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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. I own a company. I have employees. I'm not rich.
  2. There's nothin confining the word to the past tense.
  3. For me it's not a 'I want to smoke weed' thing because I can and I will. For me it's a human rights thing. I live in Georgia. How many kids with seizures could weed help in Georgia? Plus, who the hell told the government they need to regulate flowers?
  4. im not sure fascism can be benevolent and I was about to argue that but then I remembered Il Duce. Mussolini was actually once Times man of the year. Why? He did something FASCINATING. He set up these things he called 'corporations.' Not like a "company" but a body that would govern and oversee an industry. Fascinating stuff. I really wish there was more scholarship on it. People thought Mussolini solved the class/labor issue. Say Fiat came out with a new machine that was going to increase their production and save them money by cutting workers hours or altogether. What these 'corporations' would do is say 'ok Fiat, you can only use two of these machines for 3 years, and then the other companies get them too.' What this did was prevent a mass of layoffs and keep the other companies from losing the competitive edge. I really wish they existed longer for academic reasons.
  5. I didn't vote. I believe presidents HAVE to be statesman, and Trump is not a statesman capable of diplomacy. I couldn't vote for him. Hillary, id rather see her hanged than in the White House. Jill Stein feels I'm entitled to 0% of my money and Gary Johnson didn't know what Allepo is. 4 candidates, 0 good ones. I'm an independent. I despise socialism. But I'd have voted for Bernie. Why? I really really really really like weed. Like a whole lot and it's an important issue to me. Plus, I agree with him on trade deals, and as conservative as I am, I believe that in order to have the pursuit of happiness, one needs their life (Don't school me on legal documents either because I know). Anyways, just my take. But had Bernie won the primary, he'd have won the White House. Democrats got it handed to them because their a heinous party who followed a heinous B word.
  6. I hear ya. It's a shame what they did to Bernie Sanders. You can disagree with Bernie, but that is a good man, and what the Democrats did to him was despicable.
  7. So a few years ago I was a bleeding heart leftist. I'm not anymore. Just wondering if there's anyone else on here who's evolved past liberalism, and if so why? Me, personally, I was blind to the way of the world because I wasn't living in the real world. I joined the Army at 18, and stayed in till 28. Being in the Army you have universal healthcare, and a guaranteed good paycheck. I believed that poor black people who didn't have jobs were in that position due to racist hiring managers. Every problem that came up I believed could be solved by taxing those vile rich people. When I got out of the Army at 28 I immediately enrolled in college and began studying business for a semester or two till I switched to a history major. During the day I worked as a helper at an HVAC company. I barely knew how to use a screwdriver properly. I'd work all day and then go to school. The company I worked for catered to low income property management companies in the Atlanta area. Every day I saw the people that conservatives complain about. The people that wake up at the crack of noon to do not a damn thing. And their quality of life was about the same as mine and I was sweating in their attics or crawling through their crawl spaces to earn my living while they did as little as possible. I did that for 3 years, learned the business, and started my own company. On multiple occasions I've sacrificed my paycheck to myself because of payroll taxes. Ya know what really sucks? Paying taxes, and then paying the company contribution as well. In addition to my real world experience, liberalism didn't add up as I studied history. Now I do believe in certain aspects such as deploying Keynesian economics during economic famine...but liberalism in the form presented by Obama isn't sustainable as its most burdensome on the middle class. Anyways, I'm not a republican, they all call me Stallin, and the democrats call me Hitler. Maybe I'm onto something? Anyways, just wondering has anybody here shifted their politics and if so why?
  8. Footwork shmootwork. His footwork his sloppy and his accuracy is pinpoint. That's a huge plus in my book.
  9. CB is such a tool. Murph is a total fan that totes the company line, but CB is such a tool.
  10. I thought it was Chris Farley.
  11. Great. So you know he was a pedophile. A murderer. A rapist. A war mongerer. A liar. And a douche that plagiarized Judaism to start a cult. Good.
