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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. Churchill said this would happen. He said the uncivilized savages would be at each others throats if they were left to their own devices. Churchill knew the kindest fate for all of them was for them to remain subjects of Her Majesties Government. It’s not like the Irish who were obviously civilized. They’d be better off under British oversight. The biggest issue with colonialism was that it didn’t last long enough. This could be nothing. But it could also turn into July 1914 quickly. Nobody in Europe in July 1914 thought war imminent.
  2. Correct me if I’m wrong, but when Reagan gave amnesty to illegals wasn’t a Wall part of that concession that hasn’t been fulfilled? And illegal immigration is bad for a country. We need to stop it.
  3. Uh-huh. So a border “fence” is sensible but a wall is racist?
  4. This article is trash. Jews haven’t been terrorists for a couple thousand years. Crap article.
  5. I’m pretty sure you could copy and paste what he wrote into google.
  6. I don’t know if the idea is outdated, but if you had modern versions of these subs, and heavy bombers, I’d make em. Imagine being able to pop-up and launch heavy bombers, then dive and rendezvous at another point. Huge. But I might be outdated. If she panicked over that, what would she do in combat? Im telling you dude, I’ve seen women lose their damn minds, on FOBs, when they hear something go boom. I’m talking ready to surrender. Imagine women during an artillary barrage... A battlefield is no place for a lady.
  7. Thank you, sir. You are ALWAYS lookin our for me.
  8. In international waters, do we let subs get near our carriers? At what point would a warning to back up escalate? Can/do we fire on subs near carriers? Also, are “carrier-subs” a stupid idea? The Japanese built a sub that could hold and somehow launch a couple of bombers towards the end of WWII. Not sure it was ever fully operational. Apparently we scrapped it. Not sure why we haven’t done that. Seems like an awesome idea to me though. But I know nothing of arial combat or boat war. @DC Tom you know anything about that sub the Japanese has I’m talking about? And is a carrier-sub stupid? I may want to punch your face, but I appreciate knowledge and perspective where it can be found.
  9. Thats awesome man. Well, this might sound weird but thanks for giving a ***** and for your service. Whats your take on women in combat. The only ones I knew of that were even a little competent I never met. They were helicopter pilots that I talked to on the radio. Seemed ok up there. I don’t trust them though. Never have. They just don’t make split second decisive decisions like men.
  10. Well at least I have a starting point. I used to make private’s soldiers. I can teach Tibs.
  11. I think I can talk smarts into Gator. He’ll be my Helen Keller. I’m gonna talk some smarts into him. There’s hope because his ideas are dumber than he is, so there’s potential. He’s just gotta ask himself questions he doesn’t want to. Like how many work weeks out of the year he should sacrifice to taxes.
  12. Fine, $10,000,000.01 ....also, I sincerely hope you’re joking. I dont know why but that nonsense reminds me of the hillarious Roman “hour” which was hardly ever 60 minutes.
  13. I have so many questions. I’m fascinated with the Navy. I’m terrified of the air and I don’t like the open sea so I would never join the navy. I like my boots on the ground. So, stupid question, how do you guys do pretend fighting? Like in the army we’d wear awful laser gear crap, we’d set up an opfor, and then shoot at each other with blanks. Do y’all do something similar only with boats? Also, what happens when there’s a foreign sub around y’all? I know nothing of boat fighting. Forgive my ignorance.
  14. That is correct. One of my best buddies is a big fella. 6’4”. I’m 5’6”. In training I was constantly fireman carrying his big ass. Everybody needs to be able to evacuate anybody. I’d like to see a 5’6” girl carry a grown man that’s 6’4” in full battle rattle. That ain’t happenin.
  15. Wrong. Wrong. Just wrong. So much wrong here. But how would you know? You’ve never evacuated anybody, little lamb.
  16. This is diversity. This is just another drop in the bucket of proof diversity is devastating, and to nobody's benefit. All John Wilkes Booth's fault. Nearsighted moron.
  17. This has been a problem for years. Glad to see headway.
  18. I caught it. Honestly, I've been mildly concussed a few times from punches, but you should have seen the other guys hands....it's actually the indirect fire that worries me. I've no idea how many concussions I got from that *****, but I'm a man about it. Charlie Mike. You're a loud guy when not being called out for inaccuracies.
  19. I advocate for living within our means. I believe we need to do so soon. The earth isn't going to end in 12 years, but I'm not so certain the debt isn't going to cripple the nation by then. A nation too broke to wage war is no longer a nation. Venezuela is learning that as we speak. is it invalid? I look at things differently than a lot of people. Putting tax brackets into units of work weeks is fitting.
  20. Well think about it, Tibs. Because it's an important question. I don't even care what your answer is, I just want you to confront the question because maybe you'll realize that taxation isn't that much different from theft or slavery. Unlike theft or slavery, taxation is a necessary evil -- to a point. It's necessary to fulfill the social contract, but beyond that its oppression.
  21. People think just because a dudes 5'6" he can't scrap. I can scrap. Plus, I'm including a LOT of MMA. Do I like MMA? Not really. I don't watch, but I believe it's good for character. A man who has never been punched in the nose is not a man. A man who gets clocked and gets up ready to scrap -- that's a man. I'm just that sort of guy.
  22. Actually it's not. You're ducking it. It makes a lot of sense. Now, if you're like me, a small business owner, you'd definitely ponder the question without being prompted. Why? I can't tell you how many times I haven't had money to pay myself after making payroll and payroll TAXES on the ides of every month. So let's look at it.... If I'm taxed 20% which I think is fair, and I convert money into different units, say "work weeks," then 10.4 work weeks a year I would labor and give all my money for those weeks to the government. Over 2 months a year, 20% is. But I'm getting taxed way more than 20%. So, Tibs, my question to you is how many work weeks should you work for the government and reap none of the fruits of your labors? How many. Quit being a *****, and answer the question. It's not hard ya know. Then, I want to know: 1. How many weeks should a man making $100,000 a year be forced to labor for the government? 2. How about a man making $1,000,000....how many weeks a year should he be a slave? 3. $10,000,000? AOC wants that man a slave for 36.4 weeks per year. You?
  23. I like you more than I respect you, and I don’t like you even a little. I appreciate wit wherever it can be found, and as a truthful person I must say I appreciate your wit. But that’s where your positive traits end. Abruptly. The thing about you is you only seem to chime in with insults and rarely add anything of substance to any conversations. It’s as if you’re completely void of convictions. To me, the most pathetic kind of man is one void of convictions. But that’s why you’re you and I’m an achiever.
  24. Dude, again, how many work weeks proceeds of yours should be confiscated by the government. That’s all I’m asking. How many work weeks out of the year? You’re scared to answer because you’re scared to contemplate the question.
  25. Well, I’ve been punched loads of times. More than I can count.
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