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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. Really? I remember that being something that was fairly well reported. I’ve read it several times since it happened that Buddy Nix was hellbent on drafting “insert QB’s name here” and the scouts said EJ had the highest ceiling and Marone wasn’t down. Sounds like Marone though — I mean he’s a guy who just wants a “steady Eddy” like an Alex Smith or something.
  2. I run an HVAC company in Atlanta. This is just a place I go to read about the Bills and post comments. Some fanboys believe a person is obliged to answer all their questions. Sorry, I’ve a job. That’s the gig I’m running cause that’s what feeds my kids.
  3. Take the emotional aspect out and analyze what Doug did. Doug quit. Why? - He didn’t want to draft a QB his first year and he got EJ against his wishes. - The next year Whaley does something incredibly stupid by trading up for Sammy. - Orton brings a competent presence to the team and then retires. So, Doug had a 9-7 season and has new owners and an opt out. All things considered he made a good business decision. He was going into year 3 with EJ and nothing else. The QB offseason landscape didn’t look good. His odds of making the playoffs with EJ were nonexistent. The guy was probably thinking there was a good chance he’d get fired for not making the playoffs after his 3rd season and that the best move for his future was to be remembered as the guy who opted out versus the guy who got fired. In addition, McDermott had the house cleaned because I believe the front office was toxic. Whaley and Marone couldn’t get along. The coaching staff and the front office couldn’t get in lockstep. So it’s kinda hard to not see Doug’s side.
  4. This is what you get for posting an opinion on a fan message board these days. Its pathetic really.
  5. We hired a guy, yes. There’s not any more reason to be optimistic than there is to be pessimistic. As I’ve been saying. The die is cast.
  6. Im commenting on the hire in a thread dedicated to commenting on the hire. ?
  7. Um, I’m sorry you don’t like my point but I don’t have to submit a name just to appease you. I can say I’m not fond of the hire just yet without having to state ‘this guy would have been better.’ it’s also possible that the Bills couldn’t get other guys to town. I mean think about it — if you’re a sought after coach why go to the Bills? We got Tyrod Taylor and as of now picks 21 and 22. There’s no guarantee to an OC that we’ll have a QB he can work with or an elite prospect. Kelly never had an issue throwing here.
  8. I didn’t have a dog in the hunt. I’m just saying I’m trying to find something to point to about Daboll to where I can say, ‘this guy was a good hire because he did _____’ and I got nothing to fill that blank and that’s concerning. It doesn’t mean he sucks, it just means if he’s a great OC he’s kept that secret to himself thus far. It also sounds like he’s a “pound the rock” kinda guy and I’m just so sick of pounding the rock.
  9. It’s a concerning hire and there’s no reason to believe it’s a good one yet. The guy has been around the block but he doesn’t really have any pelts on the wall that are his trophies. Sure he had success with the Pats and as Bama’s OC but Bama is the most talented team in college. His NFL record isn’t inspiring. I know there were bad QBs he coached but he doesn’t have a year in the NFL where he can say ‘look at the lemonade I made out of this crap roster.’
  10. My thoughts on Islam are complex. I was 19 when we invaded Iraq. I knew nothing of them or their religion at the time. I got a real quick crash course shortly after arriving in country. Ive made friends with many Muslims. But we must not allow them a foothold in our country. Their religion is a farce Created by an ambitious nobody who wanted to be a warlord. You need to understand the early history of Islam and the Hadith to understand why it cannot coexist in mass with our civilization. A muslim is a person and people make choices to do good or to do bad. MuslimS on the other hand are an entirely different thing. You cannot have a large number of Muslims and peace. It has never been a thing and it’s because their religion calls for a fascist form of government. Im not about making awful relationships with Muslims. I’m for strengthening them because we must coexist globally. We can better our relations through trade deals. But we cannot allow a large Muslim population in our country. I love America. I’m about allowing anybody in....except them. And like I’ve said, my feelings on the issue are complex.
  11. Youre gonna have to be more specific than that. Is it my refusal to believe McRage is funding ISIS or my stance on Muslims?
  12. I keep telling these Trump people that their idiocy of making Trump their nominee and then president is going to result in the biggest political clap back ever. They keep telling me I’m crazy.
  13. Obstructionism in American politics is “unprecedented?”
  14. You do know you can’t control your proxies right? McCain may have bet on the wrong horse. McCain doesn’t love terrorism or hate America. That is just too far down the rabbit hole. That said, America should never use Muslim proxies. They cannot be trusted and they will always stab you in the back.
  15. I don’t know what “Sidney” is. I will say I’m not a conspiracy theorist though. John McCain went through hell for this country and this country owes him, and every other Vietnam vet that saw combat, gratitude and an apology on behalf of the country. America didn’t lose Vietnam in the field, it lost the war in America. In the end McCain’s sacrifice was in vain and that’s a national disgrace that we can never accept again.
  16. K. 1. Memes can be informative but I don’t rely on them for my information. 2. Proxy wars using Muslims is ALWAYS a bad idea. 3. That’s not treason. At the time they may have felt it was a good way to dispose the Assad regime. To be treason there has to be intent to harm the nation. At no point has that been McCains agenda.
  17. Ive commented on him numerous times. I think Rudolph is gonna ultimately end up being our guy because he ozzes “process.” But I don’t love him as much as the other three. But I’d be cautiously optimistic with him.
  18. Democrats aren’t powerless. They can be obstructionists which is currently what they’re doing.
  19. For me, if the Bills draft a guy there’s onky 3 that will excite me: Rosen, Darnold, and Mayfield. If the Bills don’t get one of those three I’ll be hopeful but not optimistic.
  20. I don’t love everything about the mans politics but there is no stain on his military record. John McCain served our country with honor and as a former soldier I will say that I’m glad I never had to experience the pain and suffering John McCain endured for his country.
  21. John McCain is a man of honor. “Songbird McCain” and other such tales have not been substantiated.
  22. I think the Bills need to improve the WR corps to the point where Zay knows he needs to earn his spot. Perhaps the injury explains for drops...we’ll see. But he shouldn’t feel entitled to a spot next year and we need to bring in lots of competition. Ive heard on NFL Radio that this years WR draft class is awful so I expect moves in free agency.
  23. It should be unqualified as it is. It leaked classified information. I’m al for it when Wikileaks does it, but not a soldier. It should have been executed by firing squad. It is making a mockery of our political system by running. This is disgusting and I know It will get votes. If nothing else I’m sure It will vault this stunt into becoming some sort of “special contributor” for Rachael Maddow or some other anti-American libtard.
  24. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-42679005 I have no words. If it wins we are truly in a pathetic place.
  25. I don’t agree at all. Democrats want dreamers to get citizenship so they can increase their voting base. I have a hard time on this issue. On one hand they’re people and you’re measing with their lives. On the other hand is principle which is the crux of the matter. When amnesty was granted during the Reagan years it was to be a one time deal to fix the issue. Democrats don’t want the immigration issue to be fixed. They want illegals to have American babies. They want those babies to grow up to help destroy this country and turn it into a communist ****hole. Democrats will do anything and everything to protect the illegals because they know the offspring will show up to the polls to keep mom and dad from getting deported.
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