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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-46754639 What the ***** *****?
  2. The release of that was about as damning as the report on Ms. Lippy’s car being green.
  3. Look, can’t we all just come together and be happy about a dead haj? I know I am.
  4. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-46745656 This is the direction of liberalism. A man arrested for protesting a corrupt, incompetent government, and for the high crime of carrying wood. This is in France. France is a stupid nation. France has been ruined by liberalism. Lets not be France. France is the most disgusting nation in all of western civilization. In the future I shall refer to it as Gaul since its obvious they're still savages.
  5. If Islamic immigration continues unchecked into this country, I promise you'll see this here: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-46757504 If Democrats insist on diversifying the nation I promise in 20 years this country will look like the Balkans in the early 90's.
  6. https://www.yahoo.com/news/migrants-stuck-mexican-side-border-040226410.html They say nothing can stop them. I bet a wall could. Do you see these savages? They do NOT care about America. They just want in and they don't believe we should have a right to restrict access to our country. And the Democrats agree with them. Democrats are basically all treasonous.
  7. I'm sure there are a couple new members of congress who are devastated.
  8. I think it's Kiko's fault and I hope he pays dearly.
  9. My most favorite thing is when Haj blows himself up trying to set an IED or whilst making a bomb. Real knee slappers.
  10. Im pleased. I didn't know who he was, but I was pleased based upon reading his name along with the word "dead." Very pleasing.
  11. Bexit isn't a blip. It's a damning reaction to diversity and above all, Muslims. I think you're very naive to nationalism, and the way things work.
  12. ......I really wish people understood how the Roman Republic collapsed. This is how. The frickin Senate and Assemblies and their gridlock. Caesar wasn't a bad guy -- he was the smartest guy and he knew what needed to be done and so he made himself king.
  13. You're going to start seeing increasing concern for borders, not less. I had to Google that. I'm not a man of science. I thought whatever that was must be akin to something like the Hindenburg Line. I was off a bit.
  14. Well I can reasonably assume there will be borders because I can point to borders going back to the Bronze Age. Also, their economic union has led to nothing other than their now being murdered by immigrants.
  15. Well....it's confusing to me. Their side is huge into government jobs and living high on the hog. I'm not a Trumper but I am a conservative and I go to sleep with a smile on my face thinking about all the useless government employees not getting paid. And they're still making more than they deserve without their paychecks. So what posturing? I'm quite sure Trump's base can sustain a shutdown longer than the Democrats. Good. Hopefully they're visited at their homes by people who are tired with Germany looking like Somalia.
  16. Yes, the wall was stupid in that case because it divided a people that were united. It split a country. And it defended socialism. So that wall was stupid, but successful. There will always be borders until there's a one world order. My god, do you think that last line is prophetic or progressive?
  17. That wall didn’t fail. It was incredibly successful. So was the Soviet policy on shooting people jumping it. Horrible point, Tibs. If you want a bad wall use the chinese one.
  18. https://www.yahoo.com/news/u-appeals-court-hands-win-trump-transgender-military-143127410.html HUGE win. Maybe the military will be able to keep some good soldiers now. Now, to get women out of combat MOS’ and back to support roles where they belong. Yeah, am I missing something? What’s the point of passing a bill that won’t be signed aside from futile political posturing?
  19. You want to dictate policy based on a freaking poem? That’s remarkably gay. And just stupid. Maybe put down your poem books and begin reading history books?
  20. Because of cuckolds. All white liberals are cockolds. Their desire now is to repent for racism by cuckolding our history, and western values to anything and everything that stands against them. That’s why they advocate for socialism. That’s why schumer is concerned about ramping up the numbers of non-Caucasian immigrants. They seek to destroy everything that made America great.
  21. https://www.yahoo.com/gma/congresswoman-rashida-tlaib-curses-trump-call-impeachment-074007548--abc-news-topstories.html I have every bit of confidence in Democrat’s and Haj to create the incendiary political landscape necessary to cultivate political violence which is a fight they’ll lose every time. Just sit back and watch them douse their selves with napalm.
  22. http://insider.foxnews.com/2019/01/03/hank-johnson-says-trump-authoritarian-racist-hitler-strongman-watters-responds-five So gratifying to see something you shouted at the TV become a headline.
  23. The motivation? Who cares. Maybe Buffalo did it to try and scare some people away? And I couldn't care less about those tweets. Not one iota. I can only imagine what idiotic things I'd have posted on social media had it been around while I was in high school. Further, most of the tweets weren't from Josh. There's one about him wanting to 'grow his penis.' Did Josh really write that? Heck no. I'm sure it was a buddy messing around with him.
  24. I've seen a liberal news source called "the Jacobins." It's like they stopped reading after the Tennis Court oath. It's like they didn't learn a damn thing.
  25. This aint France. And it is my belief that the reason we cant get arrested for Tweets like the French can is because our 1st is backed by our 2nd.
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