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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. Roger that. I’m on standby, over. QRF ready to rock.
  2. Good. So, since the Dems have no intent to fair dealing, how do you deal with them?
  3. Dude — take what I write with a grain o’ salt. I wrote that to annoy Tammy.
  4. Do you know what oligarchs are? Because if you get you’re political way we’ll all be poor aside from a few American oligarchs. That’s how socialism works — because it doesn’t.
  5. If the conspiracy didn’t fool you I wholeheartedly agree.
  6. I’m awesome. Fact. - War hero before 20 - Job creator - Custodian of Western Civilization (that should be an easy one for you) - Master of the manly arts - Experienced Haj fighter and still undefeated Tammy, you’re jelly of me too. And why shouldn’t you be? You live in the shithole of shitholes. I’d go crazier than you are just living in that *****in swamp.
  7. I wouldn’t go off of the Drudge Report. But since all liberals think he’s the spawn of Voldemort and Hitler so that makes sense.
  8. https://www.cnn.com/style/amp/vogue-noor-tagouri/index.html Filthy Haj has hurt feelings, CNN will fill you in on the rest. CNN is very concerned. CNN is very ? when a Haj gets their feelings hurt.
  9. They don’t need to jump a border. Liberals are basically importing them.
  10. I’m more disgusted by the socialist who’s selling his country out to Muslims. Enjoy your caliphate, eh.
  11. And no one has any reason to be prouder of their races accomplishments. They hate us cause they ain’t us. “Sorry” we’re so good at everything. I watched this program recently on ancient engineering marvels. Naturally aqueducts and cisterns from Rome were heavily featured. But then they spent almost an equal amount of time on some stupid stone wall in Africa. Was the wall impressive? No. But they pretended it was to make it look like a wall built with collected stones was equal to an aqueduct. The only point was to make blacks feel like their ancestors were able to do what mine were — wakanada forever, eh! I couldn’t roll my eyes enough. Just like how most modern historians will call Shaka Zulu a genius because he thought ‘maybe enveloping is a good idea!’ What’s funny is that military geniuses army couldn’t even beat the ancient Greeks because their spear chuckin technology was as primitive as their strategy. /rant
  12. ...if you paint it, they will come?
  13. Tammy, you are kind of a one trick pony. But I’ll say this — you do it well.
  14. I’m not defending Tom. I’m defending free speech and masculinity. Go grab a Gillette and shave your legs, Nancy. P.s., I believe 99% of the people who ask others not to say “retard” are being disingenuous, and are just trying to control other people. ***** off with that nonsense. Internet codes of contact have turned way too many people into snowflakes.
  15. That is a retarded post. A mongoloid wrote that for sure. I mean that was the gayest thing ive read all day. ‘Boo-hoo, words can hurt.’ I seriously hope you’re a woman because you’re a disgrace to men if you’re not.
  16. That is NOT something to brag about. That’s an embarrassing fact. Most inept people in terms of fighting in western history. The only color of the tri colors that means anything is the white portion.
  17. https://www.yahoo.com/news/apos-ll-send-wall-them-200150051.html Ha!
  18. Must be a Muslim living room.
  19. Furthermore, Carthage must be destroyed. *****. Wait, nope, still works! Carthage is a Haj stronghold now. CARTHAGE MUST BE DESTROYED!
  20. ....my mom said I could have an ice cream cake from Dairy Queen for my birthday, and now you are totally not invited! Next time ya keep your mouth shut ya stupid Bolshevik.
  21. Your ignorance to Islam doesn’t make my stance irrational just because you lack my education in it.
  22. White guys cant be angry? Boy, the list of things were not allowed to be is growing more and more.
  23. He was very gleeful yesterday celebrating the 55,000 American dead in Vietnam. Liberals hate America and they HATE the military.
  24. I’m a stickler for facts. Further, I believe that fighting with lies and half truths does more harm than good to ones cause.
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