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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. https://www.dailywire.com/news/43642/princeton-university-students-decry-famous-hank-berrien K...I’m gonna quote GWAR here. I CANT KILL THEM ALL WITH MY HANDS BRING BACK THE BOMB
  2. They love victims and all look for ways to be victims. Every liberal is a victim. Every one.
  3. https://www.dailywire.com/news/43621/january-29-two-hate-crimes-occurred-media-only-ben-shapiro Im going to safely assume the black males were Hajis. Makes too much sense. Also, American blacks have no reason to hate Jews. Unless they’re Haj. But liberals don’t care about Jews anymore. Now, I may hate doing business with Jews because they literally always try to jew you down....by I am a friend, and a fighter for my Hebros. I will always stand ready to fight with the Jews.
  4. Liberals everywhere will celebrate the death of that heinous sexual assaulter!
  5. Youre jokin, right?! Ah, of course you are. Nobody can be that ridiculous.
  6. https://www.foxnews.com/world/alabama-born-isis-wife-who-reportedly-told-americans-to-kill-themselves-now-begging-to-come-home.amp Let her come home so we can hang her Haj ass.
  7. Well apparently it’s what he wants and you should respect his wishes. Now, I’ll noose Mr. Smollett for half what he paid the first two to do. And that’s a bargain!
  8. "I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully."
  9. Smollett should be lynched for his lies
  10. All Palestinians are terrorists but not all terrorists are Palestinians.
  11. https://www.bbc.com/news/amp/uk-47270857 Typical Haj there. Commits acts of Hajness, and jihad, and then proclaims herself a victim and demands charity. Hopefully her her and her pup are left their to rot.
  12. https://www.dailywire.com/news/43579/ilhan-omars-district-terrorist-recruitment-capital-ryan-saavedra Her district is nothing more than immigrants to whom America is only a despised step-mother. They support terrorism there through volunteers and financial support. I hate democrats. Their arrogance is infuriating. They wear their tolerance like a shield not knowing it’s really a bullseye. But I realize I have to let them. We need more Muslims population wise. Once their numbers pop up we’ll have even worse a time than Germany, France, and England because Muslims hate us more. But sadly, because of liberals, to solve the Muslim problem we need them commit numerous acts of terrorism. It’s the only way America will see we can’t coexist and that’s what it will take to prompt action.
  13. Well you’re clearly wrong there. That seems to be your forte though.
  14. Who? Where?
  15. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/jussie-smollett-responds-reports-may-022916944.html Hes still denying his participation in this. What an assclown.
  16. Muhammad, “the last prophet,” actively discouraged conversion so they could keep tax revenues high.
  17. I am FINE with the Democrats making one of the largest, most powerful companies hate them.
  18. I think you’re a jackass.
  19. Because look at what Muhammad did. They taxed non Muslims and the non Muslims had to convert to join in on the raping and pillaging.
  20. I always pack. Especially when I have to let somebody go. This is why.
  21. Well there’s certainly reason for he and I to share a similar view. My view represents 90% of combat vets. Real ones. Not fake ones.
  22. Ive years living amongst Muslims, a degree in western civilization, and I’ve killed way more hajis than they’ve killed me. Youre cute.
  23. “Dennis, are you going to hurt women?”
  24. What’s race got to do with it? I didn’t bring race into it.
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