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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. Wasn’t the last time sadly. And people wonder what my grudge is against Haj.....
  2. Here’s what I’ll do. I’ll turn this crap thread into a thread for my friend, Mora. My first real taste of suffering. The kid I wept for. http://articles.latimes.com/2004/may/23/local/me-mora23 Ill love you and remember you forever buddy. Your laughter always brightened every room. I remember some douchebag colonel speaking at his ceremony. That douche who didn’t know Mora said, “and I know if Mora were here today he’d say ‘continue fighting!’ Except Mora continually said, ‘this ***** is ***** stupid, let’s go home!’ To Mora?! I love your beaner ass, and I’ll see you at Fiddlers Green! Please read about him. He died for you.
  3. Yeah, you read it.
  4. 1. I’m a man. Fashion isn’t my concern. I wear Doc Martins, wranglers, and button up shirts or T-shirt’s. 2. Breakfast is either eggs-n-bacon, or sausage-n-bacon. And coffee. ?
  5. I had to google “Fred Perry polos.” I don’t wear ladys clothes. The Aladin soundtrack is nowhere near as good as the soundtrack for The Crow.
  6. Let me add that you’re an idiot. There’s no way your stats are accurate and you present a non cited, crap, internet article? Tom, do you even history, bro? I can teach you. Im still waiting for your citation on the Jewish kamikazes of the Flavian Amphitheatre. You silly know-nothing.
  7. Alexander The Great is my favorite Maiden jam.
  8. I like that movie but from what I’ve been told by experts there’s no reason to believe Russian troops were sent in without rifles. It was a frequent practice that I know of in WWI, but I’ve never seen anything on that battle that leads me to believe that’s accurate.
  9. I debated whether or not to even reply to this nonsense. Obviously I've decided. My rhetoric is a direct response to the main street media's race baiting. How many times have you read a headline where the press goes out of their way to identify race in recent years? Many. And the only time they do this is when there's a white person involved and the media turns them into an antagonist. It's gotten to the point where they're targeting children. My stance is if you want a white person to hate, hate me. I think a few of you have Dude Derangement Syndrome. Many have missed my points completely. However, that's an indicator that I need to adjust windage and will do so. I am not a racist and I wont go on a long diatribe to defend myself from these stupid accusations. On numerous occasions I have literally put myself in harms way, risking my life, for people of color, to include muslim arabs believe it or not. My first dear friend I lost in the fight against Haj was a 2nd generation American who came from Mexican immigrants. I wept so hard when taps played that I couldn't even make a proper salute when saying goodbye. I am, admittedly, a cultural supremacist and desire all in America to adapt western/european culture -- there's no skin tone requirement to do so. I will poke fun at the ridiculousness of 'race' in the current social justice warrior atmosphere. I mean c'mon -- are they really going to put Black Panther in the same pantheon as The Godfather? It's not because the movie belongs there, it's because liberals are tripping over themselves to show how not racist they are by elevating things associated with blacks to statuses they don't deserve. I mock that. Now, make a movie with some integrity on the Harlem Hellfighters and you got yourself something worthy of Best Picture. I digress...I'm a product of 1984. I was Haj fighting by 19. I'm not like most people and that doesn't bother me and I wont try to conform. I'm not a loose cannon as some folks insinuate. I'm a quiet family man to tell you the truth. It makes me angry that there have been insinuations that I'm most likely an abusive person toward my family. That's assuming a lot without a lot to go on. A man who hits a woman is not a man. I don't even believe in spanking my children. I live in a quiet town, in a quiet cul-de-sac, at the bottom of a quiet hill, in the quiet N. Georgia mountains. I have no desire to be an extremist even though the boards most obnoxious unemployed author on boat war seems to be certain of it. I will never go out of my way to be something I'm not as being disingenuous is the thing I despise the most. I really don't care when I piss people off, but I don't want to be a pariah either. I will not change my opinions but in the future I will try to be more tactful in how I convey them. Anyways, good to know I have so many friends!
  10. Halfway down the trail to Hell, In a shady meadow green Are the Souls of all dead Troopers camped, Near a good old-time canteen. And this eternal resting place Is known as Fiddlers’ Green. Marching past, straight through to Hell The Infantry are seen. Accompanied by the Engineers, Artillery and Marines, For none but the shades of Cavalrymen Dismount at Fiddlers’ Green. Though some go curving down the trail To seek a warmer scene. No Trooper ever gets to Hell Ere he’s emptied his canteen. And so rides back to drink again With friends at Fiddlers’ Green. And so when man and horse go down Beneath a saber keen, Or in a roaring charge of fierce melee You stop a bullet clean, And the hostiles come to get your scalp, Just empty your canteen, And put your pistol to your head And go to Fiddlers’ Green. Still chokes me up every time I read or recite. Sniff.
  11. Whoa fella, you need a citation for that nonsense. Ive heard of onsies and twosies here and there...but 40%! That cannot be.
  12. I’d consider him for a low balled contract. Nothing flashy. A 1 year prove it deal.’
  13. Thats actually an interesting proposition. How much will Jacksonville have in dead cap if he’s cut?
  14. Hear I sit broken hearted
  15. Wow, I thought this was a thread slamming Maiden at first. I gotcha now. Freaking love Maiden.
  16. https://www.yahoo.com/news/report-native-american-activist-nathan-151009381.html Escaped from prison?
  17. https://www-m.cnn.com/2019/01/23/politics/sheila-jackson-lee-judiciary-cbc-foundation/index.html?r=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cnn.com%2F Well, well, well. This is welcomed news indeed. Hopefully this will ensure an end to her career and she’ll be relocated back to the ghetto from whence she came.
  18. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/nathan-phillips-today-show-interview-191007308.html What a jackass.
  19. https://www.yahoo.com/gma/st-louis-police-officer-dies-gunshot-wound-121303156--abc-news-topstories.html Just pathetic. At 19 I didn’t make these Fvck-ups and whatever confusion the dingleberry faced was nothing to what I faced. Make proper identification before you shoot. These people aren’t even qualified in my opinion to carry guns. Sheesh.
  20. Would Downfall count? I freaking LOVE that movie but it’s not very actiony.
  21. What the, what? For those who dont really know me, and that's everybody, I have two personalities... 1. One is kinda like Doc Holiday. I will fight you anytime, anywhere, with my guns. 2. The other is the Dude. Give me a joint and I go from a raging ####### to super peaceful, relaxed, and chill. I don't get why the weed is illegal. I have a 0% chance of harming people while high. Sober or just on whiskey and I'll be your huckleberry if you wanna go.
  22. I was watching one of my favorite war movies yesterday and I got to thinking -- what do y'all like? I base my favorites on their accuracy, not CGI budget. I will allow miniseries to make the list. Here's mine: Band of Brothers Das Boot (movie I watched the other day) All Quiet on the Western Front We Were Soldiers Saving Private Ryan
  23. The Liberal Scale of Skin Tone is the only thing they need to know who's right and wrong. The darker the person, the more pure, the more truthful.
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