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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. They turn white when they die. I’ll answer...probably. But I doubt he’s any good with one. I’m an average shot so I prefer high magazine capacity. But....I also believe in having more ammo than whoever you’re shooting at and I take it a little far.
  2. Bortles is better than Taylor. He he was the only one that hasn’t developed that I predicted would be a success. But I wanted him over EJ, Tranny, and I was right on that.
  3. What you do is trade heaven and earth for Baker Mayfield. Baker Mayfield is the one prospect in this draft that I can guarantee will be good.
  4. McDermott did make the playoffs with the Bills. That said, it was just our year. The Bills were awful last year — but so was the rest of the AFC. The Seahawks made the playoffs once with a 7-9 record. I think McDermott is a decent coach....I think he set us back when he passed on Mahomes. Time will tell. But I’m right. I’m confident in that. I’m right.
  5. My comment is based on my firmly held belief that Mahomes will end up great. I can. I’m smarter than most people. I’m but a humble businessman. Hope that answer satisfies you. Thats because draft analysts are AWFUL. And he’ll have to trade a great deal of our picks to make up for McDermotts mistake last year.
  6. Mahomes played one game and showed something. If if you wanna think what McDumbass did was good move, fine. You’ll be thinking that till about week 5 of next season. Worst move in franchise history.
  7. Mahomes has generational talent. Watson got hurt but showed promise. Tre White is a freakin CB....a good QB is more valuable than a great CB. McDermott had first round QBs fall to him and he ignorantly passed. Idiot move.
  8. This is why I was so pissed at McDermott last year when the idiot passed on Mahomes and Watson. Tre White’s a good player but he’s a CB. CB’s don’t lead teams to Super Bowls, ask the Jets. McDermott F$&@ed up huge last year at the draft. What an idiot. I can’t believe how badly the process misread the tea leaves.
  9. Oh, well sure. But Republican leaders are the same. There’s a lot of dbag Republicans. Democrat leaders are wealthy and they buy votes with bread crumbs to the destitute. They buy those breadcrumbs with the money wrongfully confiscated by America’s working class. The average democrat is a stupid, angry, poor person who feels entitled to the fruits of others labor.
  10. Nonsense. I see democrats all the time. I own a maintenance/construction/HVAC business. The bulk of my business is to property management companies. Most of my property management companies cater to low income people. These people tend to vote Democrat. These people are usually up and about around noon. Then it’s time for social gatherings on the front porch with the rest of the squad. It gives them plenty of time and opportunity to complain about their bad luck, the lack of oppurtunity in America, and how they’re oppressed...never mind the fact that I’m positive they brought their food and rent is paid for with my money that has been displaced from my wallet to their EBT card by a Democrat. There’s democrats everywhere. Anytime you see somebody pandering for a handout — Democrat.
  11. I love how Democrats always have celebrities tell us small folk what to think. Like Kim Kardashian (porn Star) ought to have her opinion considered. Like I need Jay-Z and Beyoncé to tell me what to think. I’m so sick of it. They don’t live in the same world we do — !@#$ them.
  12. Tyrod is awful. Tyrod is not “good” though he’s often described as such. Tyrod had a worse year than he had last year and nobody wanted Tyrod last year so he came back here for less money. Nobody is tradingg for Tyrod. Plus, nobody is giving him $18 million for this year. I’d offer Tyrod $3-4 million if I had the cap and needed a backup.
  13. Look, you might be a nice guy, maybe if we were neighbors we’d get along well. But to me you’re just ‘an internet person.’ Internet people do things every day people don’t do. Like I’ve discussed politics and or football in a casual environment with people I don’t know and it’s typically pretty nice. Internet people though call you Hitler and state that you’re uneducated if you have a typeo or a grammatical error.....so, I don’t care about your opinion about me because you’re an internet person. That’s all you are to me and I should be nothing more to you. However, as a dude that lives in Atlanta I like checking in here and occasionally commenting because otherwise I wouldn’t know what Bills fans think. I don’t know any Bills fans where I live so to keep the pulse of the fan base I come here. So, I’m interested to see what people say about the Bills, but if somebody doesn’t like me I promise I won’t cry into my whiskey tonight.
  14. ‘Why would a guy talk football?’ Oh my god. Really? Because I enjoy talking football some times.
  15. They had their good reasons, and Trump had his.
  16. This memo had better be buttoned up from top-to-bottom cause if there’s a loose thread they are gonna pull it apart so quick.
  17. The fact that you would compare Trump to the Beatles is so weird. First, two of em are still alive and I don’t think they think very highly of POTUS. Do I know that for a fact? No, but call it a hunch. I mean the ONLY thing Trump has in common with the Beatles was the Vietnam War. Like the Beatles, Trump refused to go.
  18. No. As I stated this is a message board....it’s literally not important enough to proofread over. Calling people out over a grammatical error on a message board is so lame. I take it the C is for ‘c u next Tuesday.’ I get it.
  19. I for one am looking forward to next month. Every 15th when I have to pay payroll taxes it just eats at me how much they are. Trumps tax break will help small business owners in the near future. I’m thankful for that.
  20. I own and run a company. I got my ‘there’s’ down quite well. What I don’t do is proofread something for an internet message board. I only proofread when I care about what the audience thinks of me. I do not care of what people here think of me. I realize i used the wrong ‘there’ earlier on, but one thing I’ve learned is that semantics on a message board ain’t worth my time....cause it’s a freaking message board.
  21. Need a tissue? You gonna be ok, Suzzy? This is a complete waste of time. Back to work for me.
  22. This is why I don’t often comment. Retards like you.
  23. Youre clearly a champion of the “Tide pod challenge” aren’t you?
  24. Really pissed at the Bills. They botched this. This was so disrespectful to Wood. What got ****** up today is on the Bills. They should have gotten there ducks in a row on this with Wood a week ago at least. Today was was supposed to be a celebration of Eric’s career. And the Bills ****** that up. What a **** show.
  25. This is one of a billion message boards on the internet. If I want to critique something I don’t have to spend the rest of my day going back-n-forth. I’m logging off. I’m more productive that way and at the end of the day nothing you or I say amounts to anything as far as Bills football is concerned.
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