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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. I like you but that doesn't immune you from my pointing out you're wrong. Wrong as hell. Weed was sorta made illegal by congress in the 30's. THE LAW WAS FOUND TO BE UNCONSTITUTIONAL AND REPEALED. So, in the 70's they passed the controlled substance act which is what brings about the 'schedule' drug policy of today. Marijuana was put on as a schedule 1 narcotic after a commission on the drug recommended to the Nixon administration that the flower ought not be on the list. It was placed on the list anyway and the SCOTUS has yet to intervene meaning the SCOTUS has been consistently failing in its obligations.
  2. Actually, I made the argument against that. So again, Tom, no. Marijuana was NOT outlawed with any kind of process whatsoever. It’s an oddity that a liberal president supported states rights ain’t it.
  3. If you think I’m a liberal it’s because you don’t know me. But it that’s what a lot of people do — you try to dictate your opponents views when you find their argument better than yours. Common tactic amongst the plebs.
  4. Actualy this law doesn’t even require a congressional vote to repeal. It can literally just be reclassified at any time from its wrongful place as a schedule 1 drug to not.
  5. Oh? I have investments — can you write them a letter telling them that Trump is president so that they can grow faster? That’d be GREAT. “Energy independence?” What? ? I’m not even getting into that one. Jobs are are more plentiful...jobs were on an upswing during Obama’s term and if you’re givig Trump credit for the current economy you’re seperated from reality because he hasn’t been an office long enough to sway it one way or the other. I’m pessimistic that his tax bill will increase jobs or wages because this sort of thing hasn’t worked in the past but I’m willing to see the results before I pass verdict. The country isnt isn’t heading to hell just yet but increasing the debt surely will continue it on its way.
  6. The law should be struck down because it’s unconstitutional. This law proves that we’ve an oligarchy as numerous polling outlets show that the majority of Americans support legalization but it matters not to politicians because many are being paid by heroin dealers (big pharmaceutical companies) to keep it illegal. Changing the the law is difficult but it has been happening, state-by-state. But you argue on behalf of an oppressive federal government. You must love regulation — I don’t. Tell me one person who has died from falling! It’s never the fall that kills them, it’s ALWAYS the ground. Falling is completely safe.
  7. What kills me is how they’re all convinced their guy is outfoxing everybody. When there’s no evidence to support this they make stuff up. It’s amazing.
  8. How? Like, how? This “banner year” is going to lead to slaughter at the mid terms and I can only think of the socialism this country is going to ignorantly embrace in 2020 to counter dodgy Don. This is has not been a banner year. And the inevitable clap back that will be the midterms and 2020 is going to be bad.
  9. ....I’m over 30. The constitution does not grant the federal government the authority to arbitrarily illegalize flowers. In addition — the absurdity of the whole thing is quite obvious. How is Marijuana a schedule 1 drug when it’s an undisputed fact of the medicinal value of the plant. Your government arbitrarily made medicine illegal and you’re defending it? Amazing. The constitution does not grant that authority and it can’t be swept under the rug with the ‘elastic clause,’ because it is neither necessary or proper.
  10. I’m not a science man. I’m an educated man, though. What my education taught me was that the overwhelming majority of scientists state that global warming is manmade and bad. Now, if the experts are overwhelmingly convinced of something I’m gonna follow their lead and take the issue seriously. I really wish pollution wasn’t so politicized in America.
  11. Those of you who support Trump should be less concerned with the media portrayal and more concerned with how history will remember you for putting that man in office. He’s undeniably the most unqualified president of all time ?????
  12. I would think if you had any understanding of the intent of America you couldn’t possibly be ignorant enough to support a law that is unconstitutional. But you want to blindly support the rules of big brother. Yes, I detest that attitude. On on top of that the damage that this action is going to reap on conservative ideals is going to be huge. Id wager the list of people who’ve died going 150 mph with properly inflated tires is a lot longer than the list of people who’ve died from flower inhalation. Just a guess — I didn’t google.
