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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. I like Cook but his last bowl game was concerning and there are issues there. I think he has first round credentials but I'm not pulling that trigger if I'm Whaley. Now, Wentz is intriguing and may be there in the second.
  2. I fully expect Taylor to be Taylor. A few nice runs. A deep hookup with Watkins. And numerous 3 and outs. Ya know, real franchise stuff.
  3. 6 whole points?! My goodness...let's lock Tyrod up now. The QB search is over everybody!
  4. Also, by insisting that Taylor is great doesn't make it so. I've seen this fanbase try that insanity. "If we all just wish upon a star and make believe, then our guy will be great!" That hasn't worked for 20 years and I don't suspect it to start working now.
  5. Actually, if you go to NFL.com you'll see that Taylor ranks 34th in a league of 32 teams for yards per game. #Elite He ranks 16 in touchdowns. #Extraordinary He ranks 37th in attempts per game...wow! Hand him the keys to the car because it's clear the coaches trust him. Look, Taylor doesn't suck...but he's not getting the Bills to where we want them to go. The solution is to pencil Taylor in as next years starter, cut EJ, sign a FA QB, and draft a guy with a strong arm in the first two rounds. If I were Whaley I'd target Osweiler in free agency and look for a guy like Wentz in round 1 or something. Taylor hasn't earned 'unquestioned starter' status. Sorry I disagree with you. But I'm not wrong.
  6. How many yards did Kirk Cousins and Sam Bradford throw last night? Something like over 350 yards and multiple TDs for each? Because that's the kinda production that mediocre QBs can, and have to muster, in today's NFL. A good day for Tyrod is 250 yards passing with 2 TD's. Do ya see the difference? Some of you think because the losses "aren't Tyrod's fault" that we have our guy. We actually have a below average QB.
  7. We have one of the worst QB situations in the league and Bills fans be like "yeah! Lock that up long term!" Just because what we have is better than what we had. Orton was a better QB than Taylor.
  8. i think the thing with QB's in Buffalo is that Bills fan's don't know what they look like. It's been 20 years since we've had a great one. And in that span the need for a great QB has only increased. When we play great QBs the excuse after the game is that the D wasn't good enough. Or that there's nothing we could do because that other teams QB is so great. Then the idea in Buffalo is the dysfunctional puzzle that we've tinkered with for 20 years because we opt to not go find the answer at QB because 'franchise QBs are hard to find.' We've tried winning every which way. Good D. Good running game. It doesn't work! I AM NOT SAYING TYROD IS USELESS. But I need a franchise guy and it's my opinion that Taylor is what we've seen this year and even if he will improve, EVEN IF HE'll DEVELOP INTO A FRANCHISE GUY WE HAVE TO DRAFT A QB HIGH THIS YEAR. Because Tyrod is still a question mark as to what he'll be and we can't ignore the position because of a few deep passes that he completed to Watkins. Think about it. Tyrod is small. Tyrod was a 6th round pick. Tyrod has issues seeing over the line. For all the good there is with Tyrod, there are still real issues that may keep him from being successful. And so a drafted QB is a good insurance plan. WE HAVE TO DRAFT A QB. That's how you make the playoffs. That's how you win Super Bowls. Free agent QBs don't exactly have a track record of leading teams to championships.
  9. Hey, look...to everybody who thinks Taylor is the answer, let me ask you this...when was this team great? The answe is under Kelly...who was a franchise QB and one of the best in the league. And when have we sucked? When we have QB's like Taylor...
  10. Rothlisberger was in a hole too today. He won. Why? Because he's great. What'd Taylor do that first half of the game? He led a sputtering offense and didn't match Cousins.
  11. I'm so sick of "Tyrod's not the reason we lost" crap. True, Tyrod has played well enough for us to win games we've lost. But in those games he didn't play well enough to win them. And that's why we will never be good with Tyrod. Yes, we can beat teams without great QB's like the Texans if everything goes to plan. But when things don't go as planned we don't have a guy who can sling it and win. I'm watching the Steelers right now. Tyrod is no where near Rothlisberger and he never will be. Tyrod will never be able to out duel Rothlisberger, Brady, Rogers, Brees, Newton, Wilson, and so on...and those are the guys that are always scrapping for the Lombardi. Tyrod can get us to the playoffs if all things go according to plan. But that's it. We're not winning much else with him. That is why we don't resign Tyrod, we let him play out next year while the QB we should draft in the 1st or 2nd round sits a year. That HAS to be the plan. If it isn't, then shame on OBD.
  12. If we don't draft a QB in the first two rounds in burning everything down man.
  13. I'm going to throw hands with the next idiot who tells me Tyrod's the guy. Being better than EH isn't a qualification for anything.
  14. They're gonna have to throw out now. Let's see if our "franchise QB" can even muster 300 yards. I doubt it. It's not hard, but our "franchise QB" hasn't done it all year.
  15. It's like I want to throw the towel in on this team and be done with it but I can't. It's like it's genetic. Like I'm programmed to follow and love this team no matter how painful.
  16. Don't worry everybody, Tyrods a franchise QB. He'll save us!
  17. If we lose because of a botched extra point that will kill me.
  18. Aight Rex...where's the bully? Because the bully needs to make a stand.
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