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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. ....so true. The past 200 years are quite radical. Well, I’d go 250 years at this point.
  2. Immigration is a very serious problem. I’m just happy he’s handling it. If youre upset about it send some mexicans some money or something. But use your money and not other peoples.
  3. How dare he enforce borders!!! That’s a racism.
  4. https://www.yahoo.com/gma/house-democrats-unveil-universal-background-check-bill-anniversary-092706743--abc-news-topstories.html This is nothing more than legislation for the sake of legislation. Ridiculous. Pointless.
  5. IEDs. Back before we learned we’d keep convoys not at set distances. Ie, 50 meters between trucks. Haj would set up a stake about 50 meters from the IED and a stick at the IED. First truck goes by and they count their “Allah Akbars.” If it’s 3, then when the second truck goes by Haj counts 3 Allah Albars and then WHAMMY.
  6. Its also used for timing / detonation purposes.
  7. She’s a Haj and therefor hates Jews. But I find the accusation to be exaggerated.
  8. This thread is a thread for people who appreciate whiskey. Please post when you try a new whiskey with your thoughts on it. Also, if you use an mixers with whiskey this thread is not for you.
  9. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-46788751 Burn it down!!!
  10. Haj should be interned and NOT in politics and that is an American scientific fact. ***** Haj. 1. Identify 2. Confiscate property 3. Intern 4. Relocate to someplace not in America, preferably sandy. They like sand.
  11. If it was a white cop that killed an illegal, OMG. Ive never seen politics so entrenched in racial lines. What’s baffling is all the whites in the democrat trenches indoctrinating all who will listen on the evils of whites. Ridiculous. All of it.
  12. *”I killed Haj for food!” we used to get surf-n-turf on fridays in OIF3!
  13. Have you ever been to Texas? See, I’m constantly annoyed when I travel to New York. Yankees are the rudest people on the face of the earth. And I can’t figure out why. They’ve no reason to be as stuck up as they are. I mean, look at NY — it’s a shithole. Go to Texas and you’ll find polite and caring people.
  14. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2019/01/05/politics/elizabeth-warren-iowa-campaign-native-american/index.html Why is skin color so important to liberals? Or, why do they elevate anybody who isn’t white? Liberals act like white people have need to repent for something. Misguided creatures.
  15. https://www.foxnews.com/us/washington-judge-sets-new-trial-date-for-former-naacp-president-charged-with-welfare-fraud-report ...maybe she really is black?? i kid, I kid.
  16. I say this, and I mean it, and it makes people uncomfortable. The best way to stop democrats is with violence. Brown shirts patrolling the polls. I’m there. Never thought I would be, but I am.
  17. Sounds like terrorism. But we can play the same game with ***** and civilian. I bet you did nazi that coming! why is k-r-a-u-t blacked out?
  18. https://www.yahoo.com/news/house-will-open-money-laundering-inquiry-trump-russia-ties-says-key-democrat-000032742.html EVERYBODY knows Trump was involved in shady deals in which money was laundered. That said, this investigation is a frickin which hunt.
  19. Yeah, I’m an awful speller. Thank god for my wife. She’s wicked smart and my personal editor. Maybe I ought have her edit my ramblings?
  20. The Krauts were kinda right. Regular infantry in WWII wasn’t to the level ***** infantry was. Our Airborne and armored units did quite well though. China is my main concern. And I share your fears. An army of mixed-gender, and transgenders will accomplish nothing in the field. Further, Americans are becoming more and more “French” in their views of war. Why? Take a look at the demographics. This ain’t the country that won WWII. Mixed demographics have brought mixed cultures which is eroding our western culture and destroying our warrior spirit. The gayosexualism of the modern era has brought new morales and ethics and they’ve declared any form of manliness to be toxic masculinity. We actually need a bloody bloody war to set things right in my opinion. But I doubt we win because of liberals.
  21. If he does I concur with him. The borders being overrun is an emergency. If Russia had this problem they’d just shoot the invaders. The problem would make a couple of headlines and then it’d be over. Taking a firm, violent, hardline is sometimes the most compassionate way of dealing with problems.
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