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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. I should be exempt from links. If I say it, it’s true. I don’t make things up all willy-nilly. I’m no Tom.
  2. You was getting all pissy with me a while ago because I was labeling Reagan a cowardly douchebag who routinely violated citizens privacy, and broke the law with the Iran-Contra deal and you wanted links and all I knew of was books.
  3. Literally, I haven’t heard of any of these people. What point are you trying to prove with these?
  4. Depends who the democratic nominee is. Only Bernie or Biden can win. And they’ll both be attacked by the racist left for being white.
  5. https://www.yahoo.com/news/go-get-nick-trump-cheers-kentucky-student-suing-washington-post-250-million-152218597.html Get ‘em!
  6. Right. The race problem in America is more manufactured than legitimate. I think a great deal of the black community’s woes could be solved by self reflection rather than outrageous demands. They need to learn that the tail does not wag the dog. Dude, links are so gay. Do you know how many things I’ve read in books that I can’t find relevant links to? Maybe I ought just post Amazon links to where the book can be purchased?
  7. I don’t recal any of those because they don’t get attention because the “alleged” victim was white.
  8. The violence is only just beginning. The internet is the new forum, and everybody has access to the rostra.
  9. Sure, but it’s relevant to the mans character.
  10. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/politics/poor-people-not-allowed-in-aocs-luxury-apartment-complex Awful article. Awful. This is kind of crap is counterproductive. We need to destroy socialists but we need to do so with integrity, facts, and at a last resort violence. We however don’t need to use nonsense to attack them. AOC didn’t make the rules at this place and she probably didn’t know about it and what’s she supposed to do, live in a slum?
  11. https://www.yahoo.com/news/venezuela-armed-forces-alert-border-violations-172152801.html What are they ready to do? I mean make us tacos? Surely they don’t think putting up a resistance is a viable plan? Socialist savages.
  12. Shaun Alexander Vince Young Peyton Hillis — I mean a white guy that Belichick didn’t pick up....you know he fizzled our fast.
  13. https://www.yahoo.com/huffpost/hillary-clinton-hits-back-donald-144641712.html According to the dumb *****, an example of a “real” NATIONAL emergency is children being separated from their families at the border. Thats right folks, the legal treatment of non Americans is a national emergency. I want a ***** war.
  14. https://www.foxnews.com/us/sell-montana-to-canada-for-1t-ease-national-debt-petition-says.amp How about Minnesota? We’d get rid of a sizeable chunk of our undesirables.
  15. I'm pretty sure that this makes LGBT advocates racist now since everything Trump = racism. I knew the gays were racists. I knew it.
  16. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/another-u-s-high-school-student-hot-water-caught-distributing-n-word-passes-012420816.html
  17. First, he’s not just “saying.” He encompasses everything islam is which is everything that makes it reprehensible. Second, there are rational arguments to be made about Israel’s influence on the United States. I am in agreement there. But the Jews coexist. The Jews don’t look to rape, pillage and plunder other people’s. So, in that region we have but one friend, and only one.
  18. .....how far can Brady throw? I'm being serious. Could they even get the ball to OBJ on a 9 route?
  19. https://www.yahoo.com/news/farrakhan-praises-omar-anti-semitic-215742918.html Muslims HATE America. They hate freedom. They hate us. They are not us. They are not Americans. They will never be Americans.
  20. I'll bet a weeks pay that liberals come out against Bernie because he's white. 'We need a person of color, not another WHITE MAN!' Bet.
  21. How much what? Money? Crude oil? Rabble, rabble, rabble.
  22. The path to hell is paved with good intentions.
  23. https://www-m.cnn.com/2019/02/19/politics/bernie-sanders-2020-presidential/index.html?r=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cnn.com%2F Bernie is BACK! I may vote for him. Why? 1. I believe in a public option 2. Weed
  24. https://www.yahoo.com/news/uk-moral-duty-let-jihadi-bride-shamima-begum-come-home-says-lawyer-111210273.html Textbook Haj thinking right here. This is how they all think. They’ve a hive kind of conscience. Theres only one way to deal with them. And that way is Plan B...Plan Zyklon B.
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