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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/23/world/americas/venezuela-aid-live.html We can be just like them soon! Oh! Maybe this is the democrats solution for illegal immigration. Destroy the country and that’ll stop immigration! Good thinking.
  2. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/tucker-carlson-tonight-guest-says-african-americans-need-move-slavery-213605922.html Hear, hear! When I was born poor I quickly learned I’d have to work harder than folks that weren’t born with a plastic spoon in their mouth. So I worked harder. I did NOT opt to sit on the front porch dranking grape drank all day. So, I’m successful.
  3. Tammy making things up again. Did you read this in an antebellum census? I’ve done more for my civilization than you ever will. Bye, Felicia.
  4. What if we build the bridge with solar panels so it makes us money?
  5. https://www.dailywire.com/news/43859/aoc-her-proposed-marginal-tax-rates-isnt-10-frank-camp For your reading pleasure
  6. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/woman-harasses-man-maga-hat-declaring-victim-215126559.html Perfect example of the savages of the left. In this one the Brazilian lady commits assault, but in her mind its defense because the man had a red hat on and therefor that makes him bad. This is also the type of savage that doesn't call America "Mother" who comes here and trys to shove socialism down out throats. Anyways, suck on this story, Jussie, you know you like sucking.
  7. Meh. I consider myself a custodian of western civilization and the Swiss have never been high on my list of a people that exemplify western culture because of their selfishness and cowardice.
  8. Dear Finance/Accounting people, Remember, we’re not all finance and accounting people. I’m a simple soldier and hammer swinger. I understand complex matters best when they’re illustrated on construction paper, so do try to break down your numerals ‘Barney Style’ for us less sophisticated in the arts of moneying.
  9. The punishment should have been a medal for heroism.
  10. It is my opinion that taxation over 20% is oppression unless in times of extreme crisis. Think about it — I’m stating that a person should work over 10 weeks and sacrifice all monies made during those weeks to the greater good. Over 2 months out of the year is what I’m suggesting. Who pays more than 20%? Break down what you pay in taxes to the government in terms of work weeks and ask yourself ‘am I a free man?’
  11. That is my point. I didn’t think it’d be misinterpreted. A country that prides itself in not standing up to evil is a country of cowards. Sadly, they never paid for their cowardice all because of the blood of sons of America. The Swiss are even more pathetic than the French and Italians.
  12. Not “earn,” “keep.” They feel they’re in charge of what another should be allowed to keep.
  13. Im not an economist. I like the idea but we’ve got to keep the military running and I’m not sure what an extreme change would do to that.
  14. You probably don’t realize how good you have it. How much should a “rich person” be deprived of their wealth for taxes?
  15. While id like to assume the account was a parody, all experience with liberals forces me to consider the possibility that it isn’t. Do not lay the fault at my feet, but at the unchecked absurdity of liberalism.
  16. Serious question — at what point is taxation oppression? Today I watched a clip of a young lady on Fox who is pro Bernie. The interviewer asked how they would pay for the programs Bernie wants to roll out. The young lady responded by saying to tax the rich. “How much” the interviewer asked, to which the young lady responded 70%! Never in the course of human history has a people taxed themselves into prosperity. It doesn’t work that way. My question is, at what point do taxes become oppression? Where’s your line in the sand? How much of a persons money should be available for confiscation and redistribution by the electorate?
  17. To be devoid of courage and character isn’t something that makes you rich. I understand their point — but how can they say “we didn’t defy Hitler” proudly. Piss on Switzerland. Hopefully they get theirs one day.
  18. If she’s real she’s an embarrassment to the white race.
  19. So even when I rant on white people I’m racist? The first rule of racism must be I’m a racist.
  20. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-47319581 The only civilized country in Europe more despicable than the French are the Swiss. Disgusting, gutless, selfish, cowards. I spit on the Swiss.
  21. I hope he dies from a stress induced heart attack. And yes, I’m pissing on his grave.
  22. Also, Roadhouse was the greatest movie ever.
  23. My great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandfather had some dude owe him money. I want reparations from that dudes ancestor.
  24. Where does it stop? Plus, I come from a long line of Scottish peasants. I mean, I don’t owe any Indian *****. But I’m white so I do, right? If you start this, where does it end? History is nothing but one group of people killing another group of people and then conquering their land. Everybody’s ancestors at one point were slaves, the conquered, or the conquerer. So what’s the complaint?
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