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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. ....you could cripple a cash crop of the cartels economy by legalizing weed here in the States. Then you could put an additional tax on the weed that are the cool kids are smokin that goes directly to the national debt. Then I totally high-five a bald eagle. American as ****! See! And you argue the leaf dulls the senses? C’mon, Tom, I’m all over this.
  2. ...Roman slavery was in its latter day pretty humane. Also, I was just illustrating a point that what the heart wants isn’t always what best for the body. There’s validity to points, which if you will remember I’m not expressly advocating for. I’m just saying that if this country was more Machiavellian it wouldn’t find itself in the same messes it continually does.
  3. K, so here’s the thing — Machiavelli wasn’t wrong. There’s an argument to be made for mass killings which Machiavelli made. During Machiavelli’s day things were different. It was better for a ruler to kill the children’s of his enemies when assuming power to avert a costly future war. It was good business then no matter how ugly it was. So, what’s better for our nation...humanely and continually dealing with invaders at great effort and expense of our government, or treating them so inhumanely for a short period that a lasting consequence is that the invaders become too shell shocked to try it again? What’s the better option for America in the long run? Again, I’m not advocating for this, but let’s not be pussies and pretend it isn’t a legitimate question to ponder. Now think of this — let’s say the Border Patrol gets shoot on sight orders....I promise after one month they’ll stop trying to cross the border the way I promise you won’t touch a red stove eye twice. And the cost savings for the country that this would create....... Because I’ll say this — it would have been better for Rome and humanity to set up a trap and kill every Goth man, woman, and child that was force migrated into the Empire due to the Huns. Sadly the Romans didn’t commit this act of genocide. They should have.
  4. Tom, seriously just try pot. You’ll thank me. You might even find some relaxation. But, too much pot is bad. I don’t walk through my life high. But in the evening when they hay is in the barn it’s go time!
  5. I don’t see it that way. The left is excellent at controlling the narrative which is an attempt to control how people think.
  6. The Lefts logic is as follows: Question 1: Is it white? If no: If it is not white it is to be cherished, respected, and made amends for as necessary. If yes: If it is white it is to be demonized and Jesus too because he’s a white god.
  7. Ok, party time, excellent! Let’s get this thing goin — down to business. Tomorrow’s the big day, #45 is gonna sit down with Kimmy (it’s still on, right?) so what I want to know from you is how’s it gonna go? Is it gonna be a talk that sets up more talks? A diplomatic breakthrough? Or, a preamble to a showdown? What do ya think?
  8. .....that’s nonsense but I hope it’s true. I want Constantinople back.
  9. I was/am in favor of gay marriage. I used to consider myself an ally of the gays. Talk about spoiled/obnoxious pussies. Look, gays, you make up 3% of the population. You’re literally insignificant because of that. The other nonsense in what follows the ‘g’ gets more ridiculous by the day to the point I’ve seen numbers in the ever-growing “LGBTAYBYOB9” nonsense. After gay marriage I thought the fight for justice was done and we could move on to other things like veteran health care, immigration, and jobs. But nooooo — the frontier of liberal politics revolves around forcing people to make cakes, prostitutes, gun control dictated by 17 year olds, and demanding that transvestites be allowed to poop next to children whenever and wherever they want. And liberals blame Russia for Trumps presidency when they really need to thank themselves. They brought their worst nightmare on because they’re united in their stupidity.
  10. “Where there is a will, there is a way!” -Myanmar
  11. Ironically it could be argued that it was a Scott Norwood kick.
  12. Not on the US payroll. On Iran’s. When you fire a soldier they look for soldier work. So, we killed them.
  13. The worst. We immediately turned the Iraqi army into mercenaries. Easily added a decade.
  14. I think it was after the Milvian Bridge battle but I’m not sure and I’m not googling and if actually doesn’t matter. Constantine has power and the Rhine legions we’re reaping from constant Germanic raids in Gaul (France). Constantine needed to raise money for the defenses. The Empire was still suffering from the strains of debasement and inflation caused by Diocletian in his attempt to salvage the economic woes of the west. Constantine HAD to have money to refortify the frontier but nobody had more money to give. What he do? He cut taxes by 75%! See, the large estate owners constantly ducked their taxes by bribing officials for deferment. Only the poor were paying taxes. They did this because often when the throne was usurped the usurping General/emperor would forgive outstanding tax debts to garner good will and support. So the wealthy never paid their taxes because a debt forgiveness happened every 5-10 years. Constantine cut everybody’s taxes but collected from everybody and soon the treasury was flush. Can we use something from Constantines playbook today? I say yes. History is always a pretty stellar blueprint though it’s not always apples to apples.
  15. We HAVE to pay taxes. I’m no dolt. My issue is I think when you calculate all of what you pay in taxes that it’s oppression when it crosses the 25% threshold. 80% of what I do as a business owner is pay taxes. Ok that’s hyperbole but still.
  16. So I got to Baghdad the first time (forgive my memory, it’s been a while) in May 2003 I think. That was actually the “good times.” Haj liked is then. For a couple months. Then it descended into **** around the time Paul ‘dipshit’ Brimmer fired the Iraqi army because they were Bathists. He fired all the Bathists. What an idiot. Then it went to ****.
  17. I must tell the Constantine tax story somewhere in this thread. This is just a reminder to myself to do so. Smart guy, Constantine.
  18. I can’t tell if you’re joking. But I hope you are.
  19. This is true. To an extent. But I’ll tell anybody who will listen this, the small business owner such as myself is paying an unfair burden. Lost in the clash of plebs and patricians was the economic woes of the equites. I’m an equite, and it’s painful.
  20. Mom paying more than 25%. To me, I believe 25% is the cap anybody should be taxed ever. Also, while I have libertarian leanings I am not one because I disagree with a truly free market. I do believe in some oversight. We have to. Crisises have risen from lack of oversight. I like the libertarians, but I’m not one.
  21. Well !@#$ it then. Let’s jack up my tax rate to 90% since I drive on the roads. Yes, let’s! Clearly you’re better suited than I am to spend my money.
  22. I used mine at night school while I mastered my trade.
  23. My domestic policy is mostly libertarian. However, my foreign policy is anything but that.
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