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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. 'They keep on using that word. I do not think it means what they think it means.'
  2. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/maga-teens-knew-benefit-doubt-201154239.html "None of the excuses made on behalf of these kids are capable of withstanding the slightest bit of intellectually-honest scrutiny. The presence of a few Black Israelites—a group that any resident of a major city learned long ago to ignore—has no bearing on whether it is acceptable for white kids to allegedly chant nationalist slogans at, of all people, a Native man. (Assertions to the contrary also betray a troubling tendency to conflate members of minority groups, as if all brown people are indistinguishable threats.) Nor do any of the purported "extended clips," disseminated by conservative journalists as if they were mini-Zapruder films, exonerate Sandmann and his friends. Some of them even serve as more damning indictments of the students' conduct." Two things: 1. OH. MY. God. 2. If all Israelite's were black, would the liberals be on Team Israel instead of Team Palestinian? I bet they would.
  3. Yes. And we should provide them with universal education, healthcare, shelter, income, and SNAP cards. We'll just take the money from the 1%. When we run out of their money we're all *****, but hey, at least we're not racists.
  4. I've read many reports that show its just best to keep abortion accessible and legal and so I support that. However, late term abortions short of a valid medical reason are cruel, and nothing short of murder.
  5. https://www.yahoo.com/news/nathan-phillips-today-show-apos-132539676.html You gotta be shettin' me, right?
  6. The word isn't offensive. I'm not offended. I'm annoyed because of the connotation/implication. That word was chosen carefully to be put in a hit piece that lets every liberal like Tibs know that they're still right for hating on that "pack" because white kids in MAGA hats bad.
  7. WTF is “Be better than this”? I absolutley will defend my race. This is an article insisting upon the continued persecution of children who did nothing wrong. This nation was made great by white people and I won’t tolerate our being treated like 2nd class citizens in our country.
  8. https://www.yahoo.com/news/problem-savannah-guthrie-apos-nicholas-211535203.html “Sandmann was a white teenage boy in a MAGA hat surrounded by a pack of other white teenage boys—some in MAGA hats, some yelling—at an anti-abortion protest, observers on the left felt certain that they were peering into the soul of white, male privilege.” I love the use of the word “pack.” Ya know, like wolves. That’s what mean white boys are — racist wolves.
  9. https://www.theatlantic.com/amp/article/580978/ Black people are doing as much if not more to ensure racial tensions continue. This is a stupid article but it hits on a larger issue with the black community that shows just how entitled they are. ‘What’s whities is ours, but what’s ours is ours and you whites do what we say and play by our rules.’ Did I complain about cultural appropriation when Obama became president? Cause that’s clearly a white guy thing. Do i I freak out when a black guy dresses in a suit? Do I get upset that John Legend is making a career on white people music? The larger issue is this — this trivial nonsense that the black community is ALWAYS crying about just makes white bro’s like me tune them out. In fact I go out of my way to be offensive now I’m so annoyed with their constant petty bickering.
  10. https://amp.businessinsider.com/alexandria-ocasio-cortez-is-only-democrat-to-oppose-funding-bill-2019-1
  11. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/23/us/black-hebrew-israelites-covington-catholic.html
  12. Erm, are you arguing the civil rights movement wasn’t necessary in the 60’s? Cause my point is that it was. Also, that’s the quickest way to get me to “go there”. I’m the guy who sees a sign that reads “turn around danger ahead” and gets excited by the adventure ahead.
  13. To be fair — they had a point then. THEN.
  14. Shame. Liberals are so not racist that they don’t even care about 9/11.
  15. American hating muslims. Minnesota, and Michigan are full of them. Sadly I hear NY is getting that way too.
  16. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/rep-ilhan-omar-faces-backlash-for-new-attacks-on-covington-students Let me redo the headline...ahem... Muslim Attacks American White Christian Children -- Will Not Apologize
  17. About 20% of America is “active” on Twitter. About 5% of those active are these social justice warriors. The media portrays those 5% as the voice of America. It really is distorting reality to a degree.
  18. I lnow of no greater or more effective authority than violence. It should be a last resort, but it must not be hesitated to be employed.
  19. https://www.yahoo.com/finance/video/alexandria-ocasio-cortez-system-allows-195322336.html If enough of these radical socialist get into power I see no hope outside of violence. And the violence I pound the table for will be significantly less violent and lethal than the consequences of socialism. I consider the economic theory of socialism and communism resolved in its failure of the 20th century which led to deaths of tens of millions. On our current trajectory I do not see how this can be avoided with an electorate comprised of more takers than producers. More people are going to the polls looking to vote themselves other people’s money, than are people looking for the best interest of the values and ideals that made our country great. And I won’t deny our increase in diversity is directly contributing to this trend. Non-American interlopers coming into our country looking to take from the vast and depleting wealth that our free market has produced. Now they want to kill the free market that has produced this wealth and redistribute it. I see no no other course of action than political violence. Do any of you see legitimate alternatives and if so what are they?
  20. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/celebs-speak-supreme-courts-decision-allow-transgender-military-ban-go-effect-bigotry-worst-205059935.html Where do celebs get off? None of them know a damn thing about the military. Further, the military is run by alpha males who ooze toxic masculinity, something they all hate. What the hell do they imagine will happen if they force those kinds of people out and replace them with LGBTQLMNOP’s and “allies?” Like what do they think their desired ***** army is going to do? Ask the enemy for safe spaces and tweet their displeasure at them? ONLY alpha males can win wars. Leave war to the straight alpha males, it’s kind of our thing.
  21. Violence is the only solution. It’s the only answer. These liberal bastards. I go to Iraq to kill Haj and then they start importing Haj on an epic scale like 9/11 never freaking happened.
  22. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/jim-carrey-takes-covington-students-214104635.html Hes gone full Lloyd Christmas.
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