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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. You got it before I deleted it. I should have known better than to run with it. That site is a satire site run by cops. Them ***** got me good! Hook, line, and sinker.
  2. Then by your logic only the terrorist Muslims are good Muslims.
  3. No more shooting because Kamala Harris is concerned about the greenhouse gasses that result from shooting.
  4. https://www.ausa.org/news/staff-sergeant-receive-medal-honor?fbclid=IwAR3X626vjp6OZniJ07Yp-Dg02drGDrQkRGjxHaG6ScwuCsRd84ZxrYUahtc This one is a real tear jerker. Its easy to mock my reasons. Most of you people don’t know how they are. How they are in a mass. Man, the ***** I’ve seen Sunni do to Shia and Shia to Sunni. You people don’t know how they are. And they’ll never be “Americans.” They’ll get citizenship but they’ll always hate our country. It’s how they are. You people don’t know because all you know is that Ali from payroll is very nice and that makes you an activist!
  5. Were a nation of germophobes who also enjoy spittle cake on birthdays. I don’t get it. I commend R-Money for how he handled that. Now, does he really ***** believe Joseph Smith’s bull#### or not? That’s what I wanna know. Kolob? Really? Magic stones? Really?
  6. That was the rudest, most ***** up thing I’ve seen a politician do. But what do you expect from a Somalian savage? Theyre so easy to kill. It’s awesome. And “aiming” is not something they do. When a Muslim is shooting at you, do your best to stay in front of him as you approach to make your kill and you’ll be good. Now, let’s all laugh at Haj. And yes, in mass they’re ALLLLLL like this. Fortunately, they can’t fight.
  7. This reminds me of Tibs EVERY time
  8. This thing is sooo stupid. At what point is it necessary and acceptable to inform politicians that anymore socialist nonsense is a casus belli? We need modern minute men.
  9. You make me both ? & ?‍♂️ Classic Tibs.
  10. Poor Tibs. I don’t hate you @Tiberius That was really weird when you changed the thread title though. Classic Tibs move.
  11. It’s GREAT seeing the next generation of white bro’s kicking ass. Make us proud Covington boys!
  12. I think they’re great because you have a choice.
  13. The list is wrong. The first one, I drive it daily. It’s not a toll. But there is a “peach pass” which is optional. Essentially one lane on 85 is peach pass. You’re allowed to speed and when traffic is bad it moves quicker.
  14. Also, anybody who snubs Wikipedia sources is an asshat.
  15. We had one. The state promised the toll would go away after X years. Then the state began to reneg. So what’d we do? We raised hell and now 400 doesn’t have tolls.
  16. When it gets cold sometimes I can see my breath.
  17. The rich have always had privilege. It’s not going to change. Ever. Fight the battles that can be won.
  18. I’m concerned about the amount of people on here who use the ignore feature to create a safe place. It’s like a college LGBT group up in here. Lots of precious feelings.
  19. I wasn’t aware the law was to be unequaly applied based on political affiliation. But that’s whats happening these days.
  20. Shes a nutjob and a disgrace.
  21. https://www.yahoo.com/news/alexandria-ocasio-cortez-claims-capitalism-214757978.html This country was born by patriotic, white, capitalists, through political violence. Its getting real close to being necessary again.
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