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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. This is the same kind of thinking that the Bills used to have which served as an incubator for the drought. I award you no points, and may god have mercy on your soul.
  2. You’re advocating for raining deficient at QB and you’re calling it “smart.” I’ve another word for it.
  3. I cannot stand the ‘lets not trade up for a QB because we need a center,’ guys. Idiots. Old school, outdated, idiotic thinking.
  4. I think we’ll hear of a giant leap up the board before the draft if we don’t sign one of the legitimate free agent QBs this year. If Beane doesn’t sign a Keenum, Bridgewater, or whatever then evernody is going to know the Bills are thinking draft. The only way I could feel at ease if I were Beane and that’s the plan is to secure our spot at the top of the draft ASAP so you know your plan guarantees you a shot at our guy.
  5. Wasn’t he one of the guys who could never get open according to Bills fans? ....dumbest argument I heard during the draft was that our passing game sucked not because of who the QB was but the receivers.
  6. Safeties on AK platforms are awful so that’s a good decision. I noticed a lug of some kind near the barrel but I can’t tell it’s purpose.... For all its issues the AR is a superior weapon to the AK — just takes more training. You do realize why Europe is embracing right wing policies, right? It’s the Muslims. Islam doesn’t play well with others. People in Europe want their countries back. Don’t ya get it? This is the reason that I can’t stand the liberal idea that if we just get more cultures into our country we’ll be better off. That’s a bunch of bull ****, and nobody can point to a success story where it’s worked. Chris Farley — err, I mean, Angela Merkle is responsible for the rise of nationalism in Europe. What a stupid woman to let that many Muslims in. It’s not going well because the Muslims are musliming. Muslims can’t get along with Muslims because of this idiotic power grab that goes back to like the third or fourth caliphate — i don’t care which....they can’t get along with Buddhists which should explain everything. I mean when you’ve got Buddhists throwing down it’s not because they’re intollerant. They don’t get along with anybody, and Captain Caveman, Mohammad, told them they can do all these awful things they do in the Hadith which shouldn’t be shocking because he was a peadophile, a rapist, a proponent of rape, a murderer, an extortionist, a conman, and a cult leader. So if you wanna be mad about the right face going on in Europe blame liberalism. Liberals are the ones who let the Muslims in. Most liberal ideas are not backed by history. Oddly as a conservative I do say the Keynesian policies are the playbook for recessions but what do I know...I digress. It’s islam. Yup.
  7. Im not sure what’s got you so worked up. For all you know I’m a bed ridden, 400 lbs lesbian, with a house full of cats. I’m just an internet person to you. Don’t get so worked up, man.
  8. Yes, that’s true. Bro-Liberals don’t have the stomach for war because they lack the stomach. However, what Trump did was allow the military to do its job. It should be commended, but also recognized for what it is....the military defeated Isis because Trump let them. But Trump did not defeat Isis. Wtf? Does anybody else post on here with their iPhone or using the mobile chrome app? I wrote “Neo” and it changed to “Bro.” The weirdest **** happens on this forum to what I write. Weird.
  9. Paper lion I diespute but you’re right on giant inability to see ISIS filling the power vacuum he created. Man, the ‘who stopped Isis’ thing is just one of those things with me.....for example, Trump said ‘Mattis do your thing.’ Trump deserves credit for staying out of Mattis’ way and for letting Mattis, Mattis the !@#$ out of Isis. But it was American generals fighting the fight. And Isis, ain’t y’all heard of Fabian tactics?
  10. What modifications does that photo show exactly?
  11. Does Trump deserve credit? I mean he did say ‘Mattis, do what ya think,’ but it was more of a Mattis thing.
  12. Well since you’ve been involved in youth firearm lessons I’m sure you’re right. Clearly that’s what the NRA is. Never mind the lobbyists.
  13. Ya know what’s not hard? Not shooting at a person who’s not pointing their gun at you. But defend the idiots who shot..... I bet bet those are the exact kind of cops that would wait outside during a school shooting. ....if you’re confident in your weapon and marksmanship there’s no reason to rush to pull the trigger. Posture appropriately, be ready, but show some freaking restraint.
  14. I prefer guns though when it comes to folks like you. If I punched you....you’d get up after a while. Heres Delta’s side: https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/delta-fires-back-angry-lawmakers-173741059.html
  15. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2018/03/02/man-disarms-would-be-church-shooter-gets-shot-by-police.html Oh. My. God. How hard is it to hold your fire? It’s NOT that hard. Hold your frickin fire. stupid people and guns don’t mix. Oh? You’re the guy who’s never thrown something or punched something when you’re mad? I’d believe you if ya said yes. You come off as the kinda guy that sits to pee. Not me, I’m a man.
  16. They used to. Now they’re just a lobbyist group.
  17. Naw, dude. Georgia doesn’t do a lot of thinking when it comes to politics. But that is a valid point. But...if Delta said ‘we’re open to takers’ I’m sure they’d find a sweet deal.
  18. A break Delta thought they had and were planning on. This is political targeting. And if this is tolerated it will become the new norm. A companies support or lack thereof for a lobbyist group should NOT come into such things. But get cute about it if such things don’t bother you.
  19. http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/georgia-senate-approves-tax-bill-snubbing-delta-nra-53446838 As a Georgian and a conservative I am indeed horrified at this happy horseshit. These Republicans told us how how vital Citizens United was. Corporations ‘have a voice!’ Right? Cause that’s what was wrong in this country before — big money not having a place at the table....I digress, anyways, Delta uses their voice to separate from the NRA and Georgian “conservatives” essentially fine them for expressing their opinion because they don’t like it? This is gross. This is NOT about guns — this is about government using its power to fine corporations that have differing views. And that door swings both ways. Now I know they disguised the fine as a “tax,” but it is what it is. And how stupid are Georgian politicians? Really stupid. All ya gotta do down here is promise to put the 10 commandments in schools and bitchslap the love of Jesus into the gays. But this is idiotic...why don’t they just tell Delta to ‘take their money, jobs, and value to our city, and GET THE HELL OUT!’ What are these idiots thinking? Again, this is NOT a gun issue. This is a government taxing you because they don’t like you issue.
  20. Ya don’t know who was and wasn’t due to the haircuts. And yeah, there were some real shitbags that we couldn’t chapter out thanks to a lack of patritic young people in this country. Ive seen a lot of my army buddies get out and do those jobs. Several have severed ties with me as a result of my feelings. That really makes me sad. But my convictions are my convictions and I think our police force is ****. It needs to be better. My feelings on cops also aren’t all negative. I want to double their salaries. You can only get what you pay for and our police force is giving us what we pay for. We need to demand better and be prepared to pay for it. Thats because their standards are pathetic and they’re employers are wrong. I bet most cops couldn’t run a mile straight. One mile. Just one.
  21. My thought is a C, G, and WR are useless with Tyrod or whoever we can get at 21. I want/need a real QB.
  22. Fat cops cannot perform their job proficiently. Why do you think the military has rules on fat kids?
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