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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. When the lazy and uninspired outnumber the hardworking producers. We’re getting close. Once there the nation will embrace socialism and then things will get fun.
  2. The 19th amendment is a death sentence for this country.
  3. Yeah, I got the shot. Felt great for 3 days. I stupidly went to the gym to throw weights right after and now it’s even worse. Got an appointment Monday for the VA to patch me back up.
  4. I’ve got a torn rotator cuff on my right shoulder. I can’t even toss a right hook right now. I understand.
  5. I like it when things happen. I like to make things happen.
  6. Explains a lot as to why the city is a crap hole.
  7. They remind me more of Palestinians than Jews. Instigate and then play the victim. Exactly what they did.
  8. My generalizations come from years of training and real world experience.
  9. https://www.yahoo.com/news/latest-protesters-burn-flags-officer-cleared-005136031.html This is my entire hesitation with guns in schools. Mistaken identity. Ya know what we’d do EVERY time when exiting a house in Iraq? We’d identify the number of personnel and say “4 friendlies exiting the building” and wait for exterior acknowledgement. If I were in a school, armed, and the place started getting shot up my greatest fear would be ‘these idiot cops will be so scared and unprepared for this they’ll shoot anybody.’ And that’s what they do. Cops are stupid. They don’t understand guns. They don’t understand how to not fire if you’re not sure. They apparently think handguns are effective at ranges they’re not. Just stupid, untrained people with guns. Also, the idiot who was shot — I wish they’d quit flashing his “military” photo. Dude got kicked out of the army before he did anything besides have a picture taken. Enough. Idiot cops. Idiot civilian with a gun who was being an idiot. Idiots all the way around.
  10. Obama was a modern Cicero — only Cicero memorized his speeches.....through an odd process I don’t really understand....anyways, never understood the TelePrompter mocking. I’d use one in his position.
  11. Did ya see the wenches wearing white yesterday? Something because of its about suffrage. I’d like to remind people that especially American women are a special kind of stupid. Now if you would, open your history books, and let’s go back and remember the first thing that dumb wenches did after getting the vote — if your answer is prohibition which led to organized crime you’d be right. If you didn’t get that you’re probably a woman, and one who drives 5 mph under the speed limit in the passing lane.
  12. Ah....so it was the angry, racist, vile, confused blacks? How do I explain my lack of surprise and shock?
  13. I’m forever blowing bubbles (insert gay joke here) tiny bubbles in the air They fly so high and like my dreams fade and die Fortunes always hiding ive looked everywhere im just blowing bubbles tiny bubbles in the air
  14. ‘We just gotta wait till Brady retires.’?
  15. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/college-student-finds-man-hiding-closet-wearing-clothes-101154332.html Descrimination! Did he, err, I mean “they” want to be identified as a “man?” “They” may be a woman even though “they” have a wiener.
  16. Not enough Bills hate for their ineptitude against the Pats around here.
  17. Bob Kraft is a creepy old guy who was preying on young women before his wife’s corpse was even cold. I don’t have to admire anything about the dude. I do envy his money though.
  18. Ive studied the maths, guy.
  19. Scoping grindr profiles is something I’m sure you’ve done a bunch of so I’ll take you at your word?
  20. yeah....I’m six and a half. You got me.
  21. Is the 30th trimester too late for an abortion?
  22. Lady, do you even Always Sunny?
  23. You gotta get the lips right?
  24. Yeah, not a good idea in todays world where everybody wants to be an activist. I mean I find it funny. But, I know that it's just gonna draw heat from the SJWs.
  25. https://www.nbcnews.com/nightly-news/video/five-saudi-arabian-students-facing-u-s-jail-time-go-missing-1435526723798?cid=referral_taboolafeed Whys the Saudi government helping their murderers and rapists escape US custody? Because their religion promotes both rape and murder.
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