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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. Yes. They’ve clearly let their lack of discipline interfere with their ability to do their job. That’s correct.
  2. No. If you wanna call me out on my spelling at least be right.
  3. See, I was about to write ‘I’d rather punch you’ (not really — that’s not my style) and after I wrote “id” it autocorrected to “Mid.” Mindblowing. Idk.
  4. MPs have no authority off base. They barely have authority on base. CID does however but only for military personnel if I’m remembering correctly. I’m talking about weak/fat cops.
  5. Actually, I’m quite good at writing. I do all my interneting from my phone. I do not proofread what I write because I’m not doing it professionally or academically and I just do not care if you think I’m dumb. Why would I? Anyways, I don’t know what the issue is. I use an iPhone 8, with Chrome for my browser and weird things happen to what I write only on this forum. Weird. But, and not trying to be rude, I just do not care what you think of me intellectually speaking. If you wanna think I’ve got Down syndrome, mate, that’s fine with me. I won’t cry.
  6. Sure, man. Sure. Fine. But the team last year sucked and made the playoffs. So there’s that. It’s a testament to McD’s preparation.
  7. If I Have you money out of my wallet would that help? You opinion is very important to me, mate.
  8. I know I’m putting myself out there on this but I’m positive that kids gonna be great. Positive.
  9. I get that. And I’ll get mocked for this, but I think Mahomes is a hall of famer. I do. I think he’ll have a y’all of fame worthy career. And we passed on that. Now look at the **** we’re in as a result.
  10. If we land Rosen, Darnold, or Mayfield I’ll be thrilled. I’m getting there on Jackson. Not there on Allen.
  11. That quote makes me so happy. We got in the playoffs last year (?) but we weren’t a playoff team. It’s good to hear McDermott acknowledge that the cupboard isn’t full. I just feel like he gets the situation. But I’ll never understand what he was thinking last year when he passed on Mahomes. Bad decision imo.
  12. STOP. Clearly I won’t sleep tonight because of this... And I disagree on your ****. Cops outside of military bases are pieces of **** that target military with their speed traps like the punks they are. Cops prey on service members at military towns. Now when I was recruiting in Texas where they’re patriotic I got pulled over a dozen times, they thanked me for my service, and I thanked them for theirs and that was all. ....but cops in military towns are cunts. Especially Leesville, LA, and the KY and TN areas surrounding Ft. Campbell. That’s just my two cents. If you don’t like it let it go....I’m not attacking you. I’m attacking a profession in which they routinely kill unarmed civilians when they get scared, and when it’s time to do grown man **** they routinely fail to live up to it. Stop crying — it’s all going to be ok. I’m quite sure. Exactly.
  13. ....well now I won’t be able to sleep tonight. Everything is ruined... Are we not gonna be friends? I would have conducted myself quite differently then had I known my poop-mouth would deprive me of friendship on the internets. Everything is ruined. ?
  14. Being rude to cops is not the measuring stick I use. I’m actually undefeated against 90 year olds. True story.
  15. Youre just saying that because you’re on diabetes medicine too.
  16. ...you’re not going to internet-karate me are you? Nope. I got pulled over by Oak Grove PD on my way home from PT. I had to be back early so I was speeding. I was going over 35 in my neighborhood. I got pulled over and cops being the pussies they are target military and hate military around military installations. We must have been rucking that day because I was in uniform....anyways, they pulled me over and took my id. I was pissed and punched the roof of my truck when they walked away....then, the pussies in them really came out...they both got out of the squad car, pulled their guns, and ordered me out of my truck. So I’m smiling and I tell them they get scared easy. They say some stupid stuff and then I called them pussies. I received only a ticket and they called my battalion staff duty.... Also, I’m pretty sure I could have kicked both their asses at the same time. Cops don’t wake up to walk 12 miles in full battle rattle on Thursday’s. They’re all on diabetes medicine. Couldn’t do it. Rakkasans on the other hand...
  17. No. Not even close. First, it was multiple cops at this high school, not just the one coward. Half of a company of cops stood outside columbine. Cops shoot at unarmed black men the second they get scared. Cops are pussies but should we expect any better considering their low standards and pay?
  18. You may be right in that. I find America to be on a parallel as Rome post 2nd Punic War. Our republic is less of a representative body, and more so an oligarchy with powerful families at the top. We take for granted how we got here. Duty and service to country are ideas mocked at in today’s ‘me-generation.’ We very much have a spoiled society society to the point where our poor are spoiled. The military industrial complex is a gross necessary evil. I don’t doubt an eventual fall from grace, but I doubt it will be due to real fighting. Political gridlock? Yeah. Probably. But I doubt there’s real street fighting.
  19. Those damn Brits! I agree with that completely. Look, I despise Trump but I’ve defended him from that kind of buffoonery many times because it happens often. First, can I definitively prove Trump wouldn’t have gone in there like the Duke, but I do think it’s mockable coming from him. First, it’s a ridiculous statement for a POTUS to say. He was in official capacity and talking like he was at a bar with guys, 6 drinks in. Think of how hard it’s is for foreigners to translate that nonsense — most of what he says loses any coherent meaning when one does so, but sometimes he’s quite incoherent. Nevertheless, he’s right on some issues and he does get unfair press treatment. This is however, is one of them times Trump said something while holding a sign saying “kick me.” That was a stupid comment. His inability to not say stupid things leads people to have no faith in his communication skills and that’s kind of an important thing to have as POTUS, I think.
  20. Thats such BS....’you don’t know till tested.’ BS. And Trump said he would have went in without a weapon. And my interpretation is inline with the BBC’s so I’d say I’m a pretty good reader, and I’ve heard they’ve got some readers at the BBC, so I’m just gonna have to dispute your argument on semantics. Cheers.
  21. "I really believe I'd run in there even if I didn't have a weapon," Mr Trump told a group of state governors gathered at the White House. http://www.bbc.com/news/43202075 youll have to forgive me as I wasn’t a fly on the wall, but I did read about it. A bit brash for the coward of the country, don’t ya think?
  22. We’re a long way from civil war. The military won’t break. Our military is designed so that one general can’t go rogue. Thankfully we won’t have that problem in the foreseeable future.
  23. He said he’d ‘have gone in there,’ and that’s a freaking lie.
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