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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. Im right. Do so I realize I could be wrong? Yes. But, I believe in being bold. And I’m positive on Mahomes. Tre White and a 1st won’t makeup for passing on Mahomes. A zone corner and a late first for a franchise QB....I believe that will lead to McDermotts fall if the Bills don’t get a QB this year.
  2. Oh, I did research first. The combine physical found that Mahomes’ hips can bend so he should be fine under center, and his knees checked out too so that three step drop thing should be fine. Im not insane — I’m right. 100%. Mahomes will be one of the best QBs in this league.
  3. Ahh good, you’re here now! You’re a prick. I wanted you to know. Now I finally got the chance to tell you. I really enjoyed the BBMB, but you deprived me that because you’re a c***. ....there, now I can move on.
  4. Yeah, but let me ask you a question — it’s 4th and long and you NEED your QB to throw it past the sticks, do you trust Taylor or Bortles? To me the answer is the guy that’ll actually throw the ball and that’s Bortles. So I prefer him to Taylor for that reason. He’s not afraid to try and win and Taylor is.
  5. To me their not and the reason is why people argue Taylor’s better or the reason you could argue Bortles is better. Bortles isnt scared to throw throw and Taylor is. That’s why I’d prefer Bortles. If we go down, let’s go down swinging. How is many times has Tyrod not thrown the ball past the sticks on plays he’s needed to throw the ball no matter what? He’s as maddening as Trent and I hate him for it. He doesn’t give our receivers a chance and I hate him.
  6. If the Bills fail to make the playoffs then this season is the exact nightmare I feared when McDumbass passed on Mahomes.
  7. 1a. Mayfield 1b. Rosen 2. Darnold (I’ve seen some good from him but I don’t see what the “experts” are saying) 3. Allen
  8. TT will not be a starter next year because the league knows he sucks. He’s passed for less than 100 yds more than once this year. He hasn’t led the Bills to a damn thing — if the Bills make the playoffs this year it’s not due to Taylor. We could have replaced Taylor’s production easily with a free agent QB. I wanted McCown, and I was right. Taylor is awful and when the Bills win they do so in spite of that gutless, trentative, mouthbreather.
  9. T&C was/is a B word. I received a few justified “infractions,” but T&C banned me for using the phrase “Edward apologists.” He also gave me an infraction for calling “Transplant Bills Fan,” “Trany,” but it was just to shorten the name and nothing else. I was penalized for efficiency!
  10. Coming out of college I had every reason to be. Bortles is my “first miss.” But I don’t think I missed badly. I know his team is defense and running but he is the QB of a 10-5 team so he’s not a dumpster fire like EJ. And I’d take Bortles over Taylor any day.
  11. Thats 100% true. The national perception is Tyrod is “ok” because all they see are the highlights and Tyrod can make big plays. He’ll be Mike Vick for 1 play, and then Trent Edwards for a quarter.
  12. The entire league knows what Tyrod can do. Nobody is impressed.
  13. What say you? Does tonight end with celebration or tears?
  14. Yeah they got caught for sure. Brady will rush the snap every time. Can’t blame him because it’s only smart football.
  15. Rex’s Bills were such a freak show. McDermott may not have an idea on how to get the offense going but at least his team isn’t a freak show.
  16. If Town N Country is on here oh my god I’d love to thank you for banning me for no reason. Prick. Not my experience with those over officious douchebags.
  17. We’ve had top rushing attacks during the drought. Nuff said.
  18. Which goes to show that it’s a passing league because who cares? If we were leading in passing we’d be in the playoffs.
  19. How can they not be having doubts? I don’t believe this.
  20. Are you stupid, or trolling? I can’t tell. Tyrod Taylor is awful. Your imaginary stats aren’t hypothetical because hypothetical has to be based on reason. Look at Woods’ YAC. His YAC with Taylor sucked because Tyrod’s an inaccurate QB (one of the reasons he’s bad) but look at his YAC with Goff. Tyrod has the 32 passing offense in the NFL. Youre either a dedicated troll or stupid. Youre cherry picking stats in an attempt to convince everybody that the truth we’ve seen with our eyes the past 3 years isn’t really the truth.
  21. Thank. God. Tyrod was was the worst thing to happen to this franchise. I know now that may seem obtuse but let me present it to you in this way — is Tyrod good enough? No, right! But, was he good enough to convince enough people he was good enough that the Bills stuck with him longer than they should have? Yes. Tyrod is fools gold. Always has been.
  22. Because that’s how high I was on Mahomes coming out. Dude, I was willing to trade two 1sts, and our 2nd to move up for him if necessary. I think the kids Brett Favre.
  23. Well that’s just common sense at this point. We we have to go in that direction and attempt to reasonably trade up if one slides; or we gotta go Cousins. I’d rather go with Smith, and look for one in the draft.
  24. No, Mahomes. I would have moved heaven and earth to trade up to get him last year. Then he fell to us and McDermott passed. I’ve hated him for it ever since. And now my nightmare scenario might be playing out — we don’t make the playoffs but win too many games to be able to draft a QB. If they drafted Watson I would have been happy, but it was Mahomes who I wanted.
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