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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. Is this thread still going on? White's win. Nothing more to see.
  2. At least Fitz aint chicken. Fitz will grip-it-n-rip-it. Id rather have Fitz than Tyrod any day. With Kase Keenum on the market (soon to be) I don't think Tyrod gets a whiff from anybody for starting this year. He's just awful. He's a good runner, but about the worst, most gutless passer I've ever had the displeasure of watching next to EJ Manuel.
  3. That's true. But -- this (Jihad Jane) is the same C-unt that wants to do away with homeland security. This Hajis issue with Israel is that it exists. I'm so damn sick of these Palestinians and their sympathizers crying all the time. The Jews agreed to a 2-state solution and the Palestinian's started killing them. That's how this started. F*** Haj everywhere!
  4. I wonder what Tyrod was thinking watching a rookie go in there, take his job, and completely out class him. I wonder if Tyrod has come to grips that he's a backup?
  5. They don’t. Im saying they can/will once we turn 9/11 into a day of Muslim celebration.
  6. Let’s turnn 9/11 into a positive thing. We can all quote inspirational Muhammad quotes like every white hipster on MLK day.
  7. I’d school that biatch in a lesson on slavery. Omg. I’d pay for the chance. I find this idiots stance to be a direct reflection on the DNC.
  8. I'm waiting for the Democrats to make September "Muslim history month" and 9/11 Islam appreciation day!
  9. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/not-racist-college-student-wrote-op-ed-titled-white-boys-allowed-talk-speaks-221855881.html It's ok to call out an entire group in America so long as it's whitey. I bet she'll be given an award for this trash. If white boys feel their valuable maybe its because they belong to the most successful demographic ever and have learned from their fathers who learned from their fathers before them. Maybe?
  10. https://www-m.cnn.com/2019/02/12/us/eric-porterfield-west-virginia-lgbt-kkk-comments-trnd/index.html?r=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cnn.com%2F ...I think he should resign for being the ugliest, pigliest sum-betch I’ve ever seen.
  11. Unamerican muslims. Muslims hate America. They only care about their own causes which is killing everybody who isn’t them.
  12. .....meanwhile in France https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-47216387
  13. Years of experience ma’am. In the many times I witnessed it, anytime indirect fire came in women ALWAYS lost any composure. I’m talking screaming and tears. And from only audible explosions. Ones you couldn’t even feel the blast from. Further, women on the radio were awful. In fact, I can’t recal ever witnessing a woman in the military do anything impressive in any way. My civilian experience just reconfirms my military observations. “So” to all of this.
  14. https://www.yahoo.com/news/fleeing-holdout-french-women-foreigners-still-inside-170926716.html So, this ISIS supporting savage will I’m sure draw sympathy from the pathetic French. I’m sure she’ll move back and raise her hyenas to become terrorists who will then kill catholic Frenchies. The circle of tolerance.
  15. I know who that is, I don’t need to click the link.
  16. https://www.foxnews.com/us/first-female-viper-demo-team-pilot-removed-from-position-after-2-weeks Women do NOT belong in that position. Combat requires the quickest and most decisive of decisions. Women aren’t capable of deciding where to eat, and they’re damn sure not capable of doing war things. Im so sick of these PCapades. No woman, ever, belongs on the front.
  17. Thats right! They deserve somebody else’s money too!
  18. Right. Never mind the campaign contributions I gave him along with my vote twice.
  19. I will. Obama was a surrender monkey.
  20. Walls are racist. To be not racist we need to: 1. Have open borders 2. Tax the rich 70-90% 3. Use formerly rich peoples money to provide: a. Universal healthcare b. Universal basic income c. Universal education d. Housing for any person who doesn’t have it e. Defund homeland security f. Ensure Black Panther wins best motion picture Failure to comply with those extremely reasonable and affordable measures is racism.
  21. Maybe you should try to make sense next time.
  22. Oh I know. That’s why I compared Polian to him. They both say ridiculous things because neither do their homework.
  23. I just finished Super Troopers 2 and it really got me thinking... Canada, I mean where do they get off, right?! ***** you, Canada.
  24. And Polian stares that Lamar Jackson should be a WR so that he can have the ball in his hands more. Right, cause a WR has their hands on the ball more than a QB. Both said that btw because both QBs are black and so both just assumed nonsense.
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