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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. https://www.yahoo.com/news/merkel-calls-citizen-fight-anti-semitism-125126503.html Right...cause the Muslim immigrants will be GREAT for your Jewish population.
  2. Writing them off? I’m simply saying they shouldn’t be allowed to live in my country. Its plagerism is what it is. And pathetic plagerism at that. It’s so obvious.
  3. Ok, fella. I’m sure your list includes Turkey and some N. African countries. That’s nice. My experience tells me it’s a bad idea.
  4. The Bern is back! https://www.yahoo.com/news/bernie-sanders-set-announce-2020-presidential-run-234647684.html
  5. Because it’s a fascist religion.
  6. ...I am not amused. Do you know what I thought you meant? Just to clear up a huge misconception about Churchill — what happened at the Dardanelles was NOT his fault.
  7. Huh? They made a movie on that?
  8. That disgusting Haj illustrates my issue with Haj and why I believe they must be “relocated.” Im sure Omar is a peaceful Haj. I’m sure she’s vocally condemned violence many times. But this is the issue with Haj. They make excuses for their troublemakers. Why? Because they hate us and western civilization. The peaceful ones like Omar will attempt to change our great country through politics. She’ll advocate increasing Muslim immigration. When Muslims make up 5% of the population they’ll start making demands that we change our culture to conform to theirs. The terrorism will really get going then and while it won’t be Omar doing the terrorism she’ll identify with the hatred of the terrorists as they all do. The issue with muslims is the peaceful ones are not our friends and they enable the terrorists passively or directly.
  9. Why would you “mess” with a peaceful people?
  10. What? Buddhists are peaceful as *****.
  11. But the democrats have decided walls are racist. I do not believe in their good faith
  12. We’ll see. We shall see.
  13. She lives in an area with a high Muslim population.
  14. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/rep-ilhan-omar-plea-for-lenient-sentences-for-men-accused-of-trying-to-join-isis-resurface.amp I knee this without knowing it because of course a Muslim would show “compassion” towards terrorists. She belongs in a guillotine not the United States Congress.
  15. Shame on Trump for backing down. Pelosi has bigger balls than Trump.
  16. I’m going to custome order a MAGA hat that’s on a confederate flag pattern. I don’t own a confederate flag as I would have fought for the union and the confederates were losers, but oh my god it’ll piss liberals off.
  17. Take your fine self to a Muslim country and then report back on religious intolerance. Those badtards even have Buddhists fighting them. BUDDHISTS. I don’t even needa know who started it. When you got Buddhists fighting you, it’s YOUR fault. They cant get along with anybody. And there are polls out there that show that while the majority of muslims aren’t active terrorists, a large portion “understands” or condones terrorist activities. Where do you think terrorists get their money? A good portion comes from the collection plates of mosques.
  18. You weren’t there. It was actually hilarious. And yes, violence can be hilarious.
  19. Again, there’s no way what you think you read is correct. And clearly youre not being alive in the 1850’s wasn’t my point. Idiot. Settle down, Giligan.
  20. Im not sure whom that is.
  21. M’kay. I will concede I’m a racist when you prove Muslim is a race.
  22. Well, Alex, considering he’s been wrong according to my friends who go by the name “professor” on multiple occasions I’d say that’s correct. Theres a differnce in reading ***** and experiencing *****.
  23. Not me. I’ve just come to the conclusion you’re a snowflake.
  24. I adore Churchill. I consider myself a Churchill expert. We have a lot in common. Same build. Same height. Same hair color. Same love of action and adventure. Same political stances. We’re both ‘blubbers,’ both suffer from “black dog,” and we’re both willing to risk our lives for a bit of fun. Churchill was the man that brought me over from liberalism to conservativism. He, to me, is equal in greatness to Julius Caesar. That’s the highest praise a man can receive from me. He’s the only one who’s earned it.
  25. And to the BLACK man who was the baddest dude, The_Dude has ever known and my mentor. Gone before his time. I miss you so much. We had such great times ***** Haj up. You taught me so much. I’ll never forget you. Miss you, Top. Till the Green. ? One of my most precious memories is watching this dude literally kick the ***** out of Haj after our truck was hit with an IED. Literally grabbing Haj by the neck and kicking the living ***** shout of them. It was amazing, gratifying, and I almost fell out of my gun laughing. I was laughing so hard I cried. All time favorite memory. http://fortcampbellcourier.com/news/article_3ee29e0a-810e-11e6-ae20-4fe5beea58fe.html
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