  12. The Army doesn't allow guns in the barracks for that reason. But the real problem is idiots with guns. Most of you have been conditioned by TV to believe that when somebody gets shot there's a wound that blood comes out of and you apply pressure to that wound. Well what really happens is 99.9% of the time the bullet goes through the person...and leaves a massive exit wound. Billets also travel down the sides of walls. There's a lot to know about guns and ballistics. That's the real danger...idiots with guns.
  13. Naw bro, I was made rear D commander for that go round. I had just had a baby and the Army lady doctor said she had a life threatening disease and they rear-D'd me as a result. Turns out my kid was fine and she's 9 now! It ended up kinda being the thing where I decided to end my Army career. They wouldn't send me to the board because I wasn't deployed, so I said screw you guys, I'm going to USAREC and then going home. Been out 5 years, got a degree in History (god bless the GI Bill), and I opened up an HVAC company a couple years ago and I'm rolling. Transition was hard at first, but I got my feet under me now.
  14. I love this issue so much because this is where every uneducated liberal gets to call people 'ignorant racists.' I do not hate Muslims. I hate Islam. There's a difference. Think of it like this.... if somebody said 'Americans are violent, war mongerers' they have a point. We're always at war. But then you could say 'well less than 1% of Americans are the fighters' and thatd be true too. With Islam it's complicated. I'd peg the "bad Muslims" at abound 25% of the population. Now does that mean that 25% of Muslims are suicide bombers or ISIS fighters? No. But what it means is that they're the ones that promote Muhammads ideology. They're the ones that do the funding. Look, at the end of the day it's not really ISIS that's perverting Muhammad's message, its Malala that's perverting the message. Look into the Hadith. This 'Sharia law' thingy that's talked about all the time comes from the Hadith. There are parts of the Hadith where Muslims go to Muhammad and they say 'look, Muhammad, we're all good guys and we'd never cheat on our harems, but raping slaves isn't cheating because they're our property, we just want to know where we should "finish," inside, or not inside?' That is Islam. Islam is rape, murder, and conquer, even amongst itself. This crap Malala blabs about isn't Islam. What really makes me laugh are all the bleeding heart liberals that defend Islam. I mean the college militant feminists out there protesting to get Muslim refugees all up in here....oh my god....there is no greater enemy to women's rights than Islam, and these are people that can't not rape....
  15. 19D OSUT AT Ft. Knox 10/02-03/033/2 ACR at Polk from 03-04. I was basically deployed that whole time. 1-33 Cav, 3rd BCT, 101st, 04-10 Houston USAREC, 10-12. ETSd.
  16. Whaley got what he wanted too. He got Tyrod at his price.
  17. Looking at Tyrod's deal, Mahomes is still a possibility. McDermott could be thinking 'this will give our rookie 1-2 years to learn, and our best way to win during the interim.' If that's why they kept Tyrod, then fine.
  18. I'm not watching the video...but this is what they do. Islam is not a religion that is comparable with western civilization. Our Muslim problem in America is currently, barely under control. Increase their numbers and there will be hell to pay. Their ideals will never coincide with ours because of the Quran and Hadith. Yes, there are many Muslims who can read the Hadith and say 'that was the way of the world then, we mustn't conduct ourselves in that manner today.' They live their lives peacefully. But the problem is that the Hadith is about Muhammad and his super best friends raping and murdering their way from here to there. So while most Muslims can differentiate and live peacefully, the Hadith enables the other kind of Muslim....those that think they can murder and rape just as their beloved prophet and his super best friends once did.
  19. I have heard of the Carpathians though. There was this bad dude, Vigo, he was a monster.
  20. Then I'm amazed and upset I've not heard of Subutai. But by the very fact you're familiar with the Byzantines, I call them "Romans" btw, pleases me greatly. It's a shame that we have history as a playbook for the present but nobody reads it.
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