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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. Look, if we give the Indians reparations then whom do the Indians give reparations to? Should we do genetic testing on people in England and award Anglo-Saxons with reparations from Norman’s? Make the Ottomans give back the Byzantine Empire. Remove the Slavs back to the steppe. I mean nothing that America’s done in the past has been any worse than things done by others. In fact, as a guy who’s pretty damned familiar with history I’ll stand on my soapbox and say that America has been the light of the world for all peoples since 1865. No it isn’t perfect. Yeah we’ve done some things. But did we not kill hundreds of thousands of young men to right our wrong for slavery? How many countries can say that? Did we not save the world and put it better in WWI and WWII? Do the S. Koreans live better lives because of America or worse? Magnimity in victory is what we’ve always been and is another reason we’re so special. Imagine what would have happened had we lost to the Japanese. Read what the Japanese did in China. Read about their savagery. Imagine if we hadn’t been there to meet the Russians in Berlin....the Nazi’s might have prevailed and had they not the Russians wouldn’t have stopped at Berlin without Joe’s there to block their way. All you idiots that focus on the things America has done wrong need to learn and realize that America has committed no unique sin, and that it’s presence has been to the global betterment and any person who argues differently is a fool. Ill pay no reparations for being an American.
  2. While getting a sammich!
  3. Well, she wears glasses, so I know she’s smart.
  4. Walls never work because Rachel Maddow told me so. Don’t you feel stupid now?!
  5. White slaves are nothing new. In fact it's arguable the first slaves were white -- though thats an argument that cannot be proven. Every race has been enslaved. A simple study of Haiti would burst this black-and-white idea of how slavery worked to your average American black person. Race relations are a product of modernity and of Darwinism.
  6. I'll speak for myself. Yes, reparations are stupid. I didn't say they should go back to Africa. I said they should seek their reparations there. There's a huge difference.
  7. So much nonsense in this that I don’t know where to begin. If blacks want reparations I suggest they do some digging and seek them in Africa.
  8. This black eye should result in him being forced to sell his team.
  9. https://www.foxnews.com/us/father-of-isis-wife-is-now-suing-trump-us-to-let-her-back-into-the-country Solution seems simple....find the dad and show him what happens when we play cowboys and Hajis.
  10. I remember when we captured Haj #1, aka Saddam, his cell had a photo of G.W. to look at. I want the same for Jussie. A smiling Trump with MAGA hat. Kiss the ring, biatch! .....they should kill him off (off screen) in a hilarious manner. However, I'm proud to say I've never watched the show and I don't know what its about, so I have no idea how to kill the guy off in a hilarious way.
  11. I swear by that *****. Tiger balm on the back after a ruck march...good *****!
  12. Every race has been slaves to every race. Black people don't know that though, not because the information is hidden from them, but because they like to feel special. My god...just sick of it. Open a history book, black community, you're far from special when it comes to slavery or anything else.
  13. He’d be a good get. Plus, it’s not like he’d preclude us from addressing the position in the draft as well.
  14. Why do you want more immigrants? Lay it on me. Is our population insufficient to the point we need to bring people in? Any type of immigrant in particular? Low skills or high skills?
  15. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/harris-warren-embrace-reparations-for-black-americans Heres my stance, anything the blacks think whites owe them was paid in blood between April 1861 to April 1865. Perhaps if slavery was taught properly in the US the black community wouldn’t have such a victim mentality. Get. Over. It. This is nothing less than a feeble attempt to buy votes. Why the hyphen in the title? Because ###### is blocked.
  16. In my mind, Tibs is Cleveland. I hope he falls out of his house while taking a bath. That’d be awesome.
  17. Another interloper who does not call America mother.
  18. Whenever I read Tiberius’ nonsense I read it in Cleveland’s voice from Family Guy. I can’t be the only one?
  19. I traded my 1500 for a crosstrek. I’m doin my part!
  20. Youre right. But also, it’s becoming environmentally necessary.
  21. I think it’s time to start focusing on renewable energy for numerous reasons.
  22. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/students-stage-walkout-protest-dress-code-ban-durags-theyre-trying-take-away-151500247.html How is black people overracting and taking a stupid stance newsworthy? Id suggest their fathers talk to them but that’d probably require awkward introductions for most. ✊? Youre laughing, ya know you are.
  23. I hope the judge sentences Smollett to kiss Trumps ring and have it televised. LA has some fragile feelings. Like a woman.
  24. We do need to move away from oil, responsibly. Im a believer in taking the advice of experts, and I believe in man-made climate change. More importantly, anything to deny Muslims power is a good thing. Take away their main cash crop. It’s a great move from a militaristic standpoint.
  25. I’m not interested in your porn tastes.
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