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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. Do you think a person of mixed descent would have had a political career in the 18th century? I say of course not. Is there any proof of mixed ethnicity? No. We’re these things tracked closely? Yes. So, unless you have new evidence all you really have is the beginnings of a Dan Brown novel.
  2. 1. The Iroquois were idiots who continually hedged their bets on the losing side. Unsurprisingly their political system was a matriarchy so it’s failures were inevitable. 2. The Dutch? Are you mad, sir?!
  3. https://www.foxnews.com/lifestyle/gillette-addresses-toxic-masculinity-in-new-ad-campaign Liberals are trying to phase out masculinity. Who will win wars if they’re successful?
  4. I would like to identify as a billionaire dictator.
  5. Basically. There’s irresponsible speculation that his mothers mixed race but it’s based on the same quality of evidence that Hitler was half Jewish.
  6. Hed be safe if his affiliations were towards Hamas and Iran.
  7. Not sure you’re angle. Are you suggesting I think everything is too high capacity? Or any amount of ammunition in my keep is too much? I’m not sure why I’m asking as either way I don’t care. I guess uncertainty just bothers me.
  8. They’ll just be easier to defeat when the time comes. Wait, the math just hit me....Revolvers are too “high capacity” for them? Oh. My. God.
  9. https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/the-view-grills-womens-march-co-founder-tamika-mallory-over-ties-to-louis-farrakhan-why-call-him-the-greatest-of-all-time The Haj, Farrakhan, will NEVER be condemned by Bolsheviks until such time as Haj wields considerable power in this country and then starts killing the Bolsheviks openly.
  10. They got wall issues in common.
  11. I feel bad for any gay victim that’s not dumb enough to stick their head into the crocs jaws.
  12. There’s no question about AHs ethnicity.
  13. https://www-m.cnn.com/2019/01/14/europe/russian-lgbt-activists-crackdown-chechnya-intl/index.html?r=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cnn.com%2F Why I don’t/won’t feel sorry for liberal gays who become victims of Islamic terrorism.
  14. https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-warns-turkey-economic-devastation-hits-kurds-235428332.html MAKE ISTANBUL CONSTANTINOPLE AGAIN! Lets rid the savages from Europe forever!!!
  15. I love the Bills. But it I haven’t lived in WNY in almost 25 years. WNY is a beautiful place, but Buffalo is a crap hole.
  16. https://www.yahoo.com/news/border-plan-sparks-fear-kosovos-serb-enclaves-041025920.html How many territorial disputes and wars has Islam started on what should be a Christian continent? Theyre destabilization of the Balkans literally helped usher in WWI and they were very much responsible for the violence that resulted after Yugoslavia crumbled. Every where they go they bring trouble.
  17. Help us Pat Mahomes, you’re our only hope.
  18. Wow. Just when you think they’re at their end. Wow.
  19. I’d like to support this but there are drugs that need to be banned. Bath salts that make people eat people definitely need to stay banned. Heroin is pure evil. So while I agree with acid, shrooms, coke, and pot, I do not on heroin and ***** that makes people go crazy.
  20. https://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_5c3a6030e4b01c93e00a5952/amp These savages eat their own and turn on each other so quickly.
  21. Just saying that when Obama became POTUS I didn’t yell at him about cultural appropriation and being POTUS is clearly a white guy thing. But yes that clears it up.
  22. https://www.yahoo.com/gma/lin-manuel-miranda-brings-hamilton-puerto-rico-214513897--abc-news-topstories.html How come its “cultural appropriation” when a white actor plays a part for a non-white character, but when a Hispanic plays a white, founding father it’s awesome?
  23. Why don’t those two dumb ***** go have a dumb B word March in Saudi Arabia. Or Yemen. Or Syria. Or Iraq. Or Afghanistan. Or Pakistan. Maybe cause they’ll get raped and killed?
  24. It is when they’re paid with money from my pocket that I don’t want to part with. Further, one reason I’m a conservative is because I believe government can’t do anything well. I rest my case on government employees. I will shed them no tears. Maybe this will encourage them to get real jobs. Ron Swanson is a hero and role model for all.
  25. I want my own tv show.... ”History According to the Dude”
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