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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. Tyrod never throws to ‘spots on the firld’ Like real NFL QBs so I’m not totally surprised. Give our receivers to a real NFL QB and they’d be better. Nonetheless the receiver Ives position needs to improve and Zay Jones needs to fight for his roster spot next year, I don’t care he was a second round pick.
  2. Trump people have no idea what Pandora’s box they opened. First, Trump is a retard — and he may have the beginnings of dementia. If Trump is qualified then so is Oprah. In fact she’s more qualified because at least she’s self-made. What about Clooney? Is Clooney qualified? He’s always been quite political so why not?! The MEGA militia has no idea what they’ve done and they probably never will because it won’t air on Fox News or the WWE. And if women men need a political woman to look up to who has broken the glass ceiling her name is Margret f’ing Thatcher.
  3. I’ve read people questioning his arm and the only thing I take from that is that there are a lot of “scouts” writing generic reports and inserting his name. His arm is good.
  4. WGR had the Colts “Sal” on a month ago or so. That guy stated that the national perception on Irsay-Luck is all wrong. Indy “Sal,” said that Irsay and everybody in the Colts LOVES Luck and he ain’t goin nowhere. Plus, his injury is concerning.
  5. Please understand I don’t mean in his future NFL success as much as I mean the reasons he’s being overlooked. Same things were said about Rodgers. I am NOT saying he’ll definitley be as good as Rodgers.
  6. Yeah, cause the GOP hates states rights and LOVES the federal regulation. Good thinkin.
  7. America is a politically bi-polar country. This Trump administration idiocy practically guarantees a conservative midterm blood bath followed by a socialist being made potus in 2020. That’s why I labeled Sessions an “idiot.” His lack of vision is making this impossible uphill fight for conservatives impossible. This adds to the woes and helps nothing but you commend it because you think it’s principled or something. Youre talking constitutional law endlessly which was never my intent in this thread but these things take on lives of their own. Do I smoke weed? Yup. Every single night. I’m annoyed with Sessions about his stance on what I declare to be an inalienable right. My frustration is that I’m a conservative and douchebags like Sessions and Trump are killing conservatism. In fact, the only credible member of Trumps administration is Mattis. If he’s arguing on a message board while tripping, he deserves an award.
  8. Guys, Rudolph could be the next Aaron Rodgers. Please forgive me for the comparisons first impression and understand that I mean the knocks against him. For all all intents and purposes, Rudolph has the arm strength, leadership, accuracy, and size and athleticism to succeed in the NFL. So what’s the knock? Same as it was with Rodgers... ‘He doesn’t play under center.’ ‘It’s a simplistic offense that puts up video game numbers.’ ‘He’s not required to read the field.’ I’ve even heard the oh-so-damning claim that his hands are small. Hes a senior or who has gotten better every year and won a ton of games. I won’t be through the roof if he’s our guy but I’ll be cautiously optimistic.
  9. The Socratic method isn’t something you tinker with I see.
  10. So you think that because Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, and Obama didn’t reclassify that disproves my point? You’re on another level. I got work to do, Tom. Some of us do work for a living.
  11. Nope. I’m not. I’m sure you did your best to comprehend the material though.
  12. This is the petty crap I’m talking about. Look it up your own self or does Google not work on your phone/computer? Why dont you click on the link I provided and go through their references on your own time? You’re not entitled to my time, and I won’t reasearch everything for you. My time is valuable. Also, I’m far from a legal expert but the law itself probably won’t detail how to reschedule narcotics; it’ll just give authority to who can which to the best of my knowledge is the DEA, and HHS.
  13. Is something not working on your Google machine? For your reading enjoyment: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Removal_of_cannabis_from_Schedule_I_of_the_Controlled_Substances_Act I’ve noticed this message board is really petty with “sourcing.” I work more than full-time. I’m not taking time out of my day to source something for somebody to win a message board argument? I’m a small business owner — I got stuff to tend to.
  14. Its like this — they can just change it. There’s absolutely no science or legitimate process to to that crap show.
  15. We’re in for a show this offseason, that’s for sure. Im positive Tyrod isn’t on this team next year. They HAVE to do something huge. Even drafting Rudolph is huge. I dont think Jackson isnt our guy only because Rudolph is the most “process” guy in the draft class. Seriously, look him up. Rudolph is going to be the apple of McBeane’s eyes he’s so processy.
  16. This is very true. Smartest thing Octavian ever did was not to dismiss the senate.
  17. Ok, guy, look — you’re on the internet and maybe ya shouldn’t be if you get your fragile feelings hurt so easily. And im a veteran. So... And the concussion is sooooo bad that they let him get on the plane. Tyrod is probably already fine. He’s not as broken as your feelings anyways.
  18. Ya know what’s sad, guys in Iraq and Afganistan getting head injuries. That’s sad. Concussion blasts can really ring a guys bell. Tyrod Taylor getting a concussion while making money is not a tragedy. Tyrod Taylor is a smart, thoughtful man. He knows the risks. He’s not ignorant. But he accepts the risk and plays and makes money you’ll never see. Would I joke about his health in front of his family, no. But on a message board or at a game or bar — yup.
  19. Hes not seriously injured, he’s concussed. So freaking what! It’s not like this is a Kevin Everett thing. It was evident it was a non life threatening injury when it happened. Guy gets paid millions, gets a concussion, and we’re supposed to be sad? For a people that are know. For throwing each other through flaming tables there sure are a lot of Nancies out there. Nice to know some people can still pick up on dark humor. Sheesh, ever since people started getting offended by the proper use of pronouns ya can’t joke about nothin anymore.
  20. Tyrod, You’re a nice guy but I think your future is in fashion and not football. Thank you for 3 years of inept football.
  21. Everybody here should not need to read that article. Taylor was the worst drought QB because he was fools gold. He was good enough to fool the Bills into sticking with him too long.
  22. Naw, “lame,” is having Tyrod as your QB. That’s lame.
  23. I don’t care but I will help him pack.
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