-immigrants-of-ice-raid-says-she-has-no-regrets How in the fock is this not obstruction of justice? These people are committing a crime. How is this any any different than tipping off a bank robber that the coppers are on him? Put this retard in jail!
  17. As a dude who has had multiple concussions and whom has consumed copious amounts of marijuana I have come to the scientific conclusion that marijuana is awesome. I hope my input and years of research has positively contributed to this post.
  18. https://www.theroot.com/netflixs-bird-box-is-really-about-how-white-people-dont-1831345159/amp I blame this all on John Wilkes Booth. Shortsighted dick.
  19. I knew I shoulda went with Norm. Or Woody. God, why’d I go with Malone?!
  20. I’m not sure what porn has to do with this but I’m more than willing to give your logic a shot...but not a hand.
  21. Blah, blah, blah. Im not saying I’m happy about the cops death. But if its gonna happen it should happen in California. An illegal alien killed a cop. California helped make it possible. Maybe they need to suffer more of these to learn?
  22. Ok, but she stands for everything Her Majesty’s country stands for. And I love her. I will weep when I hear of her passing. To me she represents the last of a bygone era. An era when men were gentlemen, and women were ladies. And I love her.
  23. Kids games? I’m like a sprained ankle, I don’t play. But if I can’t be Cliff, I’m totally Sam.
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