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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. The very thought of a trans-loving, liberal, in skinny jeans giving gun owners a run for their money is hilarious and absurd.
  2. What is North Korea doing? Classic stall tactic?
  3. The only way a man can by into liberal bull **** is if he believes Bernie Sanders’ BS that the American Dream is dead. It’s not dead, but it like always is free or guaranteed. You have to work for it. And you have to produce.
  4. https://www.yahoo.com/news/north-carolina-man-74-admits-160650240.html I’d say he’d know his wife’s wishes best.
  5. They say the American Dream is dead. I say I’m living it. They say communism will make this all better. I’m doin alright though. And so is everybody I know who went to school, or learned a trade, and didn’t do meth. They tell me it’s all my white privilege. They tell me that my results are proof of the racism that I’m a systemic result of. They do this because they’re commies. The thing thats so frustrating to me is communism communism is proven not to work. China’s economy is NOT anything close to what Marx said was gonna go down so that cannot be used as a success. And these commies...they’re all the same. They all really hate America. They do. They all hate America because Indians, slavery, racism, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, sexism, and it’s values. They wear American flag pins, but they hate America. They support what they want America to be which is a country with no borders, increased welfare programs, and a neutered military. So, all that said, I must ask...when is violence acceptable in politics because....
  6. Josh Allen was largely identified by the draft gurus as the guy with the biggest bust potential. There were a solid 3-4 draft experts in his corner, but let’s not pretend that he was highly thought of. He was NOT talked about as being safe. Allen was not a safe pick. He has potential and could be great, but he was largely considered to be the worst of the big-4 coming out. To spin it any other way only a couple of months later is ridiculous.
  7. The revisionist history around here. Talk yourself into whatever you wanna talk yourself into man.
  8. I quit listening. The new app is not to my liking.
  9. Thats it, Shaw! I’m a combat veteran, and a student of history. I study military history, especially Roman, and it gives me the same thrill as football kinda. It’s all about teamwork and execution. The average Roman was 5’5”, and didn’t weigh much. The Gauls were bigger and their size scared the Romans....but it didn’t matter because of their training, and execution...or, ‘their process.’
  10. Thats exactly how I feel when some unaccomplished liberal politician promises a crowd of do-nothing’s that I will be properly audited and my wealth properly redistributed. The frustrating thing to me about liberalism is we know better. History shows it’s failures. To anybody who cares I’m an agnostic conservative....have all the abortions you like, I’m all for keeping it legal. History tells us it’s a good thing. Leave it be. Don’t risk elections on a “dead issue” (horrible pun intended).
  11. If you’re ever board, watch this, hands down the greatest general of all time. He had some cool one liners too! “Veni. Vidi. Vici.”
  12. Doc coulda rocked that line. However, it was said by a much more famous person after he and one legion crossed the Rubicon.
  13. Can we just let them play and then make determinations? So what if Josh Allen is a leader of men if he’s also the leader of interceptions. So what if Josh Rosen is a douchebag if he wins. The die is cast.
  14. Trump has been giving people ammo for years. Ya know, he is probably the worst orator of a president as we’ve ever had...and “fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice...CANT GET FOOLED AGAIN!”
  15. Trump was winning the republican primaries when it happened.
  16. During the campaign Obama responded to Trump saying that 44 will be remembered as one of the worst presidents. Obama quipped, “but, I will be remembered as a president!” It was a zinger at the time, but man did that boomerang.
  17. If you’re trying to make the argument that agriculture needs to not be in the hands of huge conglomerates I’m not gonna argue with you. Every state needs to be able to feed itself in my opinion, and that means family run farms. I’d like to take steps to move in that direction. The Romans frequently were subject to grain shortages when **** hit the fan in Sicily or Africa because Italy couldn’t feed Rome. But hey, they had olives and wine. I advocate for victory gardens and backyard chickens for every house.
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