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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. No, old man, it’s an observation I’m not full of ****. Do you see? I could have easily gone to Wikipedia and scanned his entire life and pretended that was previously obtained knowledge but I don’t do that. If I’m not an expert I say so. If I’m not knowledgeable on a topic I state so and I ask questions. I ask questions because I believe learning is continuous. Am I supposed to be expected to have knowledge on every historical figure? ? That one. Gotcha. But Rome was sacked during the republic too! Don’t forget. F’ing, pants-wearing savages!
  2. Is that a compliment or not? I only know about his father and on that mostly just his way of war. Ok. On the board with a pope. I don’t get it but cool. Maybe due to conflicts with Islam?
  3. Mattis did endorse Trump and I think nothing of it. I didnt vote for president this election. I personally Hillary more than words can express and I never trusted Trump and I didn’t want electing him on my hands. That said, first and foremost to me is the military. I’d argue Maddog feels the same way. Do you know what happened to the military during the Clinton years? It was horribly funded and maligned. That’s why servicemembers are overwhelmingly conservative. Democrats despise the military and resent its existence.
  4. Your ideas about cannabis are antiquated. Probably many of your ideas are.
  5. No, I don’t care. But you, here ya go: https://taskandpurpose.com/mattis-serve-donald-trump/ Not exactly a ringing endorsement of POTUS specifically. Sounds like he’s saying exactly what I said he said. Maddog for President 2020!
  6. It’s a simple game if you want to play. Who is the historical figure that Trump most resembles and why. You can base your answer off whatever criteria you want (obviously). But who does Trump remind you of and why? What traits of his are similar to the historical figure you’re comparing him to.
  7. And it all came together on Dotards watch. https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/putin-says-north-koreas-kim-171707557.html ????? Didnt he say this wouldn’t happen if he were elected?
  8. “Don’t confuse effort with results”
  9. ?saw that coming a mile away. Do I really think that? Well, I know for a fact I’m smarter than most people. My success in life is a testament to my abilities. But I do not act like that nor do I talk like that. So why’d I do it? Your predictable reaction I knew would amuse me. See, all I did was talk like Trump. I wrote it on a message board instead of 4:00 am tweet, but same thing. Only heres the difference between Trump and I: 1. I volunteered to fight for my country when it went to war. Trump dodged the draft. 2. With no head start in life and no handout from mommy and daddy I built my business with my last $5k and it has been a great success. 3. I didn’t go to an Ivy League school but I did graduate Cum Laude — while running a small business. If Trunp starts boasting you idiots eat it up. If I start boasting I’m a “loud mouth” ?
  10. Tom’s rewriting history books today. What else ya doing today, Tom?
  11. It would be weird indeed to compare Mattis to a Nazi. To my knowledge nobody on this thread has. Rommel was a German officer but he never joined the party. Rommel spoke highly of Hitler before Poland and supported the invasion of Poland. Rommel was also sentenced to death for a plot to kill Hitler. Maybe you should learn your ****. But it’s hard to teach an old dog new tricks. Really? I’d work for Trump and the mans a raging moron. Why would I do it? Because I’m not too good to serve my country and I love my country.
  12. Im sure they’re all quite enamored with Donald the draft dodging Trump. All of them.
  13. I’m not a humble person and I never will be. My confidence is the reason for all my success. My attitude is ‘I’m better than everybody and I can outdo everybody.’ It’s why I’m successful. If I had a less aggressive attitude I’d probably be some shmuck punching a 9-5 time card. That’s not my style because I’m better than everybody. It’s offputting to most people but when you truly don’t care about what the plebs think it doesn’t bother ya.
  14. Mattis would serve his country because he’s like Rommel — a patriot. I have no doubt that Mattis is basically running things and they fill Trump in. Trump isn’t a smart man, and he’s not a military man. Mattis is a general leading his country through inept presidential leadership. Very similar to Rommel. Reagan was a bad person. Try not to learn too much about him. ...have you ever tried weed? Cause it’s not, like, an “epiphany,” man. It’s like a relaxing feeling with no morning hangover, and I could be as high as one could get and I’d still be more cognizant and intelligent than you.
  15. No...I think you’re an idiot for not catching the reference about something that is common knowledge.
  16. Yes, his tweets have been quite effective. The world is very impressed that we’ve a very stable genius handling things....and we DO have a genius handling things. And that man is James friggin Mattis.
  17. Yeah, all “masterminds” speak at a fourth grade level. “He’s playing chess, we’re playing checkers I know.” Donald Jenius Trump will be remembered as a less impactful, and less charismatic, Caligula. ‘I’d be banging my daughter if she weren’t my daughter.’ But Trump wasn’t nearly as classy or as witty as Caligula.
  18. North Korea. He was gonna stop their nuclear program. He was gonna stop their ICBM program. Nothing. The Chinese played him like a fiddle. Trump is easily outfoxed.
  19. No, Beane wasn’t here. But it was a HUGE mistake by McDermott. Whoever we get this year won’t be as good as Mahomes I’m willing to bet, and the divide between who we get and Mahomes probably won’t be bridged by Tre White and I love White. But that was a stupid mistake and it will come back to haunt McDermott if they don’t get a top-5 QB in this draft because that’s how good Mahomes is gonna be.
  20. CNN is a biased crapshow just like Faux. Biased as all get out. But as an American what concerns me is the POTUS going after the media. The media is supposed to go after the POTUS, not the other way around. That’s the real scary thing. They did the same thing to Bush and Faux did it to Obama.
  21. “Winning”? Is that what tweeting at 4:00 am is? History won’t remember you kindly. Also, a Hillary victory isn’t that impressive. She didn’t win her primary without cheating. ...I’m not a liberal. I despise liberalism. I also despise authoritarianism and so I detest Trump. Trump has done numerous things I agree with, but that does not make him a good president. Hillary is smart. That’s why she’s so good at lying. Pelosi — I don’t know where to begin except only California could elect such a nut.
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