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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. I want a QB that acts like him. Can you imagine a Bills QB dropping dimes on the Pats and then telling them to suck his balls? Cause I’m about that. I’m really about that.
  2. I need more time to watch Rudolph. For me it’s in order: 1. Mayfield 2. Rosen 3. Darnold
  3. No. I believe in Keynesian economics to combat recessions. Reason: I’ve seen it work and studied how it has worked. When it comes to this — I know that I don’t know enough to weigh in. I know enough about economics to know I don’t know what I’m talking about. I begin working on an MBA soon, but till then I can’t really weigh in. Historically I will say Reagan’s achievements have been grossly misrepresented when it comes to Reaganomics. I look forward to understanding economics better but all I can do is rely on my understanding of economical historical events.
  4. My opposition to the bill is the debt the CBO says it’ll add. I want a tax plan that destroys the debt.
  5. I don’t remember where I read that, I just remember I read it. But payroll taxes are the bane of my existence so any reprieve is welcome.
  6. It’s my understanding that savings I’ll see will only last about two years? But as a small business owner I will benefit greatly on payroll taxes. Speaking of payroll taxes — today is shakedown day and I gotta pay fed and state.
  7. I cant know what Alexander Hamilton thought, felt, and advocated by reading what Alexander Hamilton wrote about what he thought, felt, and advocated. S-m-r-t ?
  8. I worked for Obama’s when I was in the Army. He was the boss. I worked for him ????? Mattis would have said yes to Hillary. I never met Alexander Hamilton but after reading the Federalist Papers I can tell you all about his personality and thought process. But whatever you need to tell yourself.
  9. So you don’t know Germanicus’ real name? That’s what I thought!?
  10. https://www.yahoo.com/news/us-suggest-intercepting-north-korea-ships-allies-213702316.html whoa boy! We might finally have something here! North Korea would declare this a casus belli.
  11. McDermott passed on Mahomes, not Beane. Beane wasn’t here yet. And yes, it was a HUGE mistake. I doubt whoever we get will be as good as Mahomes.
  12. Tom, I could trounce you in a debate with a joint in one hand and Jack Daniels in the other. That’s how I roll. Jim Mattis is a stoic. Stoics don’t like chauvinistic megolomaniacs. They just don’t. So you can close your eyes and pretend Trump and Mattis swap spit but it’s just not true.
  13. No I didn’t because I studied them from the western perspective. Most of what I read on them stems from Byzantine sources. Most of what I read was just detailing their methods of fighting. But yeah — you know more about Genghis Khan than I. ????? And you’re pulling out a fact I don’t even care about and is completely insgnificant...did you know Germanicus’ real name wasn’t Germanicus? In fact, you’re an idiot if you don’t know what Germanicus’ real name was. G’head — tell me his name.
  14. Except that’s not what I said. I have no idea what TDS stands for. ‘Local newspaper evening edition?’ How old are you?
  15. When Putin says the sky is blue I believe him because I can verify that — yes. Right now he’s saying Kimmy outfoxed Donald the dodger. I gotta agree. That’s how it looks.
  16. I never addressed him as “Khan,” you did. ? I came out and said I’m not familiar with him. So why would I know if he became Khan or not? That doesn’t even prove that i didnt know Khan was a title and that’s about all I know about the Mongols from that time — that and their way of war. So if I don’t know their political practices or means of succession, and you addressed the guy as “Khan” why would I argue that?
  17. I refuse to believe a man as well spoken, as well read, as selfless as Jim Mattis respects Trump. As goes the military so goes America. Who would be better for the military, Trump or Hillary. ‘Speaking out both sides of your mouth’ is another way for sayin ‘your argument is complex and I don’t like it.’ If you want to think a man like Mattis respects a man like Trump that’s fine. I do not. His handling of Trumps infamous tweet where he stated transvestites wouldn’t be allowed into Fight Club illustrates my point. Trump tweeted something; Jim then went to the pentagon and stated ‘that’s not how we do business, directives don’t come from Tweets.’ Not exactly the fawning subordinate you make him out to be for Trump.
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