  13. Maybe you’re an idiot with no understanding of the founding of this country and what it’s supposed to be. Maybe you’re too gutless to fight for what’s right. Maybe you’re too stupid to know the difference. You shouldn’t be pulled over and won’t be if you’re on private property. But the government owns the roads and therefor they regulate them. And you cannot travel 150 mph safely — especially on roads. Youre really want want to compare reckless driving to pocession of a flower?
  14. How many times did Trump promise that North Korea wouldn’t get an ICBM? How many times did he promise they’d never complete their nuclear program....right now they’re working on a sub so that’ll be nice. Trump was stupid in his in his dealings with the Chinese. There should be a blockade around Korea right now — there isn’t. We should have taken military action by now. Trump has no clue what he’s doing — I’m just hoping that if a conflict does arise, Mattis takes complete control of the situation as Trump is out of his league.
  15. So, those of you idiotic enough to defend Sessions for ‘defending the law,’ are stupid enough in your own right, but here’s the real issue — it’s going to hurt conservative causes in the long run. https://www.yahoo.com/news/sessions-crackdown-pot-make-life-harder-republicans-november-173500315.html Im not a republican, if forced to identify I’d consider myself a libertarian I guess... These idiots in the Trump administration are botching everything so badly that the backlash is going to be a Democrat controlled White House, and congress soon. So so for you Trump Supporters that are burying your heads in the sand to avoid the obvious truth — enjoy your time in the sun. History will remember you as fools, and the conservative cause will definitely be set back by these bumbling idiots.
  16. Well, its looking increasingly obvious that Trump botched North Korea. Every line in the sand he’s drawn Kim has crossed. He’s been constantly outfoxed and has no clue what he’s doing. He ain’t no Churchill.
  17. I think the new tax bill is damning in and of itself and they ought not need make stuff up. Look, I’m a small business owner and overtaxed in every way. But any bill that leads an increase in the national debt is fiscally irresponsible and while I’m not an economic expert we’ve seen this ‘trickle down’ thing play out before and it’s not a real thing. So the tax bill makes Trump look dumb enough. And Trump’s a man who can’t even speak coherently. I mean Yoda’s gotta wonder where the hell Trump learned English.
  18. Sessions should use common sense. Ypu our can play devils advocate on this, but if you’re a conservative and libertarian like me you could not look past it. I believe eve in what this country was supposed to be more than what it is. I strive to make it how it should be. Prohibition once outlawed alcohol; was a man wrong for downing a beer? Don’t be a fool. You’re not on the high ground. And the economic stupidity of your argument makes you look foolish. Unleash a new industry and let the economy prosper and the deficit reduce. But no, you want to be a fool.
  19. No, but I’d argue that the constitution does not give the government the right to arbitrarily restrict pocession of things that cause no harm. I’d argue, SIR, that the constitution does not give right to prohibit property without worthy cause. I’d argue that. And as the SCOTUS’ role is to defend the constitution I pin the oppression in them. That I do. This is petty, economically stupid, and the law is unconstitutional.
  20. That was perfect. I have no rebuttal.
  21. I blame the SCOTUS for not ruling on it. There’s the real failure.
  22. I’m not sure. I’d argue the record is woefully incomplete. I’ve no doubt there was a Jesus of Nazareth, yet we’ve no credible first hand accounts of the man and so that’s a hard sell. But funny. There’s reason to laugh.
  23. I know. I can’t explain it. Many of my military friends support him. I personally have an issue with draft dodging cowards who feel too entitled to man-up and fight for their country. Now the coward talks tough knowing he won’t have to do the dirty work. On on top of that in no way is that man a conservative. Any tax bill that will add to the debt is not conservative. The second we have an issue paying the interest this country won’t be able to fight a war due to financial issues. I’ve seen that before — where have I seen a massive nation crumble when they began to have issues paying. E army? Oh yeah, Rome. I could go on....I mean if you’re a “patriot” and agree with Thomas Jeffeson, how can you agree with Trump and his AGs position on marijuana? That’s against personal freedoms and states rights, but what the hell do I know, I suppose that’s “American,” right? I don’t know. Maybe.
  24. I’m sure the people in the canabis industry will feel quite comforted by that.
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