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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. I study what I find interesting. Lastly, I don’t agree with you. Communism hadn’t been tried 100 years ago and so the idea would have intrigued many. I can see the patricians taking that attitude but not the masses. I don’t believe what you claim to be the case really was.
  2. Ok, let me start by saying American history is boring and so I’m not the best to answer this. Second, I don’t even know if your comparison merits consideration. I mean, what we’re the demographics of European immigration then, especially from Eastern Europe? Thirdly, did we have a commie problem then? I know that France, Germany, England and Italy had “issues” but none were Bolshevik level serious. So not only am I unfamiliar with the statistics I’d need to answer that, I’m also not sure it’s a fair question.
  3. "When the audience turned hostile Aemilianus returned the compliment. As he looked out at the angry mob Aemilianus did not see true Romans, but instead a gaggle of foreign interlopers: immigrants, freedmen, and slaves who did not know what Roman virtue and dignity meant. "How can I "," he bellowed, "who have so many times heard the battle shout of the enemy without feeling fear, be disturbed by the shouts of men like you, to whom Italy is only a stepmother?"" That text goes through my head every time I hear a liberal talk. Democrats are no longer the party that asks what they can do for their country, they're the party that votes for redistribution and entitlements. They're the people that despise our greatness and are malignantly killing us slowly. The only way to deal with cancer is to kill it before it kills you. Political violence to suppress socialism is a far kinder fate and less violent solution to standing by idly and letting it play out as history has foretold.
  4. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/ocasio-cortez-hours-after-introducing-green-new-deal-contradicts-herself-on-governments-role Whats going to be your plan when these savage, interloping, socialists outnumber Americans and take control? AOC is the new DNC. I’d argue she’s more powerful than Pelosi. What is going to be your fallback when non-American savages are going to the polls to vote themselves more of your money? And this is the Achilles heel of democracies / democratic republics. When the quality of citizen declines......
  5. He looks like the rock guy from the Fantastic Four.
  6. https://www-m.cnn.com/2019/02/07/us/florida-girl-sat-controversy/index.html?r=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cnn.com%2F Black girl cheats on SAT. Black girl got caught. Black girl played the race race card and the liberal media came running. Black girl is now backtracking and hoping the story goes away. Tale as old as time. Song as old as rhyme. By the way, do NOT never hire this girl. She will be useless and then sue you if she’s not promptly promoted and claim racism. Wakanda forever!
  7. The DNC is racist. They hate honkies.
  8. Mr. Ricketts is the victim in this story and the savage Muslims are of course acting like Muslims.
  9. I’m watching The Lost Boys so I guess you could say things are going good.
  10. Aaaaaand, bullshat censuses explain so much about why you are you.
  11. Time to see if she’s as selfish and greedy as Hilldog. Btw, i think it has Hilldogs existence that did her in and not just the emails.
  12. https://www-m.cnn.com/2019/02/06/us/hemp-marijuana-idaho-trnd/index.html?r=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cnn.com%2F 1st, stupid cops. 2nd, I see a lot of people debating which marijuana company to invest in. I know the answer. When the inevitable happens and weed is fully legalized I’m investing in the most tried and true marijuana juggernaut there is — Taco Bell. Excellent.
  13. I love Mac’s obsession with Predator. The muscle mass in that movie!?
  14. Apparently. I do NOT get it. I’ve read about it. Don’t get it. Im amazed at people’s ability to recal things. Like the people that memorized the Iliad and could recite it. How? A lot of house walking I guess.
  15. https://www.yahoo.com/news/border-security-expert-tells-apos-195311381.html Idiot white girl tells evil SEAL vet obsticals don’t work. Read all about it here at liberalbrainwash.com
  16. How racist of you to says I cants be a victim. I was in middle school, or high school, I can’t really remember, but she grabbed my wiener!
  17. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/michael-b-jordan-says-went-021422814.html ....Black Panther made him go to therapy? Wakanada forever, bruh! Sometimes I think, ‘what if Hitler blamed Haj for Germany’s loss in WWI’ and then I think...well, I think France doesn’t deserve to exist anyways so...
  18. I’ve decided I’m a victim as to relive myself of any responsibility for antebellum slavery. Now, what kind of victim shall I be? I’ve got it! Christine Blasey Ford yanked my crank. She molested me and grabbed my penis when I was in middle school. My posting this is very, very brave. And I’m a victim. My responsibility for slavery is now null and void. Yay!
  19. https://www.yahoo.com/huffpost/elizabeth-warren-identified-herself-apos-140625969.html ?????? Liberals hate whites and they adore victims and being victims. That’s all this is about.
  20. Small price to pay. I can’t do my hobbies. No MMA, weights, or golf. Hopefully I get a surgery date soon. I hurt it over a decade ago on a stupid training exercise and it’s been nagging me since. Im far better using both arms as opposed to just my left, so I disagree.
  21. I cant swing a golf club. I’m getting surgery.
  22. Considering this gender neutral generation I’d wager that’s correct.
  23. I disagree there. This country has been on a decline in terms of its courage, morality, conviction, and identity since WWII.
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