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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. As a former soldier, "boat stuff" is very foreign to me. I'm a huge Churchill fanboy. Reading about Churchill you inevitably read about boat stuff. They always seemed to measure their loses in "tons." I never understood that. Why wouldn't they say 'damn Nazis sunk 4 boats today' instead of 'well they sunk x amount of tons today.' Always so confusing.
  2. I do not know this, Subutai. I appreciate very much, Alexander....but I can't rank him that high because the dude had a professional army which was unheard of at the time. Great General for sure, but he had professional soldiers who also had really long sticks. For me, it's the great Belisarius. Unbelievable what he accomplished.
  3. Oh, Tom, I'm fascinated by you. You're writing a book on aircraft carrier tactics and you for whatever reason decided to stop it halfway through WWII. Fascinating. Not sure I'd have gone with ending it at 42...nonetheless, fascinating.
  4. 😂😂😂😂😂
  5. Let me ask you this question then....you may pick from all of history...who in your opinion is the greatest general ever?
  6. I assumed you were joking...thing is, I don't know you yet. I don't know whether you're serious, or laid back. I don't know whether you're smart or stupid. Educated or uneducated. Successful in life, or unsuccessful. I was hoping you were joking. But did I know you were joking? No. I asked. Now I know you're sarcastic. So, there's that.
  7. Yeah...he made the pro bowl after 7 other QBs turned it down. Who isn't. Pro bowl QB in the NFL?
  8. I'm sorry but I can't tell if you're joking....there are a ton of camels in Iraq.
  9. What kind of liberalism? Classical liberalism like Locke promotes? Neo liberalism, like we have today? What kind of liberalism? Also, once you get back to me on that, let me know what makes America the most liberal. Dumbass. I must ask, and this isn't a challenge to your credentials, but what makes you an expert?
  10. I'm not disputing your points...but isolationism did prevail in this country during WWII. It took several attacks to bring us in.
  11. He's horrible at the QB position but solid elsewhere. But this was a bad move.
  12. If you fear isolationism, why?
  13. Um...I have no idea what you're talking about. However, I just found out there was a political board here. I read what y'all wrote but I never posted much because I knew the people at BBMB better. But now that I found out there's a section for politics...I love this place!
  14. Why quit now? I've been watching this dumpster burn for years.
  15. We ran up scores on bad teams, and the offense was a product of McCoy, not Taylor.
  16. Yes there are! 2-14 is a better option than Taylor.
  17. We'll pass on a QB in the draft. Taylor will be the same guy next year. We'll be "in the hunt" in November and out of it by December. McDermott will want to win meaningless games, and we'll win enough to not have the ammo to draft a good QB in next years draft. The drought will definitely hit the 20 year mark, and I bet it gets to 25. This is freaking awful. Just awful.
  18. Yes! Maybe we can get our passing offense up to 28th best in the league. They had best still get Mahomes.
  19. I have an undergrad on the topic, so I'm not an expert, but I know my things n stuff. Also, I've been a member here since 09.
  20. Ha! Ya know what the irony is? During the Saar offensive the French had an open road to Berlin, but they had a rule for the offensive....'nobody can get hurt' and so they retreated as quickly as they could before somebody got a bloody nose and things got serious. They legitimately thought they could avoid a war with Germany after having just declared one. Hilarious.
  21. Lol. The only time I did conventional cav scout stuff was in basic. I'm a big fan of suppressive fire.
  22. Don't know if y'all follow but j'ai adore Le Pen, and the French election (round 2) is coming up. If she's elected there will be huge ramifications across Europe. Really interested to see how it shakes out. For France's sake I hope she's elected. Those people have suffered more than enough due to liberalism.
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