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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. How much should a man be taxed? I’ve been asking myself that a lot lately. How much is a patriotic sacrifice and at what point does it turn into tyrannical oppression? Because I’m at 25%. Think about it — if a man labors for 40 years he’ll have sacrificed 10 years of his labor to society to pay for roads, schools, and the military. That’s a lot to ask of a man, isn’t it? I think so. But I’m not paying $.25 on the dollar....I’m payin a lot more and I can’t help but ask myself ‘What Would Jefferson do?’ So, what do you think? At what point do taxes become oppressive and are we currently there?
  2. 300 yards is the threshold for a “good game” for a QB these days and we talk about it as if it’s an elite statistic. What an awful 20 years it’s been.
  3. Even I have. Yes, yes I have. I remember when I was a younger lad, I just turned 19, and Baghdad had just fallen by the time I got there with 3/2 ACR. My platoon was tasked with guarding the central bank district in Baghdad. This was right after the fall. My platoon befriended the local imam who’s mosque resides in the area we guarded. He had three kids. He and his 3 kids were Haj, but we befriended them. As soon as we were reassigned that family was killed. Haj hates everything, even Haj. It is a fact. Their religion has no place amongst civilized people.
  4. ...that’s more or less my point. But, I’ll argue that once upon a time slavery was the benevolent option. Option b was death.
  5. Dude, I’m not gonna argue with you on that. I’m saying that the HoF says their vote is solely based on football. TO is literally one of the top receivers of all time.
  6. Good for him. He was a clear first ballot kinda player and they insulted him. He shouldn’t gravel at their feet with appreciation now.
  7. The f’ing Muslim Barbary pirates...that’s what you swung with? But yes, Muslims LOVE slaves. Still do. Horrible religion. Horrible culture. Horrible people.
  8. Until after the Antonine's I'm a huge believer it was a settled dispute. It's my belief that the Romans stopped where they stopped because they were big into believing in long and dug in defenses for the frontiers and how would you take the Parthian/Sassanid empire and hold it? I mean seriously, the Danube and Rhine legions had some forts and such that back in their day were kinda like the ancient worlds equivalent to the Maginot Line, only the Romans would actually fight the invaders unlike the cowards of the Maginot. And my god -- the Mongol's and the Huns.... Stirrups....had they figured out stirrups by then I wonder how that would have gone? But, by the time the Hun's showed up the Legions truly weren't what they used to be. I argue one reason is that they were more diverse. The Germanization of the legions was bad. Or, the way the Romans handled the Germanization of the legions was bad. The truth is it was a bit of both. I wonder what would have happened if the Goths could have been settled like business as usual. But anyways, when it comes to the Persians and Arabs now, I helped end that debate. Granted I had way more toys than Haj, such as NVG's, and infrared lasers attached to my M-4, it was our cultures economic success that outfitted me so well while I skull dragged Haj for 30 magical (non consecutive) months. Our culture is better/superior to all others and we do not need to dilute it more than Chuck Schumer already is. Another thing on the Romans -- their slavery was awesome. For the time it was extremely humane and how they would do it is they would destroy their slaves culture by splitting them up and sending them into the Roman interior. These slaves, many that would die free (depending on the era) were typically treated well, and their children would often be free and eligible for service in the legions (depending on the time period) and then Rome would have increased their population, and rid themselves of a culture that was in opposition to theirs. Brilliant method. Completely humane for the time period. Oh, and the slaves were mostly white. I figured I'd add that last part for liberals -- maybe itll make their heads explode...white slaves, can you believe it?!
  9. Basically it means that I view antiquity as a clash of cultures in the Mediterranean world. The culture of the West proved supreme. Western culture/civilization is superior to all others. I firmly believe that. Now, that doesn't mean that other cultures aren't civilized in their own way -- I think certain aspects of Japan's culture are just stupid but I don't recognize them as not being civilized. But bar none, the culture of western civilization is superior to all others and a debate on the matter is laughable. During antiquity there was a clash of cultures in the Mediterranean world. One dominated and reigned supreme. Even after the fall of the Western Roman Empire, the culture that was establish was supreme. There's a reason America and Europe aren't third world shitholes -- it's our culture. However, liberalism is doing a fantastic job of eroding that culture.
  10. I am a cultural supremacist. I am that. But race isn’t something I care about.
  11. Dude, I don’t have time to disprove all your “points” but it’s as if you’re acquainted with names and you don’t know how they fit together. I’m also not a guy who will argue to win an Internet argument. I just have too many adult things to do.
  12. ....my undergrad is in European history. You dont know know what you’re talking about.
  13. European colonialism guaranteed the spreading of European culture. Europe did far more to civilize the world than it did damage. As far as your comment on race, aka ‘skin color,’ you’re both wrong and correct. Yes, youre correct, but you’re wrong if you think this impacted Europe. Argue against that — g’head. Also, cultural diversity is an awful thing. Awful. It always has been, and always will be. White Europeans had a hard time not fighting after immigrating here and it’s only because they’re white Christian children considered themselves “American” more than they did “Italian Catholic” or “German Protestant.” Diversity doesn’t work. It’s a lie that history has proven to be a lie. Diversity is culture, not skin color.
  14. Diversity is bad and always has been. I don’t mean in terms of a color spectrum, I mean in terms of culture. Mixing cultures is bad. It doesn’t work. The death in the first half of the 20th century proves my point. I rest my case there. And these new migrants to Europe aren’t even human. They’ll drag Europe down to the depths they just escaped from because that’s what Haj does. Haj asks for asylum....then Haj notices Haj makes up about 5% of the population. Haj then begins raping and terrorizing in the same way my Australian Shepherd herds — it’s just in their blood. That’s why there’s a huge blowback. Nobody likes Haj, even Haj which is why when Haj isn’t trying to kill the infidel Haj is killing Haj, to include Haj children. I’ve seen a lot of dead Haj children because Haj does things like ‘blowing up schools / hospitals’ because they practice a religion created by a pedophile, barbarian warlord. Diversity is bad. Especially when diversity means Haj.
  15. Tre is great. But if Tre turns into Regis and Allen turns into Kyler Boller, and Mahomes turns into Favre we lost that trade.
  16. Thank you. Some people want a link, even for a personal opinion for some reason.
  17. Yeah, or Italians. Either way, I'd like to give it to the Armenians with the option for them to genocide the Turks. They deserve that option.
  18. Yeah, "if." Mahomes was the better prospect -- let's see who's the better pro.
  19. It's 100% to do with immigration. Diversity is NOT great. In fact, it's awful. Nobody truly likes diversity, it's all a lie the left has established. This is the natural clap back that has resulted.
  20. Very ballsy of him. His heads in the right place. If Mahomes is better than Allen then that’s on McDermott.
  21. ...If I could start one war that would be it. I would drive the muslims out of Europe like Ferdinand and Isabella, then I would hand that sacred land back over to the Armenians -- the people who deserve it.
  22. Istanbul is its Muslim name and I’ll never call that city by that name. 1453 and I still ain’t over it. Maybe we’ll get a war with Turkey one of these days and we can right old wrongs. God I hate Turks.
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