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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. I’m not blaming you for anything. I’m sure you’re completely unable to accomplish anything so what could possibly be your fault?
  2. Mans the refusal to come to the table by the NRA people is equally as damning. Do not take me for a “gun grabber.” Id put my arsenal up against anybody’s. I’m ready for the zombies or Isis.
  3. I’m 33. If the Bills !@#$ this up I’m done. I’m done watching **** football.
  4. ????? Bro, you wanna blame me go ahead. Are you one of those people who blame the white man for everything? It wasn’t defined. “It” could have meant Middle East or the US. It was open for interpretation and you seem like you hate America so it’d make plenty of sense for you to say something stupid.
  5. Horribly worded. Im not advocating for a change. I’m advocating for a discussion. There’s been enough blood to entertain a discussion about changes. Except it is.
  6. ...I’m sorry...are you saying you want the United States to be like the Middle East? I mean that’s what you wrote, but surely you don’t mean that. I must be misunderstanding.
  7. That idiom doesn’t really work there. But that’s nice.
  8. Stings... Cop lures a person in to meeting up and selling them a gun. It should be illegal. I live in Georgia. There’s a gun store on every street. If I want to sell a gun I should have to meet the buyer at a gun store and pay the store to run the background check and essentially process the sale. Why’s that hard? And 80% lowers are a danger. If I lose the ability to purchase a gun from the gun store I’d have an AR in 2 days after ordering and putting the parts together. LOOK GUN NUTS — there’s a freaking real issue here and hiding behind some poorly worded bull **** that’s 200 years old is lame. Those 17 kids couldn’t hide behind the 2nd amendment yesterday, and neither could the Sandy Hook kids and neither could all the freaking others. Guns nuts are just like Muslims. “Don’t blame us, it wasn’t all of us!” Yeah...but you’re freaking enabling it. ?????
  9. I truly don’t have the time or desire to respond to this. I presented you with a fact that I’ve read that in post-1776 America it was a requirement. I’ve read it in several sources when I was forced to study American history. Take or leave it hoss. Again showing how we screwed up. Common law is inferior imo.
  10. Thank god he’s praying. It should be all ok very soon.
  11. Ive read the federalist papers. The one thing about them though is that while they’re a great primary source they also cannot be used to establish a baseline for the founders because there were many views. You cannot have law without ambiguity when it’s common law. I prefer the 12 Tables to our Constitution. And clearly the SCOTUS is essential in trying to answer complex questions about our common law. If they (the founders) wanted a straight forward document they’d have come up with something like the 12 tables. But they didn’t. Why? There wasn’t much they agreed on. Like whether black people were in fact people.
  12. Something I can clarify for you two? In your mind, what is it that the Supreme Court does? Hackie sack?
  13. Ok....you’re an idiot. I will not converse with you after this. You’re an idiot because you do not see the issue with “militia,” and “well regulated.” Whats a militia? Who’s in charge of the militia? From whom does the militia get its logistics? Is their governmental oversight of the militia? Was the militia supposed to be free from governmental regulation? If so why did they include “well regulated?” What do they mean by “well regulated?” How did they intend it to be regulated? Cause them’s are question that I can’t answer from: ” A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” And the constitution is simple? Mother !@#$er, what the !@#$ do you think the goddamn SCOTUS is for? We gotta have 9 of the best and most experienced legal minds to tell us what a document written at a fifth grade level says? You’re a jackass. I would destroy you in any environment. You don’t deserve a freaking place at the table with me.
  14. 1776. Learn to math. And read the whole damn thing. And was colonial America not America? I mean I consider it so but for legalities we cannot start till succession. And then some argue that we can’t even argue until the ratification of the constitution.
  15. I understand you’re a !@#$ who likes to talk loose on the internet. I understand that. And it is vague you dumb son of a B word bc we don’t what they meant by “well regulated” or even “militia.” But shitcunts without education have a hard time understanding legal jargon.
  16. I’d pull the trigger in a heartbeat on that deal. A 30 year old back for a super bowl mvp QB...YES. Some of you need to quit looking at Foles like chopped liver. Brady couldn’t muster more than 9 wins under Jeff Fisher.
  17. And do well regulated militias control their weapons? The answer is yes. It’s definitely on my list to visit. I’d really enjoy that. I do wish more Americans would remember that the revolution would have been a massive failure but for the French. I’m not sure why I noted that....they just never get their due. Look guy, if anybody try’s to take my guns I’ll kill them. I’m about the right to bear arms. But the 2nd amendment is vague. All I’m sayin.
  18. “Prior to the American Revolution there was neither budget nor manpower nor government desire to maintain a full-time army. Therefore, the armed citizen-soldier carried the responsibility. Service in militia, including providing one's own ammunition and weapons, was mandatory for all men. Yet, as early as the 1790s, the mandatory universal militia duty evolved gradually to voluntary militia units and a reliance on a regular army. Throughout the 19th century the institution of the organized civilian militia began to decline.[1]:10 The unorganized civilian militia, however, still remains even in current U.S. law, consisting of essentially everyone from age 17 to 45, while also including former military officers up to age 64, as codified in 10 U.S.C. § 246” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_politics_in_the_United_States i can’t remember where I read that other than Wikipedia just now, but I know I’ve read it in a couple sources. American men were required to own a firearm and shot. I think it’s an issue. How would I deal with it? I don’t know. But it as far as loopholes go, I have used a site to buy and sell guns private party. I use a website called theoutdoorstrader.com. Ive basically quit using it. I just don’t want to be the guy that sells a maniac a gun. But yeah, I’d ban private party sales. An FFL should process all sales.
  19. Replace your first “is” with “was.” And thats correct and wrong. It’s correct because it’s correct, it’s wrong because it’s half true. The idea that civilian militias could muster and augment a small army to fight of threats was practical at the time. So much so that American men were expected (possibly required but I’m not looking it up right now) to have a musket and shot on them to provide for defense of the nation. Our foundeds didn’t want a large standing army that could be turned on the people and that was a huge thing to Americans pre-WWI
  20. How does the board feel about 80% AR lowers? Those NEED to be outlawed imo.
  21. Public safety. Security of the state. ...but I would die to defend your right to defend yourself. My my issue is that guns are serious stuff. Im building an AR-47 right now. I don’t think that kind of hardware is just something anybody should have though. I don’t think it should be denied but you need to know what you’re doing with that thing. You NEED to know what happens to that bullet when it leaves the barrel. You need to understand how to shoot in the environment you’re in. There’s a ton that goes into it. It’s way more complex than ‘mongo point, mongo shoot.’
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