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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. Too bad Trump wasn’t there because he’d have stopped it. What. A. Hero. We should hold a triumph to our great Imperator for the actions he would have taken had he been there. It would have been like Jackie Chan, Chuck Norris, and Jesus culminating into one and kicking some serious ass. It. Would. Have. Been. Epic. Alvin York, eat your heart out ya big pansie.
  2. The lost virtue of this country is blood on the hands of democrats. We’re going to stall out and it’s because Democrats are eroding our American values. All too often when cops gotta do grown-man things they fail. And I include restraint in that. They’re all hardasses until the bad guy isn’t at a disadvantage. Then, rather than manuo they fall back. Sickening. Gutless. Children were dying. Happened at Columbine too. Just thank god no officers were hurt. It took me half-a-second to learn and understand ‘do something.’ When you hear incoming you don’t freeze....you pick a direction and run. When you’re getting shot at you maintain the ability to maneuver. When you hear children screaming and gunshots you go in that direction.
  3. https://www.yahoo.com/news/florida-house-republicans-demand-sheriff-205217924.html Heres the problem....gutless cops. Is anybody shocked? !@#$ing gutless. What kind of man hears the screams of children and only considers their own safety? A !@#$ing cop.
  4. 1. Yes. 2. I’m not listening to a podcast that’s over an hour. If they are combat vets of a combat related mos I’m sure they make valid points.
  5. I meant reason. You’ll find that the QWERTY keyboard is called so due to the close proximity of the r and the t. Nope, that’s how I feel. The United States police force is comprised of people who didn’t want to go to college or work hard to master a skill in a real profession like welding/plumbing or something like that. Columbine — cops didn’t go in. Now this....the armed police officer hid while children were slaughtered. Kinda dents the idea of putting cops in schools with guns to protect children...cops are cowards. There’s nothing to force the issue with them. Veterans wouldn’t have hid. Veterans would have followed the sound of the gun fire and made a stand. I know it to be true because those guys have done it in Iraq, Afghanistan, Africa, and other hot spots throughout the world. What happened is what we should expect from cops. They value their lives more than the public’s and they won’t risk their lives even for children. That’s what cops are. Pussies.
  6. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2018/02/23/police-officers-guard-home-deputy-assigned-to-florida-hs-who-never-went-in-during-shooting-report.html Nobody should be shocked. Our cops are pathetic. They’re pathetic people typically. Most have a high school diploma or a ged. Most aren’t intelligent enough to treason. Most don’t take the job because they want to protect people, they take it because compared to Walmart (which is another place cops are qualified to work) the benefits are good and they think their neat badge will give them respect. It doesn’t. This guy isn’t the outlier....I’m sure most cops would have done as he did. It’s a profession of cowards.
  7. Probably due to the university. Students will curve it. But there’s a lot of professors, doctors, and business professionals that live there. It’s kinda like the hills of Atlanta. Now there is a low income section, but my moms loaded and that’s where she lives. With a ton of other rich people.
  8. That is NOT a rational idea. Teachers are trained to teach. You cannot learn how to fight a gun fight with a PowerPoint class, and it takes continuous training. I personally have spent HOURS pointing my M4 and targets practicing target acquisition and magazine swaps. Why? Cause that’s what ya have to do for CQC. Then what hat kind of guns are we giving the teachers? What kind of rounds are we issuing? That is such a bad idea. When I finished college in Georgia there was a “campus carry” bill goin around. Now, I may or may not have always had a gun in my bag while on campus before this legislation....but I was against the legislation. Why? Untrained people with guns are stupid. On top of that you’ve just given law enforcement another obstacle. They’ll arrive on scene and then they see a civilian with a gun and they shoot the person even though the person was a “good guy with a gun.” Civilians don’t understand how easy it is to shoot friendly forces. It happens. Happens all the time because these situations are always chaotic. Teachers and guns is a bad idea.
  9. I think a lot of teams in the NFL need to abandon the long jargon play calls and start taking more from the college game.
  10. I kinda agree with you...but I just wanted to say about the ‘gimmicky college offense’ thing...we’ve been hearing that for years, “the only reason he threw for 5,000 yards and 50 TDs was because of the system he was in” and then I think....why aren’t we using things from that system. For years it was “oh, that’ll NEVER work in the nfl.” I don’t know...I agree with you on the concerns but “Bryce Petty,” that’s just harsh.
  11. The mechanics aren’t there. How is the bang of the gun not gonna break a GPS. People are hard on guns. Then there’s the cost....you’re telling me I have to pay for something expensive to put on my guns and I have to trust the government? Nope. Not gonna fly. Ain’t gonna work. Not practical.
  12. Bro, how’s shooting not going to destroy this GPS? Think about it mechanically....c’mon, man! Second, why would I put one on my weapon if opposed to it? I will literally lock and load over this and begin killing. There are many like me. I will kill any government agent that attempts to force me to modify my property so as to be subject to continuous government surveillance. What you’re proposing is impossible and inpractical. Now, outlawing the sale and manufacture of 80% lowers is on the table. ....what good would it do to prevent these? When people do this they plan to get caught and typically go out shooting or killing themselves. A GPS isn’t going to sway them not to. And how do you think you’ll force me to put them in my guns? And who’s going to pay for them? And how will they survive the onslaught of explosions....a gun is an instrument that allows you to make an explosion in your hands and not get hurt.....how is your GPS going to survive that? And where do you get the authority to monitor and conduct surveillance on me and my property? Cause I got lots of guns that says you can’t.
