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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. No I’m not. But I understand your confusion.
  2. For now. I intend to be part of the solution that fixes the situation which is unacceptable.
  3. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2019/01/17/politics/beto-orourke-funk-drive-2020/index.html Liberals HATE white men. Even when they’re their own white guys.
  4. Here is what Berensen found: Consider a 2002 study in BMJ (formerly the British Medical Journal). It found that people who used cannabis by age 15 were four times more likely to develop schizophrenia or a related syndrome than those who’d never used. Even when the researchers excluded kids who had shown signs of psychosis by age 11, they found that the adolescent users had a threefold higher risk of demonstrating symptoms of schizophrenia later on. Or consider a 2017 report by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. It concluded that marijuana use is strongly associated with the development of psychosis and schizophrenia. The researchers also noted that there’s decent evidence linking pot consumption to worsening symptoms of bipolar disorder and to a heightened risk of suicide, depression, and social anxiety disorders: “The higher the use, the greater the risk.” Marijuana use is up 50 percent over the past decade, so many people having become “woke” during this period. Does this significant increase in use correspond to a significant increase in psychotic diseases? Yet, it does, according to Berensen. He reports that from 2006 to 2014, the most recent year for which data is available, the number of ER visitors co-diagnosed with psychosis and a cannabis use disorder tripled, from 30,000 to 90,000. {snip}....much more here With all the money to be made by corporations if the marijuana legalization movement continues to prevail, I’m pretty sure corporations and the wealthy won’t be funding the hard-hitting journalism contained in Mencimer’s piece. . Well that’s a bunch of nonsense. This is equivalent to “you’ll go blind from playing with it!”
  5. I think if history shows us anything there’s a fine balance that’s needed. Further, it also depends on the situation. In times of recession I say borrow and spend. In times of prosperity I say save and pay debt. But the military is the most important thing and it must be funded.
  6. I think he was. Barely. He mentioned he was a POG in the Chair Force in the late 80’s so the math is there. Potentially.
  7. By saying “compromised”? Look, it’s obvious she hates whites, Jews, gays, and anything not Muslim because she’s Muslim and that’s what they do. But I’d rather go after her for something I can prove — like the fact she’s a Muslim and so shouldn’t be in America let alone congress.
  8. I’m not defending that vile, sub-human creature.....but, she did NOT make that accusation or suggest Graham is a gay. Fake news.
  9. I’m like 100% sure I know way more about it than you. What you probably don’t know was Hadrians obsession with efficiency on the frontiers and manning only points that could easily be defended hence his abandoning Tajans gains. If youre countering to his point about upkeep, well yeah. My point was about their effectiveness. But you just assumed. Typical, Tammy.
  10. ....my boy, Hadrian, would really disagree with you.
  11. I made my point. It was really simple and needs no explanation. HEY.....I'm frickin handlin somethin.
  12. MORON. I have. Oh my ***** god.
  13. Me for starters. And every other vet my age who wasn't yet born. Do you know why Haj has fought for so long against us? Vietnam and Beirut. And I paid that fukin bill. I righted the ship. Me.
  14. If your 3rd word was "nothing" I'd strongly agree. You're an America-hating liberal. You're celebrating what you perceive to be a lost war. Liberals are pathetic spineless creatures and the political violence is coming and I cannot wait to put the hurtin' on you people.
  15. You don't know enough about it, or war to have a debate with me.
  16. You're such an idiot. Like a HUGE idiot. American soldiers, did their job...liberals stabbed them in the back. And then that effected guys like me. How? Why? Because Haj thought they could fight/wait us out because of liberal cowards and Reagan. Good thing for white bros like me. We did NOT lose that war. We didn't lose. We left. We lost 50,000, and they lost over a million. Yes, we know, Saigon fell to the NVA and stuff. We know. We're all smarter than you. We know.
  17. Tom is a bag of wind, but homey has read books. Probably not the right ones, but he's most def booked out. He knows too much to not be a reader. And I'd also wager he's more read than I. However, it hasn't done him much good. But homey has booked and of that there is no doubt. And plane war while vital and necessary is stupid.
  18. It appears you do not have Great Expectations of Tibs.
  19. No, the United States did NOT lose in Vietnam. There's absolutely no proof to support that lie. Look at the battle statistics. Look at the battles. Look at the death counts. The United States did NOT lose. What happened is a bunch of pussies like you who didn't want to do man-things like me destabilized the nation at home and demanded an end. The United States did NOT lose that war. Further, if you're black (I'm not 100% you are) why don't you use another screen name because that's cultural appropriation. -------------------------------------------------------------------- So pussies isn't censored, but K-r-a-u-t is??
  20. It wasn’t till like a couple weeks ago. I had the same reaction. White bros NEVER lose unless it’s to white bro’s. Were the most successful, inspiring, and influential demographic. Aren’t we, Tiberius (white guy)?
  21. I'm kind of a "non-fiction" guy.
  22. That monster does not deserve respect or protection. When a man decides hes not a man, hes making his country known that hes incapable of defending it which makes his status as a citizen unnecessary. They should all be destroyed.
  23. I do NOT appreciate that one bit. The very thought of France is unsettling to me. Unless of course I'm marching with the 10th Legion and killing the ***** out of some Gauls -- because that'd be cool. But I'm not wrong. It'd be kinder to the thousands, and thousands, of future "refugees" if we just shot a handful of people right now we'd save thousands in the future the misery of fruitless trek. What I'm advocating for is just ripping the bandaid off, but this country always wants to pull it slowly which only increases the pain and cost.
  24. https://www.yahoo.com/news/top-house-republican-calls-steve-164058012.html So what am I missing? What did he say that was racist? It sounds like he was just making a poorly worded point that white people have nothing to be apologetic over and that there’s nothing wrong with being proud of being white. What’s wrong with that? Black Man: “I’m proud of being black!” Liberals: ??????? White Man: “I’m proud of being white!” Liberals: ???????
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