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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. Mine just ***** on the floor.
  2. I got these cat boxes where they’re enclosed and you just turn me upside down and it all falls into a container. No scooping. Fantastic.
  3. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-47250424 School children in the UK are "striking" and among their demands is the voting age being lowered to 16. Also for your reading pleasure, according to Beto, walls end lives and any and all southern barriers ought be torn down ASAP! https://www.dailywire.com/news/43514/tear-it-down-beto-orourke-wants-knock-down-ryan-saavedra
  4. https://www.foxnews.com/us/bodycam-footage-shows-alleged-isis-tied-arizona-mans-confrontation-with-officer Ahh...I wish I got shoot him.
  5. Do you even sarcasm, bruh?
  6. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/empire-actor-ridiculous-lie-attack-145756974.html https://www.dailywire.com/news/43509/police-question-two-persons-interest-smollett-case-hank-berrien Whoa, wait, what? Did this dude put a rope around his neck just to get attention? And who walks around with a rope, in a city, just so they can lasso a gay black dude and scream MAGA? Starting to think there’s a little more going on here.
  7. I bet their answer is immigration. They'll pump the district full of diverse immigrants and it'll be blue skies and daisies from there on out.
  8. https://www.ccn.com/alexandria-ocasio-cortezs-cringeworthy-reaction-to-amazons-hq2-pullout-proves-how-out-of-touch-she-really-is/amp Good article. Also, I’m confused how she’s an Econ major. I do NOT understand economics. I know what has worked in the past from historical studies but I’m not an economics brainiac. Not my field. It hurts my head. That said, tax breaks for $3 billion does not mean there’s an account with said $3 billion for investment elsewhere. There was NEVER $3 billion. How exactly this lady plans on reinvesting the non-existant $3 billion is beyond me. How is she an Econ major? Am I misunderstanding her point?
  9. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/alan-dershowitz-ousting-trump-via-25th-amendment-is-clearly-an-attempt-at-a-coup-detat All this business shows me is that the Democrats are as lawless as they claim Trump to be. And what credibility does this man have after being fired for dishonorable conduct?
  10. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/r-kelly-reportedly-investigation-unearthed-sex-tape-minor-202026150.html You can take the boy out of the ghetto but you can’t take the ghetto out of the boy.
  11. https://taskandpurpose.com/army-next-generation-squad-weapon OMG??? I cant be the only one getting a chubby thinking about that!
  12. Try to be less of a ***** the next time you do.
  13. What are you babbling about? How do I advocate socialism? I’m advocating Beezos paying the same damn taxes everybody else pays. Or, I’m advocating everybody else getting the same damn break.
  14. Wanting everybody to play by the same rules isn’t socialism.
  15. Hey look asswhole, I ain’t no socialist. As far as Snafu goes I didn’t threaten him. How could I? That’s not logical. Am I gonna slap him through his google machine?
  16. Hey look, i agree. But as a small business owner I get eye gouged every damn day by the government and it pisses me off to see Amazon get tax breaks.
  17. Thats the great thing about internets. You can call somebody an idiot who could rip your throat out if you did it in person.
  18. Wasnt this whole hullabaloo over special tax privileges and dedications?
  19. bull####. Your argument is to defund the military because something. I say you owe the military.
  20. Great point and you’re not wrong. But I’m not wrong in that every tax break results in less money for the military and at the end of the day I’m a war hawk. At least I’m an employed job creator.
  21. Actually, I’ll admit that I’ve a very novice understanding of finance. I force my accountant to talk like I’m 5 so I can understand things. However, when I see billion dollar conglomerates getting breaks that I’m not I get pissed. That’s guns, ammo, and equipment that could be going to the military. Im all about incentivizing business. However, it’s always the gagillionaires and NEVER the little guys like me who get the breaks. I see both sides, but c’mon — how is what Amazon is doing worse than what every welfare queen is doing? In scope what Amazon is doing is way more costly.
  22. https://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2018/may/03/bernie-sanders/amazon-paid-0-federal-income-taxes-2017/ I paid more.
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