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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. Youve got spotters at gay clubs? Its alllll starting to come together. If it’s a bro who went D Day to Berlin my answer is no. If its you my answer is yes. Im truly blessed and lucky to have gotten a war. But let’s be honest — it was an unworthy opponent and it’s not like I was living in the mud of Flanders fighting against a worthy opponent.
  2. You ain’t earned no Stetson or spurs. You can’t come in. Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time.
  3. A little. Depends on whos askin.
  4. LOVE seeing all these government employees suffering a little. It’s awesome. ‘We want your money money and we’re entitled to it no matter how poorly we all preform!’
  5. Ok. Are you a VFW?
  6. I think maybe in high school. Shut up, ya gay. You can’t drink there neither. And for your information, it’s a good old-time canteen. And you’re not allowed. Neither is Haj. Also, after basic I only went back to Knox but once and only for a day. I’m unfamiliar with the surrounding area, but I trust you on gay club locations.
  7. Women: ‘Give us the vote! We’re smart enough to have our say!’ Men: ‘No. you’ll screw it up.’ Women: ‘GIVE US THE VOTE!’ Men: ‘No!’ Women: ‘GIVE US THE VOTE. Otherwise we’ll keep being obnoxious.’ Men: ? ‘fine.’ Women: ‘......now that we have the vote, we don’t think you guys should drink anymore. That way you have more time to listen to us.’ Then everything started going to *****.
  8. Yes, only. IBTC? Da fuq is that? Just putting Tammy in his place. Tammy thinks he knows some *****. He don’t. But I will take you star. Thank you.
  9. Dude the flower lasts longer for me. Though I’ve never tried dabs/wax. But the oil concentrates are pretty cool but they don’t last all that long.
  10. What doesn’t matter is what you think due to your complete lack of experience and knowledge on army things. Especially cavalry things. You can’t drink at Fiddlers Green. Nope. I can.
  11. I was a 19D. Call it what you will.
  12. Pogs, maybe. Anybody who does that is definitely a pog. Most military members are non combatants.
  13. https://www.yahoo.com/gma/indiana-police-release-body-cam-footage-officer-accidentally-105708183--abc-news-topstories.html If there's one thing I know about American police it's that they lack the training necessary to qualify them to carry. Seriously, these are mouth breathing retards with guns. Gun things are difficult. Takes time to master. Friendly fire is NEVER acceptable, especially in this situation. This is what happens when the criteria to be a cop is equal to that of a Walmart cashier. Only the Walmart cashier probably earns a more honest wage.....
  14. My stance on it is this: The United States Constitution does NOT give congress or any agency the authority to arbitrarily make a non-lethal, municipal, flower illegal. Therefore, the prohibition on marijuana is illegal and not a law that I bother to acknowledge. If the crime is victimless there's no crime. My weed and my guns: Molon Labe
  15. Ok. But that’s not wrong. You do know the English — never mind.
  16. You forgot maths. Also, wasn’t bragging.
  17. Its not misspelled the way I do it. Are you an english teacher? BTW, my only subjects throughout school I did not receive consistent A’s were French, Sciences, and English.
  18. 1. Self sufficient small business owner 2. Patriotic 3. War hero 4 Ozzes masculinity Yeah, I’m exactly what the younger generation hates.
  19. https://www.yahoo.com/gma/teacher-south-africa-suspended-controversial-photo-students-goes-210509367--abc-news-topstories.html The liberals would like you to read the above. But, do NOT worry or pay any attention to the black on white violence going on. Don’t read into that. Just be upset about this article.
  20. 40 years! I’m sure you reached that milestone in half that.
  21. He’s a top 5 kinda guy. Only way he makes it to 9 is if a dead hooker is found in his hotel room the night before the draft.
  22. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-46821421 Imagine if this were a white dude singing about killing blacks. Oh the manufactured outrage that would exist. I say deport the savage back to his undeveloped continent. France is for the French because we won it for them twice. And he doesn’t look French to me.
  23. Ok, first off I never lie. I know you didn’t accuse me of lying, but you made me sound like a story teller which I am not. I’ve got some cool storie because I’ve got some cool scars and have done some seriously awesome stuff. Secondly, I did Iraq things. I’ve kicked in more than 1000 doors. I’ve blown some ***** up. I’ve accidently lit a Haj village on fire with a 203 flare. It was ***** hilarious. But I did not cross the Hindenburg Line. So scratch field fortifications.
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