  13. Not true at all. 80% lowers. I have an 80% I bought for $50. I’m going to run 9mm out of it. It will never have a serial number. ...have you ever stripped a gun? I mean....what? Where are you putting this tracking system? Just no. That won’t work.
  14. I can judge the character of the profession without an indictment on every cop. I paint with a big brush because it’s easier. Do you think it escapes me there are good cops? Several of my idiot friends i armied with are cops. I tell them they’re pussies now, yes. The reason why cops suck is their standards. 21, high school diploma or GED, a clean record, and the ability to lie on a background questionnaire. But my last ounce of respect for cops died when I saw their hiring process. I almost became a cop myself. I was out of the army and I hadn’t yet finished my degree and there was a recession. I applied to two; Gwinnett County PD (Georgia) and GC Sherrifs Department. The PD rejected my application for honesty. I reported buying a small bag of weed when I was 16.....before my 10-year career in the army in which I consistently received the highest evaluation rankings. So my application was rejected for buying and smoking weed more than 12 years before I applied....so how many cops on Gwinnett County’s force are liars? After talking with a few cops they indicated ‘ya have to lie on the questionaire’ but I have integrity and that’s not my style. The he sheriffs department overlooked my horrible past but they didn’t like my interview. They shot me a hypothetical question about a 12 year old kid with a gun in a school and how would I handle the situation. They described a scenario in which there was a 12 year old boy with a gun in a crowded middle school hallway. My answer of trying to deescalate the situation by talking to the kid and if that didn’t work tackling him. They didn’t like my answer — they wanted “deadly force.” I then went on to discuss ballistics and ask what the “hypothetical school walls” were made of....bullets will ALWAYS fly down walls which is why in a close quarters gun fight you NEED to stay 6-8 inches off the wall but what do I know I’m not a hero like a cop....I then listed all the things that could go wrong with opening fire in a crowded hallway, and that if I had to take the shot I would do so from a kneeling position so that the trajectory of my round would go upward and into the ceiling thus limiting unintended casualties from my end....these retarded ‘veterans of the force’ had no clue what I was talking about....I then told them that I felt it’s law enforcements job to risk their life for the public and that I would risk my life to tackle and beat the **** out of the hypothetical kid and that if they disagreed that they were cowards. That’s when the interview ended. And cops are cowards. I’m not a big guy — I mean you can tell I lift weights but I’m only 5’6” and every time I’ve dealt with a cop they’re so scared and jumpy. And I’m talking routine traffic stops. They’re uneducated and undeserving of their authority. I want base salary for cops to be no less than $85k....they deserve at least that. But we deserve better cops. I want educated cops. Educated cops won’t do retarded things like arrest a nurse for enforcing hospital privacy rules. Educated cops are less apt to be over aggressive. We also need more oversight on cops. And I say this — I hope I live to see the day a cop is killed in self defense and the shooter walks. Take that Australian lady who was shot for tapping on the roof of the squad car in Minnesota. What a retarded kitty.....did her knock on the car unnerve him so? Not surprising to find out the dude was Muslim, but what was surprising was that he hit the target...most of the time they miss....to the point I rely on them to do so.... but for for the most part cops are too uneducated to preform their vital service and they’re gutless. They’re all hardasses till it’s time to do grown man things and when that time comes they gotta wait on “swat.”
  15. Well they don’t have much else going for them....that’s why you take that job....it’s the best you can do. I learned all need to know about cops by watching those pussies outside of Columbine as they “waited for swat.” It’s been my experience that cops are pussies. That’s why they shoot black bros all the time — they’re always scared. They also have a looser ROE than I had my second stint in Iraq. !@#$ cops.
  16. Well...Trump did say he’s mentally sick so what do you expect?
  17. Please understand this about me. I’m not willing to give up my guns. But I want this to stop. Cinga, what I’d do is force schools to hire properly screened vets. Cops are a joke and they’d spend more time in schools harassing children than anything else. Give me $40,000 (per) a year to pay a few mentally screened, physically capable vets from combat backgrounds. Put them in charge of school security. Cops are cowards. Vets aren’t. Vets will run to the sound of gunfire; cops will find reasons to “wait for swat.” Arm our schools with armed vets. There’s nothing grunts can’t do, and vets are all about keeping children safe. Those are the ideas we need to bring to the table.
  18. So be tactful about it. Go in but have your line in the sand. Would it really be so awful to make a few concessions? Ending non-FFL sales, and requiring some sort of safety course.
  19. I know what I’m going to advocate won’t happen...but what if. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2018/02/15/parkland-shooting-victims-include-young-students-coach-who-saved-others-in-florida-high-school.html What if we flayed the guy and broadcasted it? What if we did that....if you do this kind of thing we’ll flay you and leave you to die of exposure. I don’t know if that’d have a lasting impact considering most of the times the shooter lays amongst the dead, but I honestly think it needs to be tried....but it won’t be because liberals cry at the talk of such things.
  20. To me it’s weird he’s not getting more pub. I really don’t get why he’s not mentioned with the fab-4 because he belongs. Right now I have it: 1. Mayfield 2a. Rosen 2b. Darnold 4. Jackson 5. Allen
  21. ...I’ll say this though. If we end up with Foles I’ll be fine. If we end up with Foles the most likely reason is because the Giants, Colts and Browns wouldn’t sell. I won’t hold that against McBeane but I will say that’s why I was raging last year when they passed on Mahomes. “Buffalo, do you want to draft a franchise QB?” ”Naw, we’ll pass and take a CB!” ???????
  22. .........I bought one? i couldnt help it. It’s not attached though but I bought one. I think fully auto is stupid. Burst is stupid. But I wanted one just to have it. I bought one.
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