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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. Polian was a great GM. But now he’s about as credible as Stephen A Smith. So his flattery means nothing to me.
  2. I would never advocate for or participate in a clash against our military. Nor is that what I'm talking about. Yes! Thank you. Precisely. Universal suffrage is a horrible idea.
  3. And you’re still NOT understanding. 1. While it’s true that I believe fighting builds character that wasnt what I was implying. 2. I was implying that Americans are now so callow that they’re insufficient to keep the republic moving forward Do you understand now?
  4. Your question was predicated on your misunderstanding of my meaning. I sought to correct that.
  5. My argument on the “current American” is that I believe the working man is dying. Nobody, especially young people, value hard work anymore. They don’t want to work hard. They don’t want to learn a trade. They don’t want to sacrifice their sweat. They want everything legislated to them. And those people are going to overwhelm our republic into socialism. That’s what I’m referring too. And yes, the American fighting man is a dying breed too. So lets do it your way. We’ll lose at the polls to the socialists and as we’re all dying in poverty we can rejoice that at least nobody got hurt.
  6. https://www.yahoo.com/news/elizabeth-warren-expected-announcement-2020-160410993.html She made her x and it’s official.
  7. That was well said. And you’re correct. My advocation for fisticuffs has to do with my belief that the quality of the current American is insufficient to keep the republic moving in its current form. Watch — 2020 will lead to a socialists nomination for POTUS.
  8. I’m dismayed at the amount of people who don’t find the American way worth fighting for. I think it is.
  9. https://amp.usatoday.com/amp/2818679002 But she didn’t say anything wrong. Also, I love her.
  10. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/omar-calls-for-defunding-homeland-security-1-hour-after-insisting-that-tsa-workers-get-backpay Anybody surprised a Muslim wants to defund DHS? I wonder if she knows why that organization exists?
  11. Don’t worry, man. The_Dude has self pacified and wishes the world love and prosperity. These vape pen cartridge thing deals are just super. Really super.
  12. You only get the gallows if ya lose.
  13. Uh, again no. I’m about organized violence to oppress socialism. I am about that though. And that is NOT a war. its my honest opinion that a civil war in this country in the next 100 years is impossible.
  14. Oh my god. Are you ########? I am not advocating the establishment of a rebellious army to take and stand in the field against the United States Army. That’s not what I’m talking about. I don’t believe in fighting a fight that can’t be won. And now re-tarded is auto blocked. Cool.
  15. Yes I would turn to violence before i have some savage legislate my hard earned income away. Is there something amiss with that.
  16. You’re a woman and so you don’t understand.
  17. My claiming to not be all-knowing is “quite the take”? Further, I’m not calling for a civil war. I mean I’m laughing that I actually have to write that. Youre a guy who argues by assigning a ridoculous argument to your opponent. A lot of times that’ll work as your opponent argues a point that’s not even their own. He’s not. But you’ve already made up your mind.
  18. I’m talking after WWI. Further the restrictions on German trade from tariffs made the reparations impossible without borrowing. Those were direct impacts of Versailles. You are just awful.
  19. I see you correctly identified “economics” for once. However i agree, Versailles was the cause of Germany’s depression.
  20. That Bismarck was straight gangsta.
  21. I see — since I do history things I should be an encyclopedia. Ah yes. Many on here pretend to be by going to Google to research things before every posts. I don’t do that because I don’t need to. Also, you pathetically mischaracterized what I said to imply ignorance on my behalf. I do not respect that one but. I challenged the relivence of a hypothetical question that you asked because with my limited knowledge of American history (which is significantly greater than the average Americans) I don’t believe the perception implied in your question was accurate. But by all all means join Tom in bashing me. He likes to make things up too, I’m sure you two girls will get on fine. Step 3 is profit.
  22. Because I don’t make things up like you do.
  23. Oh I don’t think there will be a civil war. I’m talking brown shirting polling places. Yes it’s a Nazirific idea — but some things the Nazis did worked.
  24. Actually I had to Google...I don’t think much of it.
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