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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. Sir.....do you really think the "if" was necessary in that sentence. I assure you, if there's no metal detectors I'm packin. Further, the kid has GOT to learn that you have to get the robbers attention, shoot them from the front, and then say "I feared for my life" to every question.
  2. Now he's a good boy! Deserves a medal. The burglar also got his just reward. Tom, I wish you got to know Haj like I did. I wish more that Haj got to know you like Haj got to know me. I wish that more.
  3. Yeah. POGs and civilians. I can’t communicate with them types.
  4. Quit being a gay. That child deserves a medal and a parade. Good for the lad.
  5. Most people do disdain my kinda dialogue. Youre right there. I do not know how to talk with non-military, non-grunt types. I call them “men” but that word has many meanings these days.
  6. https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/dr-marc-siegel-pot-and-your-health-heres-what-a-physician-wants-you-to-know-marijuana Why didn’t they include the parts on satan worshiping, and the increased potential that your daughter might date a black guy? I’d wish him (Chelsea) a spinal injury but I don’t want you to cry. No sir, I’m after them.
  7. And that my friend is why I’m an advocate of high capacity magazines and am willing to sacrifice caliber for capacity. I believe in lots of bullets to accommodate my average marksmanship.
  8. In my best French accent, “now go away, or I shall taunt you a second time!”
  9. ...my dad can beat up your dad.
  10. IPhone 8. It literally does the weirdest things on this site. https://www.yahoo.com/news/look-border-reality-amid-wall-debate-233323856.html ???? Check the picture in this article! i can just see some exec at CNN now. “No, not the fat woman and her two 12 year olds in diapers. Something fun. Something peppy and harmless. Get me a picture with kids and balloons!”
  11. Not i. I love Jews. See, the Jews and I have a mutual enemy — filthy, stinkin, sub-human, Haj. I am a friend to the Hebrews.
  12. No. Just pointing out the obvious.
  13. He’s almost as unfit for office as you are for thinking.
  14. 60% of the time, that works every time.
  15. Right. Nuremberg...whatever could you mean? Almost impossible for a student of history such as myself to decipher.
  16. I know, they all voted for Hillary. About 3 million of 'em.
  17. Idiot. It's only because I know of no superseding authority.
  18. How, “Mexicans” are better than agrarian-Americans? Huh. I don’t remember learning about Mexicans storming Utah Beach. I don’t remember learning about Mexicans accomplishing anything for that matter. But, I’m sure you follow the Liberal spectrum....the further liberals get away from white, the more they like it. So I see your point. Why would my phone auto correct "How" to "Mao."
  19. Your “rights” are based solely on your ability to enforce them. It has nothing to do with a creator.
  20. I’d have nuked the ***** out of them 2 summers ago. We should have.
  21. https://www.yahoo.com/news/prosecutor-duo-attacked-wrong-car-deadly-drive-222142202.html I bet democrats are soooo disappointed it just turned out to be black thugs. Man were they ready to parade that dead girls face everywhere. They must be so sad now.
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