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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. What do these Americans have to do with captured invaders?
  2. Your issue with them is that they’re white.
  3. Honestly, it just takes experience. I stick to AR platforms because I can literally disassemble and reassemble one blindfolded. Shooting yourself while cleaning can happen, especially with Glocks. But I have a rule — I unload all guns before entering my home. Just like I did in Iraq. When you get back to the base you clear your gun in a clearing pit. I do the same thing today. Im definitley right. The USMC is very small and VERY different from the normal military. For example, a marine mechanic engaging the enemy isn’t extraordinary, however his army counterpart is. I love the Marines. I think all branches should emulate the Marine mantra that everybody’s a rifleman first. The Marines HAVE to do that because they’re so small numerically. In the army, unless you’re a combat guy, you’re really not in any danger. There are of course many exceptions to that, ie the commo guy serving in an infantry company and so on.
  4. Go for a carbine. Handguns are scatter shot after 30 meters in terms of accuracy. Handguns are very hard to be accurate with.
  5. Im sorry, you’re right. I shouldn’t have compared agricultural and women’s history. We can learn from agricultural history, and that makes it useful. Id like to apologize to agriculture for my unfair and out of line comparison.
  6. Nobody will more readily admit the importance of agriculture to history than I. But it’s sooo boring. Are we going to get into the 3 field system, and the advancements from iron technology? I kid, I kid. But seriously, agricultural history is almost as boring as women’s history.
  7. Because the left is racist and the kid is white and wearing a MAGA hat which is translated into liberal as ‘WHITE POWER.”
  8. You wrote all that just to let people know you know who Galileo is. ????
  9. Lol, did I say something offensive?
  10. Please stop historying. You’re unqualified and awful at it. Well the Romans weren’t philosophers if that’s your game. But Roman military thinking — that’s the stuff of legends.
  11. Its your reasons for why they’re more important/significant to Rome whom I view as mother to western civilization and the white race. That’s what I find interesting. Not why those cities are important.
  12. Goddamnit I’m interested in your take on Athens because they really fell from influence after the peloponnesian war. Further, I’m equally interested in your take on Jerusalem. No doubt it was important, but both your cities fell to Rome.
  13. ....are you being serious? I'm ready to square up with Turkey right ***** now over Constantinople. Are you for serious? I want the Hagia Sophia back in Christian hands NOW. You must understand, I do not end the Roman empire in the 5th century, but in the 15th century. There are two events that I emotionally cannot deal with in history and I avoid them because I start tearing up and cry (I blub a bit). I cannot talk about Caesars assassination or the fall of Constantinople. I just cannot.
  14. I can't see how Rome isn't #1 on any list. They made western civilization. They did what Alexander didn't before he died -- they freaking united the Mediterranean.
  15. Yeah, it's why Octavian checked his clemency at the door. And they weren't his peers. The man did not have peers. Alexandria has such a nice name. Wonder where it came from?
  16. Those stupid idiots and their stupid dam. Damming the Nile -- idiots. Oh my god you're so freaking stupid and please don't speak about Caesar, I beg you, as he's my idol and you're unfit to mention him, and you clearly don't know much about him. I'm a subject matter expert on two people, Caesar, and Churchill. Just please leave Caesar out of this. Lastly -- if I'm a racist I'm a bad one considering 50% of my labor force is black.
  17. 1. You're an idiot 2. Better agriculture than Egypt? 3. Less disease? You idiot -- there was way more disease because of "trade routes" you meathead 4. Better trade routes were because of better goods. People didn't walk from China to Italy because it was convenient. God you're dumb. Don't play this game with me, I'm way better at it than you. Kinda what my degree is in. You're an idiot. Your underlined point is the only thing correct in this.
  18. I judge people based on their culture and the content of their character, not their skin color. By the way, "luck" had nothing to do with the success of western civilization.
  19. If liberals are going to make everything about race (and they are) then I’ll proudly stand with my race.
  20. Here’s something that might surprise some people — I used to be liberal. Yup. Voted for Obama. I had a huge political shift as I studied history and realized I was supporting failed/harmful concepts and because the “Obama coalition” expects all white, straight, liberal men to act like cucks and just be ‘yes men.’ Liberals HATE white guys. It literally went like this: Me (white bro): ‘Sure, I’ll vote for Obama!’ Me: ‘Yay, Obama won!’ Minority liberals: ‘you white men don’t get to decide ***** anymore. Sit down and do what we tell you or you’re a racist!’
  21. Thats definitley incorrect. Most likely you never served based based on your statement. A very small mall portion of the military is designed to fight. Most people who went to Nam never pulled a trigger because they served in support roles; mechanics, cooks, logistics, and so on. Many people who went to Nam never went into the jungle. As an Iraq vet I’ll say this is doubly true of Iraq. We called these people “pogs” or “fobbits.” They are disgusting creatures who will ALWAYS let you know they were deployed but they didn’t do fight club things while there.
  22. Dear Liberals, The reason America is amazing is because of white men. This country would have never amounted to a damn thing without us, and it’s incapable of amounting to anything without us. Also, remember today, on MLK Day, that MLK was a worthless husband, and pastor. Martin never could keep his dick in his pants. He put his dick ahead of his religion, cause, and family on a routine basis. To me, that’s not a man worth celebrating. But he was a good orator. And lets be honest — most of the reasons minorities don’t like white bro’s is is because they’re jealous of our success. Sorry we’re so clever and awesome.
  23. There once was a man from Venus
  24. Hows about you just kill your self.
  25. ....I’m a student of the American way of war. Now if you’ll excuse me. Wheat fields as as far as I could see. Something, both needing something from eachother something as far as I could see something hands of leather
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