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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. Huh? What? Im not sure what the statistics are, but I’m not sure that’s true. I mean, wasn’t David Hogg’s, Parkland HS, an ‘urban school of high diversity?’
  2. Bullets don’t shoot straight and close quarters marksmanship and training is complicated. Cops typically aren’t up to snuff, god knows teachers aren’t. Not sure how how I feel about this but an “armed” teacher makes me laugh.
  3. https://www-m.cnn.com/2019/01/29/us/ohio-man-indicted-synagogue-attack-plan/index.html?r=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cnn.com%2F Crikey, what we’ve got here is an albino Haj. Most people think these albino Haji’s are rare, but they’re actually quite common. From northern parts of Turkey, to the Balkans and Eastern Russia, albino Hajis are very, very common.
  4. I think I was probably making Hitler jokes. I do support banning the religion though.
  5. I’d like to see the Bills win the division with a healthy Brady before he retires.
  6. Thats very true. Still, her disposition makes her hatred for my country inevitable.
  7. https://www.yahoo.com/news/stephen-king-1-burning-every-093552792.html Hillary voters seriously be like 'dayum, republicans, how could you vote for somebody with a shady/criminal past?' And they're serious. It's amazing.
  8. Old man Withers from the haunted amusement park?!
  9. Wait, who's that Dude on here who keeps saying Muslims are incapable and lack the desire to assimilate to our society and way of life? God, what's that Dude's name? Maybe he's onto something. Especially when the "peaceful" Muslims harbor all these anti-American, pro-Jihadi feelings. It's like that Dude on here who's been saying it has an intimate knowledge of the savages. Maybe he has even read from their fascist texts, and studied their draconian history?
  10. See, this is my point. Omar is a “good Haj” according to libs. And she’s a brother marrying, law evading, ISIS sympathizer. She’s exactly the average Haj in my opinion, and they have no place in a civilized nation.
  11. Havent watched in a few years. I like him though. Don’t agree with him on a lot of issues but unlike Hannity he gives people the time to talk and treats them respectfully.
  12. Islam has similarities to Judaism and Christianity because of course it does. Look when the religion began — somewhere around 600. So Christianity had been a thing for a while and obviously Judaism had as well. Muhammad the liar claims to have never heard of either but considering Byzantine trade routes that’s about like an American saying they have never heard of Spanish. Muhammad and John Smith both crafted their tales off of religious material they knew well for money and women. They’re both liars and the evidence is overwhelming and obvious. Muslims and Mormons are dumb. But unlike Mormons, Muslims follow an evil ideology.
  13. Somebody show me where Jesus talks about whether to jizz or not to jizz in your rape victim! Muhammad, aka “Papa Haj” said it’s best to jizz in your rape victim, and that you’re not required to care for your rape victims offspring should they become impregnated.
  14. Youd think they would as getting hairs stuck to the back of your throat is awful. Well, some lesbians do...but the overwhelming majority, the Subaru-drivin, LL Bean buying, workboot wearing, wallet rooters definitley do NOT shave.
  15. I don’t know why they’re appealing to lesbians. Lesbians don’t shave.
  16. Nothing wrong with a self deprecating gay joke. I make em all the time.
  17. I remember the gay she’s referencing? One of the few things I remember from basic was a Drill shooting off an entire mag on burst with the buttstock on his balls. Why? To show that 5.56/223 had minimum recoil. In fact the first time I shot somebody I got concerned for a second because I thought I had a weapons malfunction. I didn’t. Just with the adrenaline and the padding from the vest I couldn’t feel my rifle kick, and it was at night, and stuff.
  18. https://www.yahoo.com/huffpost/ex-dnc-chair-roger-stone-114406069.html BREAKING: Woman who was sued for helping rig election for Hillary (proven) calls out Stone for allegedly helping Trump do the same.
  19. Did you read that in a census?
  20. https://www.yahoo.com/news/bombs-target-cathedral-south-philippines-least-8-dead-030641275.html There ya go, friend. Have a good day. Tom, you toss around insultsbut rarely make a point. If I’m screwed up, identify how and why.
  21. Youre insufferable. The old ‘Islam can’t be bad if Christianity is bad’ routine. I’m good. Keep your bait.
  22. Any good?
  23. This the same google machine that told your dumbass that in antebellum S. Carolina 40% of the slave owners were black? My guess is you were reading about Haiti. And Myanmar was all the fault of the Muslims. Tibet is the whole China thing. I’m unfamiliar with the issue in Cambodia. I don’t care about your fringe examples. Dude, I’m just not interested in doing this today. Especially now that you’ve thrown in Christianity. Look, and I’ll end it at this, only one religion was founded by a man who condoned rape, and murder. Mohammad was a war lord and he created his horde with the story of a religion. He was a disgusting pedophile. He was a barbaric savage, and his religion reflects him.
  24. No, you’re an idiot talking out your ass again. Im well aware of that, and I don’t even need to click your link. Yes, I know, Muslims can’t get along with anybody to the point where Buddhists are throwing down. Tom, you’re witty, but not half as clever as you think.
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