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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. If it’s Allen that’s my knockout blow. If it’s Rosen, Darnold, or Mayfield, I will again have hope.
  2. No! He was in high school. Leave him be. C’mon. He should have been smart enough to take them down though. Also, his tweets aren’t a valid reason to not draft him — his play is.
  3. My reaction is that Beane should be fired. Honestly. And I know we’ll have to wait the storm out but if he does that he’s committing professional suicide.
  4. Then Beane is responsible for not getting to 3 before the Jets did.
  5. Theyre not powerless. They got 2, #1’s, 2, #2’s, 2, #3’s, and next years first. It’s time to pay the !@#$in piper and fix this non-passing ****-show. They need to not worry about WR, LB, OL, and anything else. Just get the guy. Get the guy, sacrifice the 2018 season and have AJ take the season and then buy talent with our $100 million of cap space next year. If thats not the plan then Beane is wrong. The time for !@#$-around moves like ‘let’s see if Mason Rudolph can work’ are gone. The time for patience is over.
  6. Was I wrong about Bortles? People always bring up Bortles because he’s the closest thing to a miss that I’ve advocated for.
  7. I don’t know because I can’t gauge what I think Beane will do yet. If he doesn’t I’m done. If the Bills don’t get a QB it’s on Beane. If they draft Allen, Beane should be fired. This organization does not deserve the benefit of doubt, and they don’t deserve our blind loyalty.
  8. I vote to fire Beane and McDermott if that’s what happens.
  9. It wasn’t intended to be insightful or informative you jackwagon. It was intended to be an opinionated comment. I’m not sure who put you in charge of what people can use the internet for but if you don’t like reading what I write, don’t read what I write. Also, I find comments like yours weird. I have no idea who you are or what your opinions are. I honestly don’t post that often on these things and will go weeks at a time without posting. Maybe the problem is you spend to much time on these boards? Take up hiking is my recommendation. Is my posting on the internet preventing Beane from ‘doing his job?’ Because if the answer to that is no, your comment was stupid. Do you understand that your comment was stupid and why it’s stupid? Don’t worry, brah — we’ll Socratic-method the f$&@ out of this!
  10. The Bills do NOT deserve our respect or patience. I don’t care where they get him, but they need to get Rosen, Darnold, or Mayfield. Or...or they can go to hell.
  11. Yes. He’s a running back. He’s a great running back but he’s a running back and on the wrong side of 30. I’d trade Shady to get a deal done.
  12. This poll is showing that about 25% of Bills fans are stupid. That seems about right to me.
  13. I think we should increase Islamic immigration to this country so that our children can learn what constant terrorism is like, and once our country is ruined we can all think about how awful we were for so long with all of our white privilege. Between that and the ashes of our loved ones I’m quite sure we’ll all be better for the added diversity.
  14. As a student of history I disagree. Stupid people are bad at picking QBs. Yes, Buddy Nix was stupid. He literally drafted a QB just to draft a QB because he was as slow as he talked. Now thats not to say there have never been any unforeseen busts...what I’m saying is when you do the autopsy on Jamarcus Russell’s career, it’s pretty obvious it was a mistake from the get-go and there were all the signs. Seriously, look at the busts and ask yourself — wasn’t the bust potential or the overreach (Ponder) just overwhelming from the beginning?! When you do that you start to see the stupidity in drafting the busts was obvious when it they did it and they didn’t see the obvious signs or ignored them because they’re stupid. They buckled to stupidity caused by immense pressure and did something stupid. Then look at those busts and compare them to Rosen, Darnold, and Mayfield — those three kids are way cleaner than the busts. Im The_Dude, and I say trade up! (I was calling nobody in general stupid other than Buddy Nix...he drafted EJ...that was stupid.)
  15. Why Tom....you old dog, we finally have common ground.
  16. NOOOO! We have enough possession guys! Plus, we don’t need Dez. We already have a receiver that can’t catch in Zay.
  17. ...I’m sorry Tibs, but I know better. It’s not crap. It’s been a fact since the 8th century.
  18. Or we can let them increase their presence so that they can start raping and murdering at will like they are in Europe. We could go that way. We could show everybody how tolerant and smart we are by renting them U-Hauls and holding candle light vigils after they commit atrocities. We could do that instead.
  19. Muslims are savage barbarians that cannot coexist with western civilization. The 1st amendment needs to be rewritten so that we can start to deal with this very serious problem now.
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