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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/teacher-wore-blackface-bob-marley-halloween-costume-may-get-fired-191526845.html Why do liberals play the race card so often? Why do they go after people’s lives for these victimless “crimes?” The answer is it’s a fear campaign. It’s really no different than brown shirting. And it’s working.
  2. He’s not wrong. She’s got the biggest dick swinging amongst the liberals right now, and she’s swinging it.
  3. https://www.foxnews.com/us/9-11s-youngest-victim-would-be-20-now-and-theres-optimism-for-a-trial-at-last I shall never forget. I shall never forgive. I shall never put down my guns.
  4. OMG, when he called himself a “house ni****” all hell broke loose. He was forced to apologize. Libs have no sense of humor.
  5. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/bill-maher-fire-making-fried-chicken-joke-black-congressman-will-hurd-164546263.html Damn, Bill — you know as a liberal white man that you’re a ******* who has to be constantly apologetic for being white. Look how they eat their own. And there’s a racial element to it. Minority liberals are bullying their white members in their party. They’re telling all their whites that they have to fall in line and follow their lead. It’s hilarious. Bill Maher is a racist and Black Panther is an Oscar nomination for best picture, and gender is fluid. Welcome to 2019 everybody. $20 bucks says old dude had some grape drank with him while he was hiding out behind Popeyes.
  6. Nobody cares about this at all. The only reason this is a thing is because this is how liberals politic.
  7. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/bret-easton-ellis-questions-black-014148328.html Of course Black Panther shouldn’t be nominated for best picture. But this goes to show the racism of liberals. If its not white it’s good. If its white it has to be a gay, Muslim, or transvestite to be good. Because we all know that white people are responsible for all slavery and racism. And so Black Panther is the greatest movie ever made. Because of the confederacy.
  8. I hope he comes out and says ‘it was an f’ing joke that at the time offended nobody, times were different then, BLOW ME.’ I’d move to Virginia just to vote for him.
  9. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/01/us/politics/ilhan-omar-rashida-tlaib-israel.html This is the problem with Haj. Haj wants America to change to meet Haj’s views. They will ALWAYS place their fascist religious ideals about American principles. These savages will NOT coexist. You get these onsies and twosies at first that look extremely moderate — but the cornerstone of their politics isn’t to improve America, it’s to improve Haj’s agenda through American wealth and strength. That’s disgusting. These people are disgusting. They should not be amongst us.
  10. https://www.yahoo.com/huffpost/alexandria-ocasio-cortez-issues-warning-090548103.html ’If you don’t like us you’re a bigot.’ I guess I’m a bigot. I hate interlopers involving themselves in my country’s government, and I hate communists.
  11. I’m doing it as a public service. Unlike a cop I’d actually do something if somebody started shooting kids. #Yourewelcome
  12. Wtf is that supposed to mean?? Being a sheepdog wouldnt be so bad if the sheep didnt talk.
  13. https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/bill-maher-accused-of-making-fried-chicken-joke-to-black-republican-congressman.amp Real Time with Bill Maher! Racist jokes are hilarious.
  14. Whos stopping ya? Also, I have way more training clearing corridors and the like than any cop. It’s what I used to do for a living. I’ve spent hours and hours doing it and I have months and months of real world experience.
  15. You needn’t impose that line on me. Every gun I have liberals want to ban. However, the government has a right to restrict carrying in their buildings. I hate that the government even has buildings, but as they do it’s their rules on their turf. I also support any private companies right to prohibit guns in their establishments. Now, I’ll always ignore those prohibitions and carry, discreetly, anyways. But I support their right to hang their signs.
  16. I believe (and I hate saying this) that in government buildings, the government has the right to restrict carrying. That’s probably the most pro-government thing you’ll ever hear from me.
  17. Catholics killed the Roman Empire and I’ll NEVER forgive that Church for that crime. Holy “Roman” Catholic Church my ass. But I’ve no quarrel with current Catholics. Good people.
  18. I have a busy day, and I truly hope I remember to oblige you.
  19. https://www.yahoo.com/news/pelosi-no-wall-money-u-border-deal-talks-162509707--business.html Pelosi has bigger balls and brains than “strong man” Trump. Sad on both accounts. The USPS delivers that amount in a day.
  20. https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/shutdown-impact-snap-food-stamp-002958035.html excellent.
  21. I don’t ever care about skin color. To me it’s not a thing. It’s culture. Mixed race marriage — so what? Now, I’m also talking on a macro level with point 3, whereas point 2 is not.
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