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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. But they're not white so that makes them right according to liberalism.
  2. ....high schoolers cant go to a rally? I mean what?
  3. I'm not a racist. There's no science in it. Somebody cannot be inferior to another based on skin tone. Now, my culture is superior to all others. There's no debating it. There is a counter culture in this country that does fall on racial lines. You have the "black" ghetto counter culture which is revolting. You also have a white trash counter culture which is near identical to the ghetto counter culture, the main difference being dialect. One of the reasons I loved the Army is EVERYBODY falls in line with the right culture. Culture is important. Cultures are not all compatible. I'm just a realist about it.
  4. 1. Idiot 2. Mixed race marriages are perfectly fine. I'm not a racist. 3. Diversity gave us such atrocities as WWI. It's not a great thing. 4. MLK was an extremely flawed man who couldn't keep his dick in his pants and he routinely put getting his dick wet ahead of his god, cause, and family. So I don't need his advice. He was a good orator though.
  5. https://www-m.cnn.com/2019/01/21/politics/hakeem-jeffries-grand-wizard-trump/index.html?r=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cnn.com%2F I don’t even like Trump but I’m ready to throat punch some democrats. I am sooooo sick of this nonsense. They are consistently saying the most absurd things without consequence and only approval just to get their names out there.
  6. This is the only thing diversity brings. Right here. Democrats say it’s awesome and that it’s our strength. It’s not. It’s a powder keg.
  7. I’d rather do that than socialism.
  8. The sonner people realize I’m right, the lesser the bloodshed has to be. I feel like Churchill in the 30’s. He warned everybody and they mocked him.
  9. I was born in 84 so that’s just before my day. He seems a good chap though. Close. But the real real answer is violence. Violence is the answer.
  10. Is that a rapper or something? I’ve no idea who that is.
  11. And they’re not gonna stop. So what’s the solution?
  12. Biden says HEEL white America. Now before the liberals or be branded a racist! https://www.yahoo.com/gma/joe-biden-white-america-admit-theres-still-systemic-210303933--abc-news-topstories.html I LOVE being white, conservative, and I apologize for nothing. ✊?
  13. Well I was never a bully — always been an alpha male. Though i did perhaps torment a few poor souls back in my day.
  14. Maybe I should have said “alpha males” instead of bullies? Either way, I’m right.
  15. Them too. I legit believe bullying is important. We need to bring it back. Why? I believe it’s crucial to defense and winning wars. I’m being dead serious.
  16. That little kid needs his ass kicked. Weve gotta get bullying back in schools. That kid deserves to be taped to the goalpost and left there over night.
  17. Thats the litmus test for ALLLL liberals these days. Why do they care more about Palestinians than they do Jews? Jews are white. If theres a dispute between something that can be classified as “white” and then something classified as “other” liberals racistly take the side of the “other.” That’s why Liberals cling to some sort of manufactured victimhood — they LOVE victims and there’s nothing better than being a victim because that makes you an “other.” That’s why Phocohantas releases her DNA test to prove she’s 1/1024th victim or “other.” Liberals are hellbent out of some sort of disillusioned justice to destroy the white race and all its glorious history. And if anybody thinks that last sentence is racist, replace “white” with Hispanic, black, or Asian and then is it racist?
  18. Whistlepig, no younger than 12.
  19. Uh, no. Spartacus was: 1. A man 2. A fighter 3. Intelligent
  20. I meant spoils but both work now that I think about it.
  21. But the kid was wearing a MAGA hat so that’s racism right there. https://www.yahoo.com/sports/high-school-boys-basketball-team-pulls-mlk-day-tournament-fans-show-off-trump-flag-161800005.html Dont worry @Tiberius the liberal media has your next ready to serve racist/Trump piece all ready for you. Discuss.
  22. Hows about you both send me a bottle of whiskey and that will make you both right.
  23. And don’t EVER say you’re proud to be white because that’s super racist and evil.
  24. You’re such an idiot. Theyre Catholics....how much do ya think the catholic church spends on missionary work in the countries those people are coming from?
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