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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. Yeah....um, I was born in Batavia. Im an American and not a refugee. If you're referring to the BBMB thingy...I've been here for years. Just never posted much.
  2. Well....I mean I was a cavalry scout in the Army for 10 years, with 30 months of combat in Iraq. I think I'd do alright. But that's why I carry so many rounds....when ya start using them, they go quick.
  3. May I say, as a 10-year army vet who was deployed to Iraq in 03-04 and 05-06, and as a man with a degree in the history of western civilizations....I in no way desire to take in any refugees.
  4. I have enough guns n ammo in my truck to take down an entire platoon, at all times.
  5. The book ain't written on him yet. He had a good year 2. Year 3 was a disaster, but I'm not sure it was Bortles.... They didn't fire their coach for no reason.
  6. If you don't understand the hype then you've either never seen him play, or you lack the ability to identify talent. Those are the only two plausible conclusions. Nothing would bring me more joy than the Pegula's getting negative pub.
  7. Bortles has all the tools. Honestly, his second year was good. This year not so much. I have no idea what is up in Jacksonville because they seem very talented....till they get on the field. Let's see what Saint Doug does with him. Am I bitter? Yeah, I was bitter for getting banned, but that wasn't your fault.
  8. Oh my god, I can't take you guys anywhere. THIS IS WHY WE CANT HAVE NICE THINGS!!!!
  9. The political forum was epic. There used to be this guy, KY_Billsfan or something like that. He made a lot of good posts. Never saw him much after they closed the political forum. Do you remember me? I remember you. I remember how stupid you said I was for concluding EJ was a bust before week 8 of his rookie year? Do you member? I member. Anyways, water under the bridge...I just couldn't not bring it up.
  10. They're interested but i doubt they'll trade. Buffalo will hold out till the deadline hoping an offer comes in.
  11. Yo, that's an amazing question. Personally I don't detest Murph as much as I do Chris Brown, because Chris Brown refers to himself as a reporter...and Chris Brown ain't no reporter.
  12. The only trade bait as far as Tyrod goes is if the other team likes his contract. If Whaley gets anything for Tyrod I'll be stoked.
  13. Yeah, I know. I majored in History. I've heard of this "Hitler." Nonetheless, Chris Brown is the minister of propaganda. I was going for that...not Nazi stuff.
  14. He looks very good. But I will lose my mind if they don't draft a QB...like if they draft this guy instead of Mahomes I may be permanently done.
  15. Mahomes, Watson, Trubisky, Kizer, Peterman....and probably Kelly. Also, I think Kizer has a phenomenal chance to be the next EJ.
  16. I tweeted Chris Brown about this to inform him that: 1- He's a phony journalist 2- He's Pegula's Goebbel's. Hey, he said he wanted us to tweet him, right?
  17. I'm glad to see all of you here. I would post very infrequently here because it never felt like home. Now it does! Welcome to the gallows!
  18. If you go to boards.buffalobills.com this is what you'll see. For fans whove used the Bills message board Posted by Chris Brown For those fans who have inquired about the fate of the Bills message board, which has long been an interactive area for lively conversation about the team, the organization thanks you for your contributions and support of the Buffalo Bills. We understand that change is difficult sometimes, but with the emerging popularity of Buffalo Bills social media channels, the organization is encouraging fans to use the platforms below to interact and share opinions and facts about our teams.
  19. Amen. I know y'all got done dirty by the Bills, but it's great to see y'all over here! Not sure if y'all noticed, but this has been posted at boards.buffalobills.com by Chris Brown. For fans whove used the Bills message board Posted by Chris Brown For those fans who have inquired about the fate of the Bills message board, which has long been an interactive area for lively conversation about the team, the organization thanks you for your contributions and support of the Buffalo Bills. We understand that change is difficult sometimes, but with the emerging popularity of Buffalo Bills social media channels, the organization is encouraging fans to use the platforms below to interact and share opinions and facts about our teams.
  20. The next time I hear about Greg Hardy I'm hoping it's something like a "tragic boating accident" or something.
  21. For two reasons. 1- this QB class is way better than advertised. 2- Tyrod is way worse than most people realize. You say that....but would the results of the past 20 years been much worse if a small selection of fans were running the team as opposed to the small collection of idiots that actually is running the team? Give the Bills front office no respect, they haven't earned it. I trust my judgement more than I do Whaley's. Whaley has made some nice pickups and made a nice trade or two. But he's mismanaged the QB position and made horrible moves like the Watkins trade. It's not like he deserves respect for the job he's done.
  22. Kim Pegula is on Twitter. I recommend all tweet her demanding the Bills get a QB
  23. Honestly, after I got banned from BBMB, I quit posting. I created an account here but this board didn't have the same feel because I was so outspoken over at BBMB that I developed relationships that were just taken from me. So I'm stoked that the BBMB got shut down. It's made this board better, at least for me. If they don't draft a QB high and roll Tyrod out next year I'd like to start a billboard.
  24. That's what happened with me with EJ! During a game day thread I used the phrase 'EJ apologists' and got a temp ban. I created another account to dispute the ban since one wasn't given the ability to communicate with the mods while banned, and then I got permantley banned for dual accounts. So lame.
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