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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. Lots of people have said that. I’m not striking on ideology, just common sense. And considering the food shortages in Germany during WWI, of course Hitler would know that universal lesson.
  2. Im not in love with the military industrial complex but we need F35s and subs and so I don’t rail against it. Necessary evils.
  3. A nation that cant feed itself can’t win a war.
  4. I nominate the IRS for elimination. And I’d advocate for killing the EBT programs but for the impact it’d cause to our agriculture.
  5. If socialists ever rise to power I will participate in and advocate for nothing less than violence. Socialism is an affront to the American way of life and must be violently stomped out in the exact same manner that fascism must be.
  6. Lol, yeah I got the $15k. Tax free.
  7. ...Kuwait, 2005, before going to Iraq on my second deployment I reenlisted. The deal I got: 6-years reenlisment, $15k tax free. So I called Branch and told them I’d take it if they put me on orders to Wainwright. They said yes, I did the deal. The deal I could have gotten had I waited 2 days: 4-years, $20k, plus duty station of choice. 8 months later: I was informed the 101st had locked me into the next deployment cycle and so my Wainwright orders were deleted. I have seen some ****, man. Some real ****.
  8. We need to stop being mad at people who are negative about our team. If you disagree with me, fine. The way to handle that is to prove all the negativity wrong by displaying the Bills trophy case.
  9. It’d make no sense for the Bills to trade for a receiver on the back 9 of his career to accompany our rookie QB.
  10. Jameis is one of those guys I root for to get cancer.
  11. So I see the Pentagon has been signed to be the f’ing Baby Sitters Club. Great. That’s what I want my generals doing....babysitting bastard kids from Honduras. Great. Swell.
  12. First deployment was like invasion all the way to "OIF 2". I was out of Fort Polk, while 2nd ACR was still there from April 03 - July 04. That one was a real mother !@#$er. Good times, but that is too long to leave a unit out there like that IMO. When we got back 2nd ACR was disbanding and going to Ft. Lewis to become a Stryker brigade and I like a couple thousand others went to Ft. Campbell. At Campbell I was in 3rd Brigade, and our RSTA stood up as 1/33 Cav. I deployed with those wonderful jackwagons back to Iraq from 05-06. I ETS'd in '12, and never was deployed after 06. Probably because I went to USAREC. I thought that was a brilliant idea at the time but it is the most toxic, soul-sucking environment in which one can be. I'm talking the thing is run by guys who haven't qualified with a weapon in over a decade who want to tut-tut around as if they're Patton. Ridiculous ass-clownery there.
  13. I actually got out of the Army as a recruiter. Recruiting rules change daily -- literally daily. The best I remember was this: Navy- You get a "field." So if you get into the medical field the Navy will decide after your basic if you're going to be a Devil Doc, or work in a pharmacy, ER, medical logistics, and so on. So you get to pick your "field" but it doesn't guarantee you anything. They do have SEAL contracts. Army- Already explained it Marines- If I remember correctly they don't pick. They do basic and then infantry school and then the Marines dictate their MOS. Air Force- You should feel lucky to be joining and that's how they treat you. I just laugh about my "Delta Force" story now. I did NOT know better. I was 17.
  14. It has been since I joined in 2002. The way they do it is your ASVAB scores qualify you and then they present you with the jobs they're hiring for and you pick. I was going in as infantry. But apparently they needed Cav Scouts the day I showed up so they showed me a Cav Scout video with dirt bikes and dune buggies (I aint never once rode a dune buggy or dirt bike though) and the video ended with "19 Delta" and I asked the man if that was "Delta Force" (it is NOT Delta Force) and the man at the MEPS smiled and nodded north-south and I signed my forms and told mom that army selected me to their most badass unit, lol. I was 17.
  15. Oh no, I have no issue with other branches. I love the Marines and think all branches should emphasize you're a rifleman first. It's "POGs" (people other than grunts) I'm not big on. There's a lot of reasons for that. If you were never in you wouldn't understand. But here's a bite sized reason...when I was a young private I kicked in more doors across Iraq than can be counted. I played point man for my squad the entire 16 month deployment. I made the same amount of money as one of our mechanics who was the same rank as me because he got 'combat pay' too even though his life was never in danger. People who pick jobs that take them out of the fight are people who don't want to fight, and I've no respect for service members who don't want to fight. Now, there's also exceptions. I think our commo guy my first deployment was just as combat hardened as the rest of us because our commander really enjoyed being shot at and our commo guy was his driver...so you cant judge all POGs the same, but they didn't join to throw down and I'm always aware of that. The Air Force is an entire branch of dudes not wanting to throw down. But should we get into another real armed conflict I'm sure the Air Force will perform to standard.
  16. Ok....but just so we’re clear I’m pretty sure given a squad size element I could bring the Air Force to surrender. Maybe a platoon sized element....but I think I could do it with a squad.
  17. Look, all I’m saying is that I got 30 months in Iraq and the Air Force contribution to Iraq and Afghanistan was/is very minor especially when compared to the other branches.
  18. ...I live in Georgia. So basically everybody I know and talk to on a daily basis.
  19. Obviously, huh? ? Yes, again. Aside from a very small portion the Air Force has been pretty useless since 2001. And without the Air Force the navy pilots would be able to pick up the slack. As a cavalaryman I’ve no love for non combatants.
  20. I don’t know one person who thought Trump could get Mexico to pay for it. At the time I just guessed Trump wasn’t saying things that he figured didn’t matter because Donald Trump was/is never gonna be president. Except of course he became president.
  21. If you’re asking if I’m for technology and secretly weaponizong in space then the answer is yes. If you’re asking me if we need another branch to do that the answer is no. Give those projects to the Air Force. Make the Air Force useful again.
  22. Because Marines have barebones M4’s. Because the Navy’s commitments in the Pacific are expensive. Because Mars isn’t amassing an invasion force. Now, I’m all about space weapons to use to kill Chinese and Russian scum, but a space force is a farce of an idea. Let’s focus on killing what we need to kill.
  23. Trump is an idiot in terms of military understanding. Here’s to hoping Mattis bitchslaps him.
  24. Yeah...I’m high. Yup. ? In this case....I got nothin. So, anyways, sometimes when you’re high you....ya know....as one does. Well, yes. That’s it. As one does.
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