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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. The only thing your brand of economics will do is ensure that we all enjoy the same level of poverty.
  2. I think the death penalty is far more appropriate. However, it’s obvious what you’re doing, and you’re an idiot.
  3. Yes, I agree. We’ll be brought low by interlopers who view my country as a step mother that they despise. Savages like AOC, and the Muslims, people like you vote for. We’ll be brought low by elected socialists. I agree.
  4. My legitimate fear of a war with China can ONLY be avoided by calculated and constant pressure. We have to own the pacific militarily. We NEED those sneaky *****'s to rearm. We need to reaffirm our ties with Australia. We need to strengthen our ties with India. We need to maintain our posture on the Korean peninsula. TPP isn't a great economic deal for the US, but it serves us well in terms of making friends. The best way to avoid a war is NOT with appeasement. Give China nothing. We must keep our foot close to their throat. We need to give the Navy a blank check, year after year. The only way a confrontation can be avoided with China is by ensuring China never sees a viable path to victory. Remember, China does NOT have to "defeat" us. They can't. They cannot march on Washington. They cannot invade the US. But they can beat us in the Pacific if we give them the breathing room to do so. Also, as I stated that they can't invade us -- remember the most famous of classic blunders -- "never get involved in a land war in Asia." Any and all confrontations with China should be through the Navy and Air Force. No boots on the ground unless we create radioactive buffer zones, which is not recommended.
  5. I bought it the day it came out and I've played like 30 minutes....I need some quality time with the sticks.
  6. People mocked Churchill for years for overreacting about that Hitler guy. You seem like a Chamberlain to me.
  7. F’ing auto correct. Islam is only a domestic threat. China is the new Huns.
  8. I know who’s behind this whole foul plot....the goddamn Dutch.
  9. Libs defending terrorists is nothing new. I’m very much so expecting it.
  10. Twas a comment on his taste or lack thereof.
  11. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2019/02/19/asia/tsai-ing-wen-china-us-interview-intl/index.html For several years I’ve grown increasingly concerned about China’s growing hostilities. China is literally turning into the greatest menace in the world. They’re a legitimate threat and very few people are paying attention. They’re weaponizing shipping lanes that are not in their territorial waters. They’re friendly with our enemies. They steal billions from us every year through various means. They’re hostility only increases with their lethality. The coward, Jimmy Carter, “Muniched” Taiwan 40 years ago in a manner that would make Neville Chamberlain blush. China is a very real threat and the BEST possibility of neautralizing the threat and avoiding a devestating war is to realign ourselves with Taiwan and put boots on soil. China is the real threat now and of the future.
  12. Pilot coffee, and Burger King cheeseburgers. Telling. Very telling.
  13. I think it’s a stupid tweet that’s 5 years old written by a man trying to keep his name out there.
  14. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/alabama-born-isis-wife-will-not-be-admitted-to-the-us-pompeo-says F’ing right!
  15. I hope not.
  16. I’m a war hawk. That said, I see no point in killing the ***** out of Haj to keep our people safe if we’ll let them die from the flue. That said, I believe people should receive what they can afford. I believe that poor people should receive free healthcare, but not at the cost of bankrupting the nation. I have many ideas, but I’m not too keen to type them on my phone which is what I’m using now. Also said, no Muslims should be an American citizen so no muslim should get the free healthcare I advocate for. I just don’t want people to think I’ve gone soft. Furthermore, Mecca must be destroyed.
  17. I’m hesitant to support regulations but I think there are some smart ideas there. Did you know I support a public healthcare option? I make fun of black culture. Doesn’t mean I hate blacks though. I voted for Obama to get a public option. He failed.
  18. Actually, Tibs, I’m a big green energy guy. I feel climate change is a huge issue. I’m all for incentivizing green energy. Mandating it with socialist programs is something I’ll fight though.
  19. The Bolsheviks can only beat us from within. Muslims and socialists in congress. Our republic is in decay and decline.
  20. You’re a squawking, hysterical woman. I mean that. I’m blunt and respectful in person. But I mind my business and unless you know me I’m pretty quiet as I keep to myself. I’m chivalrous and generous. I’m the ideal American.
  21. Yeah, only because of the Russia stuff. [sarcasm]
  22. I just want to be able to walk down the street without gay, black men accusing me of hate crimes. These are dark days.
  23. I, as a proud, strong, white man do not feel safe at Subway anymore. That is the real travesty in this. What is Subway going to do to make straight white men like me feel welcome?!
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